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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. wow, right in corner's hands - that's why he plays defense I guess
  2. forgot that about Cutler. things to watch: Fitz - is he the answer at #2 or do we go Griese Omon - is he actually good now? O-Line - duh. Ellison vs. Nic Harris that's pretty much all I've got
  3. ok, yeah you've got the resistance too low. for 30 minutes at a 2 minute 500m split time (which is a rigorous pace) you would be getting more like 7500 meters in that time. I think your current split is like a 2:40 which would be really easy. That should make a huge difference.
  4. what do you have the resistance on? what 500 meter split time are you keeping it at? It sounds like you must have the resistance on really low. It should be no lower than 6 or 7 out of 10. Make sure to push with your legs first, but really because your legs are going to be stronger than your forearms and shoulders you won't feel it as much as you will in your upper body, but they should be working. between 20 and 30 s/m sounds right for that length of time. over 30 is more of a sprinting or racing pace and normally isn't sustained for that length of time. as for split time, keeping under 1:50 for 30 minutes would be very difficult. I'd aim for somewhere around 2 minutes. the best workouts though mix it up between high and low intensity (like a minute rowing really hard, a minute rowing for recovery).
  5. the banana growers, and Chiquita specifically (AKA the United Fruit Company) have a sordid history in central america over the past 60 years, including pressuring the CIA to help overthrow the democratically elected government of Guatemala and installing a more friendly to Chiquita military dictatorship to protect its land interests.
  6. he's right. Concept 2 or its probably garbage. the erg is nothing like running, it's way harder if you're doing it right. Spent so much time on those machines in high school I literally wouldn't get on one for a couple years after. That said, it's a great all around workout. Brutal machine.
  7. Washington Post said he looked great. Not that it helped them stop the other team at all.
  8. because Brady hasn't played in almost a whole calendar year?
  9. is there a proven correlation between high paid coaches and winning in the NFL? This shouldn't count coaches that become high paying after re-signing with the team that originally hired them, but only high paid hires to a new team. I'd just like some examples since it's basically assumed as fact on this board by many
  10. sounds like a headline avoiding answer to me.
  11. I agree. If they really think Fitz isn't up to it, Griese seems like an ideal option. Not sure why they didn't play Fitz more in the game on sunday. I don't recall him throwing it much at all while he was in there. Hopefully he gets a good bulk of time this saturday so we, as fans at least, can see what we've got.
  12. not sure how one could rationally say that Edwards played poorly. sure he threw a pick when got a lineman shoved into him as he released the ball. I think he completed all his other attempted passes.
  13. isn't he just a right tackle? we have plenty of those.
  14. AA dramatically improved the lives of several members of my family over the course of 30 years. I'm personally not into the religious aspect of it, and I'm not sure they were either, but I'll always be appreciative for the work AA does. Gordio, I know that when I'm watching a Bills game at a bar I'll drink nervously and before I know it I've had way more than I had planned, though nothing like 12 to 15 beers. I don't know if that is any part of your issue, but perhaps even just alternating beer and water or some other nonalcoholic beverage when watching a game. could make a huge difference in the number you're drinking. Or maybe try loading the fridge with ales or something really heavy where it would be tough to drink more than 5. I guess it may be the difference if you're drinking to drink something, or drinking to try and get drunk. If its the former this might help, if its the latter I doubt it will.
  15. did 3 players quit last year prior to their success? they have yet to prove anything this year
  16. I didn't have a problem with it but I thought it wasn't a smart thing to break out in the pre-season. Try it in the regular season now and the return unit will just play contain on both edges. I guess Fisher wanted to entertain the fans. kind of charitable i guess.
  17. 11 to 13 is pretty young to drop the hammer on him. And cops aren't going to anything with a kid that young who stole some candy. But, I wouldn't have let him keep the stuff he stole. I wouldn't let it weigh on you.
  18. San Jose sucks. I'd take Buffalo over it in a heart beat. However if we're talking 30 minutes north, west or south.... that may be a different story. I'm glad Grier is back. I really felt we missed him the last couple years.
  19. even if its turf toe its still barely even mid august. better now than a month from now.
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