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Everything posted by Fewell733

  1. just to echo back a little of what you pointed out - the Broncos have no titles since Elway and the Steelers only have won once they had Roethlisberger and the Giants won with a non-bust 1st overall pick quarterback at the helm named Manning.
  2. good management is incredibly important, but the teams that have been dominant over the past 10 years happened to have struck gold at the quarterback position. Was it superior management that found Brady or Manning? Not really. The league has shifted into a pass first league which favors teams with the best quarterbacks. Of course you need competent management to protect the QBs and have a decent enough defense - but never before has the passing game been so rewarded and protected. It makes it increasingly tough for teams without top quarterbacks to even remain competitive even when they are a well managed, hardnosed/ run-first team that play great defense.
  3. who is stopping Fox from saying whatever they want? There is no Constitutional right to be treated as you want to be treated. The reality is they're not run as a news network, and the government isn't compelled by the Constitution to treat them like one.
  4. he's by far the most unfairly maligned Buffalo Bill. And that's really saying something.
  5. wow! especially interesting with 2 of the top qbs next year coming from that Conference in McCoy and Bradford. I have had some serious doubts about them as pro-prospects and that fact sure doesn't help.
  6. why do we keep bashing Hardy? At least wait till he's back on the field for a couple games
  7. the first thing Campbell has to do to reclaim his career is to learn to STOP FUMBLING. The guy fumbles every time he's breathed on.
  8. there is a big disparity, but also the league has placed an emphasis on making the passing game more difficult to defend. As a result the rules make good quarterbacks even better and put more pressure on bad or inexperienced quarterbacks to make plays with their arms to keep their team in the game (leading to more turnovers and often bigger margins of defeat).
  9. apparently the bad teams in the NFL are so bad that Vegas can't set lines they can make money on. Bill Simmons linked to this article on how this week was the worst ever for the betting houses: http://www.lvrj.com/sports/rancid-teams-pr...e-65968977.html "'I can't remember an NFL season with this many bad teams,'' said Las Vegas Hilton sports book director Jay Kornegay, who has been in the business for 22 years. "No doubt, it was the worst day ever for the books. ''We can't attract money on these poor teams. We keep losing on the same teams. They are not even close to covering.'' ''When you give a team 14 points at home or 15 points at a neutral site, you think you're doing the right thing,'' Kornegay said. ''In the past, you would hardly ever see a team getting 14 points at home. But some of these teams are so terrible, you might see it on a weekly basis. It creates a bad situation for the sports books when the bad teams don't cover, because liability adds up real fast. The bookmakers and oddsmakers need to ''aggressively adjust'' the numbers, Kornegay said, so we might soon be seeing 17- or 20-point favorites in the NFL." I think two obvious things have led to this: 1. Rule changes to increase passing offense - favors teams with very good quarterbacks, makes it easier for them to win big since the opponent will then be playing from behind more quickly and will lead to them making more mistakes check out this article on how passing stats this year are out of control: http://www.fannation.com/si_blogs/huddle_u...k-7?eref=fromSI 2. Rookie contracts - it's become far more of a burden than a benefit to having a top 5 draft pick.
  10. I wish that a couple of bad passes or drops were the only the problems we need to worry about
  11. Wilson is fine but I don't see how he's played better than Whitner. In fact I don't think it's close when it comes to run support. Our bad run defense has been pretty much a direct correlation to Whitner being off the field.
  12. those passes were thrown WAY too hard and off target. Those would have been great catches.
  13. agree. we clearly need a new offensive system. We have enough talent to be a lot more productive than we are. I disagree about the Turk comment - this is still his same offense and his offense last year looked the same - even if it had complex plays in it it didn't seem to matter. It's been very bad since Mularkey. We used to have respectable offensive coordinators that we blamed for bad offense but in hindsight Bledsoe was probably the problem then Losman wasn't ready to play and wasn't good regardless. But the Fairchild offense that Turk and then AVP took over has been disastrous from the start.
  14. No way he's kept if there's only 7 wins to show. Ralph does not have endless patience despite what people here say. When has he showed such undying loyalty to a coach? We've had 4 head coaches this decade - he doesn't stick with people through thick or thin, he just gave Jauron one last chance instead of blowing it all up. There is no evidence that he'd give him another chance and little precedence by Ralph to do so.
  15. clearly they think a vet in there will cut down on the overpursuits that led to the huge runs last week.
  16. I still find it hilarious that everyone's favorite head coach - the one we say we should have one just like - was beaten by the man we so loathe. At this rate Ryan will be lucky to last 3 years. Losing and an arrogant loudmouth attitude doesn't mix well in the NFL.
  17. that's just good police work. Make up that there's a lot of evidence or that the others are dime-ing you out and then you make a deal for a lesser charge with a confession. That's how the vast majority of people get in jail - but of course most of them actually are guilty, but certainly not all of them.
  18. I've noticed the same thing. Living in DC I can turn on sports radio and pretend they're talking about the Bills and it's basically the exact same conversation.
  19. Hey Revis, Scoreboard buddy. but yeah our passing offense is clearly horrifically designed and has been since Fairchild was here but talk like that after getting beat is the sign of an insecure loser.
  20. well I'll be happy to eat crow if I'm wrong. But I don't think I am. They know it's marketing suicide to keep him unless the season is totally turned around. They won't play the same hand they played last year - the public is too angry this time. Ralph knows. He gave Jauron another year and Ralph was too embarrassed to even have a halftime ring ceremony. Why do people think Ralph has all kinds of loyalty to coaches? - we've had 4 this decade already.
  21. Think about it - Jauron is going to be fired for certain unless we have a total turn around on the field which ends in at least a winning record and maybe even requiring slipping into the playoffs. There's no way they keep him if our record is mediocre (6 to 8 wins). You get to have it both ways - hope we kick a** on Sundays and if we don't you know your most hated man will be gone without a doubt.
  22. I thought he's played well rushing the passer in the games I've watched. Doesn't fit our defense since he's basically a defensive end, and that's one area we don't have injury problems. strange move by Pats - bet he signs with the Chiefs by tomorrow.
  23. if we had a coach like Rex Ryan we'd never be in this position!! Oh wait, Dick the punching bag's team just beat Ryan's team in Ryan's house and with a back up QB.
  24. then somebody has to get cut or put on IR.
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