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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. Winfield - should have kept him Clements - no way, got the biggest contract in league history for a defender and may only now be even approaching living up to it Spikes - achilles - 2 to 3 year recovery, forget it Fletcher - wish we kept him Pat Williams - not keeping him seemed to have nothing to do with money and more with Donahoe and Greggo's hubris, his contract was going to be affordable. Peters - forget it Leonhart - would still be mediocre in our system Crowell? - he seems destined to be riding out his career on various rosters IRs
  2. I'm not sure what you're even responding to in my post. So the fact that NE didn't get favorable calls in the Super Bowl against a team from NYC is proof that the league doesn't favor the Pats? Also nothing in my post says that other teams don't also get favorable treatment. The Steelers are certainly one of them. In fact most big markets with wealthy ownership get a lot of breaks.
  3. interim coaches are basically a waste of time, imo. If we had a Mike Singletary on staff it would be different, but we don't. If we had to have one I guess I'd go with April just for the entertainment value.
  4. i don't think our players are the type that quit. But those words are challenging them and maybe Brandon/Ralph. They need it from the players. Our players have been too docile in the face of failure. We need fire in the belly and it has to start from somewhere.
  5. I think this was our first bad defensive game plan of the year. Losing both Whitner and Scott was clearly devastating on the run D, but you knew that going in and didn't adjust adequately. It was our 2nd bad offensive gameplan in a row and there is little sign of improvement. Both tackles being out kills, but again, there were no effective adjustments made. I think our defensive style is fine if we have an offense... right now we clearly don't as for Special Team's: I'm fed up with April. We are the most penalized special teams unit in the league - that kills our field position. Also two ST's turnovers in 2 close losses (Saints game was close till the 4th quarter) are devastating and statistically the worst thing that can happen to your prospects of winning the game.
  6. I don't think there needs to be a conspiracy for the league to favor the Pats. There isn't a conspiracy required in the NBA to favor star players but there are clear economic incentives to do so. It's also no secret that Kraft is one of the preferred owners in the league. Also now even ESPN and CBS have direct financial interests tied in with the success of the Patriots and they themselves have enormous contracts with the NFL.
  7. nah. I think our players, for the most part, are good enough to win. I don't think they're being put in a position to win. You don't get blown out by the Dolphins and Chad Henne without some real bad game planning. Obviously our injuries at tackle and safety really hurt us, but the failure to effectively compensate for our known weaknesses isn't acceptable.
  8. I can think of at least twice more - an INT against the Saints and an INT against the Phins
  9. well I hope Bell comes back soon. Two receivers and a running back are not going to be able to do much when 6 or 7 players are in coverage.
  10. I don't know. CB's are jumping our routes. While I think Trent's got troubles I think we have a fundamental design problem with our passing game. Why don't we run the routes so many other teams seem to run? Why don't we take advantage of the middle of the field with Reed more, why only on 3rd down? Why don't we do the come back routes that gouge us week in and week out? Why is Davone Bess more effective than Lee Evans? It's sure not physical talent.
  11. the penalties in the Bills games have been pretty reflective of all the NFL games I've watched so far. Lots of questionable 15 yard personal foul penalties and basically a penalty on every kickoff or punt.
  12. we already have a better version of Quinn in Trent Edwards
  13. adjustments are what seperates winning from losing in this league. We were running the ball with success but repeatedly got derailed by penalties and found ourselves in terrible down and distance. So it's a combination of things that wrecked our chances on offense. WAY too much shotgun, especially when in the 2nd half Hangartner couldn't snap it right
  14. deep breaths second, the players should stand up for TO. It doesn't matter too much what the fans say.
  15. I'm pretty sure the league is concerned about team's abusing such a system - hiding players on it so you could have more people at your lone disposal
  16. i like an aggressive 3-4 but really defense is not the problem
  17. well even assuming its an 8 week injury, that means you're playing half the season a man short. Also just cause he's healthy enough to play at that point doesn't mean he'd be as effective as he normally is.
  18. the broadcasters said that McGee shadowed Moss all game. Not that they're that reliable. the thing with McKelvin is that this is a lost year of development. By next year he could have been lock down corner. Now that's another year off.
  19. Lankster's on the 53, just hasn't been active. That looks to change. I liked what I saw of him returning kicks in the preseason. I don't like Roscoe as a KR at all though the way ST's have been going it doesn't matter since we're penalized on almost every punt and kickoff.
  20. good thing we brought in Florence and still have Youboty
  21. Losman might have the more suited mentality and arm strength, but those alone won't cut it. Until he proves otherwise, he can't run an NFL offense because he can't read defenses quick enough and can't hit his outlets.
  22. that 2nd game was possibly the least entertaining game I recall ever seeing.
  23. There aren't many athletes in sports that get their character slandered every single morning on national television (see Skip Bayless on First Take every day). In fact, I can't think of any others still playing. I can't blame TO for feeling like a victim. Hating on him seems to be part of ESPN's business plan.
  24. crap. Didn't even know Scott was injured. So Byrd and Wilson. Not ideal.
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