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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. the coaches shouldn't have let him out there last year. A good player is always going to say he can play even if he's hurt.
  2. I don't disagree. However, I think that journalism shouldn't be playing by the same rules as the entertainment industry. Watching ESPN you get the feeling that the line between entertainment and journalism or even just sport itself has disappeared. They present sports as if it were the WWE.
  3. last year we lost cause our offense couldn't score in either game. And in one of them McGee tried to play with one leg and the coaching staff let him. The Wildcat had very little to do with it. One concern that I have with Henne now at the helm is deep passes. Wasn't really a concern with Pennington. However his inexperience should outweigh anything he has in arm strength. the real issue is whether our offense will rebound or not
  4. what's depressing is that this garbage article will actually help TG's career, while his better work won't. He's getting a million page hits for this kind of "woe is me and the press"/TMZ/"not fit for toilet paper" detritus. It really just slams home the truth that there are too many perverse incentives in "journalism" today to actually see responsible, or even truthful, reporting. In fact such reporting is a rare exception, especially on the bigger platforms with larger audiences.
  5. he was certainly creative. Amazing we got the production we did with a guy like Bledsoe, Losman and a horrific offensive line. Terrible head coach though. Couldn't manage the players or the press (though I think the latter was probably more on Donahoe).
  6. not surprising that the press doesn't like it when a player like TO won't indulge them. Then they hide behind public demand for information. Frankly, I haven't heard a single Bills fan complain about TO not talking to the press after games, only sports journalists. seriously how many other players can turn on ESPN 2 any weekday morning and watch their character be slandered for 5 minutes every hour? Skip Bayless has made a career off of bashing every single thing TO does or doesn't do. the media seems to be wallowing in it's own martyrdom that they're being ignored.
  7. come on now, it's the Raiders and everyone knows it
  8. I've always liked Garcia, but I think he might finally be done.
  9. another glimmer of hope is the fact that we could easily be 2-1 and we get Marshawn back this week. The offense has had 1 bad game and two good ones, preseason doesn't matter at all. I'll freak out about it if they look terrible again this week. Then it's a trend.
  10. this upcoming game REALLY matters. Too many people here jump the gun with the panic. Panic if our offense looks the same against the Fish and we've failed to adjust. Really our O has had one bad performance out of 3 and we should be 2-1. Unfortunately our recent track record against the Fish is real ugly on offense. AVP needs to adjust like Turk failed to do last year once teams caught on. Otherwise we're going to be scraping for wins with defense and special teams like we have the past 2 years and people will have good reason to freak out.
  11. wow, Tony Parrish! he was one of the best safeties in the game 6 years ago. Also Josh Scobee, Tim Rattay, Sape!, Teddy Lehman, mega bust Wendell Bryant, Az-Zahir Hakim
  12. i could hear it from my section in the 100s when it got quiet. I think they leave a mic open somewhere in the stadium when the other team has the ball. I've heard it before too.
  13. I saw at least two plays where he should have tried to go deep but instead threw it to a wide open Jackson in the flat (one of those was the play he threw it too high). There were other occassions that were ripe for play action deep passes and we just ran it into the teeth of the defense anyway. One thing about the receivers I noticed though was that they were very bad at recognizing when the play was breaking down and trying to come back to the qb. A lot of offenses make a lot of yards this way.
  14. the usher did it in our section too, 110. but the one time he did was when we had the ball. Personally I don't see too much point to standing when we're on offense. Though I guess in hindsight maybe they could have used the extra encouragement.
  15. he played well today. almost blocked a punt too.
  16. TO just blew up at Rodney Harrison on Twitter "I could less about Rodney Harrison! Anybody tht using steroids, yes STEROIDS rodney, is a cheater & cheated the game!" "Is tht Y u used steroids b/c u were worried about ur stats or ws it b/c u were losing it? Lol! U're a loser & a cheater? Got any steroid ..." "Hey rodney! Send me sum steroids 2 the Bills facility next week!"
  17. yeah, this is a concern. It's turning into a Good Trent/Bad Trent situation. Good Trent looks like a potential pro bowler, Bad Trent looks like an old Kelly Holcomb. to give him some credit, he did try to go deep twice but missed. Better than not trying at all I guess...
  18. we'll have to see how the offense adjusts going forward. Turk was never able to adjust once defenses figured him out. Hopefully AVP will be different. Also need to stop shooting selves in foot with penalties - killing our down and distance. next week though we get Beastmode back at least. Could have used him today.
  19. his ST's mistakes are killing us. The touchdown was great but the repeated penalties and turnovers are putting us behind the 8 ball week after week. The duff kick after the touchdown was a terrible call, imo, and we were lucky we didn't pay for it by giving their offense a short field. the mistakes week after week really aren't acceptable. Putting him in charge is not something I'm in favor of at all.
  20. amazingly it's far better than it was even just 5 or 6 years back. I literally could not find a Bills hat that I would willingly wear in public.
  21. not a Van Miller or Rick Jeannerette fan?
  22. the thing is he's not supposed to be an objective observer. That's what the national guys are for. By his own job description he's "the Voice of the Bills."
  23. He seems incapable of getting excited about the game. When he tries to sound excited it sounds forced and fake. It's hard to even understand how that could be possible in a guy that is supposedly a sports fan. I've always assumed its because he's terrified of getting the call wrong so he feels like he can't just react. But really it's much better to just say "Edwards going deep....TOUCHDOWN!" and then figure out who scored a second later.
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