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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. its within the article i linked - bottom paragraph
  2. the article is on the main page but - http://espn.go.com/blog/afceast/post/_/id/...-dominic-rhodes wonder what might be going on? Kelsay?
  3. the original poster is right. Favre said the same thing last year - a good offense only needs to run 5 or 6 plays flawlessly to be highly effective. The key is perfect execution and calling the right one at the right time.
  4. at least for the practice squad? I was impressed by his performance in the preseason for the Skins - he also has great mobility which we seem to covet. Certainly I'd rather have him than Matt Baker
  5. um Sherman stinks. he's out of the NFL last I heard. and I think the "shortly" of the subject line is the issue.
  6. in the press conference he said just the opposite
  7. you could just as easily say this: Turk's retention as offensive coordinator puts the Bills in position to get off to a slow start, which could lead to Jauron's firing.
  8. in reference to firing coordinators right before the start of the season
  9. as I heard it, the subsequent offensive collapse had a lot to do with Schonert being unable to adjust once the opposing defenses caught on to what we were trying to do. I hope AVP can bring both creativity, and common sense back to our play calling. I still don't understand why Turk demands we put a receiver in motion to just off tackle when we run up the middle. It just brings another defender into the box. good riddance and good luck AVP
  10. he's fallen to 3rd on their depth chart and makes a lot of money. Chris Baker and David Thomas are ahead of him and they brought in Alex Smith from the bucs in the offseason.
  11. Schefter says that Ben Watson might get the axe in New England. I would say he'd be an upgrade.
  12. well i just watched them report it on sportscenter
  13. it seems like a lot of people get upset with the Bills no matter what they do.
  14. with something like this they're pretty accurate
  15. glad they make the move now rather than 6 weeks from now. It's always a worse mistake to do nothing when you know the result of doing nothing will be failure. But its not like its a new system its just really a new play-caller. Which may be good enough. Turk showed he didn't seem to have much/any common-sense calling plays.
  16. yeah, he did a quick throw cause of the pressure but the TE was neither open nor seemingly aware that the ball might come his way
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