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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. is there anyone available that can play LT? Scott is fine on the right. Chambers sucks.
  2. Ellison is not the problem. IMO this was the first bad week by the D. I don't think it was a coincidence that it was a week where we went without our starting safeties. They had been huge in the running game the previous 3 weeks and actually their exit to injury in the Saints game was when the defense starting getting gashed.
  3. I think the defense has leaders. Last week 2 of them weren't playing - Whitner and Poz. Last week was also their first bad game. We REALLY missed our starting safeties in the running game. I don't the offense has any at all. Edwards and Evans seem more or less passionless. TO basically can't do anything without being eviscerated in the press. But I agree, he should start getting fired up. Butler could be a leader but he's on IR. The whole O-line is either rookies or in their first year as starters on the team.
  4. like Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady, John Elway? It just depends on the person.
  5. 02 was bad because of the Mike Williams disaster. Reed and Denney have been pretty good players for us for a long time. '05 was the true horror show.
  6. John Guy - pro scouting. WAY too many misses.
  7. that deal I'd consider. Speaking of Evans, I don't think he's gotten nearly enough of the criticism he's due, imo.
  8. fair enough, but Leinart looks bad without teams gameplanning against him. There's only a few guys on P. Manning level. Don't get me wrong, I'm fed up with the way Edwards is playing, I'm just saying that comparing him to Leinart is a low bar to meet.
  9. I am. Trent has been a starter for 2+ years and has won games. Teams gameplan against him. Leinart has really only done some fill in duty and has only shown to be inaccurate, prone to turnovers, and kind of clueless in the pocket. He's also had a rep for being lazy.
  10. headline: "Limbaugh buying Rams to pursue dream of trading black men" not my joke
  11. my answer is the same as the Brady Quinn answer: We already have a better version in Trent Edwards. And I don't mean that as a great thing.
  12. the Rams should prepare for some "high motor" football.
  13. depends how long Bell is out for. Chambers was terrible and Scott is much better at RT than LT. Any word on when Bell will be back?
  14. It's just not gonna happen. Cowher's not going to want to come north and his price tag will probably be historic. Snyder will pay anything. While I think Cowher would be good for us, the track record historically is just not great for the semi-retired crowd.
  15. of course there's only been 32 teams since 2002...
  16. of course Fine would drop the ball regardless
  17. Favre was really impressive last night. That was probably the best game I've seen him play in 3 years. As for Kelly and the SB era Bills, the Bills defense was not that stacked. We had Bruce and a couple of very good linebackers but it still weaker than any of the defensive sides we faced in the Superbowl. Also our O-line wasn't that great - Kelly took a beating during that era but was really good at getting the pass away before getting creamed. The shots definitely shortened his career.
  18. did any other QBs in NFL history beat all the teams that were in existence at the time they played? There have only been 32 teams since 2002 when the Texans entered the league.
  19. I think it's pretty plainly a two pronged problem: 1 - our schemes are terrible in the passing game. - we don't seem to run basic routes that are other teams bread and butter - we don't make opposing teams pay for taking away our 2 wide-outs in the passing game - Josh Reed or Shawn Nelson should probably be the centerpiece of our offense. If they're going two safeties deep make Reed be the primary read. and kill them with 10-15 yard passes until they change it up and then that will free TO or Evans. 2 - Edwards is too scared to make the passes and force the issue - the checking down itself isn't a problem, good qbs check down all the time, he just checks down too much. - he doesn't have Aaron Rodger's arm. I don't know if Edwards will ever be a "good" starting qb but he may be "good enough." Somebody has to prove that they can do the job better, however I have serious doubts that many qbs would have much success in the passing system we're trying to use.
  20. they should be allowed to do what they want on their day off (as long as they don't hurt themselves). They're people after all.
  21. It's true that the offense really shutdown once Chambers replaced Bell in the Saints game. We had at least moved the ball some before that - though kept shooting ourselves in the foot. Since Chambers has been in there we look almost totally impotent minus some good receiving by Jackson and Lynch.
  22. Agree, our passing game's design seems really screwed up. We don't seem to run the same kind of routes that basically every other team does. Why don't we have come back routes? Why no quick slants? But Schonert's criticism isn't right since his offense looked the same last year. I don't think simplicity is the problem. I think the problem is predictability and a failure to adjust or prepare for what the defense is bringing. This past week our tackles killed us. but that goes to coaching to. They knew our tackle situation was bad, we have to be able to mask it and still be competitive. Other teams do it all the time. Still, Edwards made a bunch of lousy passes. He takes a good share of the blame as well.
  23. you're funny. It's all either black or white with you. your logic is basically this: "If the league favors the Pats why don't they let win all the games!?" - I'm not saying the league fixes games. "If the league makes more money with a successful Pats franchise, why didn't the league go broke without the Pats in the Playoffs!?" - the league is profitable regardless, they make more money when big market franchises with marketable stars are successful also, San Diego is neither a huge market nor does it have strong ownership. Their stadium is a wreck and are yearly rumored to be moving.
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