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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. Just like 2016, you are setting yourself up for a big disappointment. Neither side should be this confident.
  2. Another reason why widespread voting by mail is just plain stupid. There are simply too many opportunities for abuse on either side. People should vote physically at the polls, on the same day or same couple days and identify themselves in the process. Only true absentee-ism should be an exception and that should be a small slice of voters. This is how you maintain purity and integrity in elections and limit doubt and tangential legal fights after the fact. This is how the will of the people should be measured. This seemed to work well for 200+ years.
  3. I thought I had read that the boyfriend made a statement that he did not hear the police identify themselves and do we know if the boyfriend had a visual ID on the police before shooting? Is it possible that there was some mis-communication here? Police at door say they are police with warrant and enter and Breonna and Boyfriend don't hear that, assume it's an intruder and boyfriend fires? Any way you look at it, it's terrible that this woman lost her life.
  4. Yes, this whole mindset is consistent with their central control approach. Pesky states are just in the way.
  5. I think a renewal is likely.
  6. 3.5 billion Euros? That is A LOT of money. Can't find any news reports that mention those kind of dollars an he donated to Trump's inauguration. Interesting character.
  7. This isn't hard to understand. The rules of engagement for police are established very deliberately giving police permission to stop an adversary in a physical confrontation or upon the presentation of a physical threat to themselves or others. I don't know how anyone can advocate to change that if you think it through. I don't know about you but I've been aware since my teens that if I'm in the presence of a police officer for any reason and were to physically resist or threaten or attack the officer or grab a weapon, I could rightfully end up dead.
  8. That's a fine contribution to this thread right there.
  9. Ah so it's all about protecting our Democracy, got it.
  10. And I'd add that RBG for all her great accomplishments was mighty selfish in dying in office.
  11. The rules for Supreme Court justice confirmations really needs to be cleaned up. By leaving it vague (Senate discretion) , it's become a brutally political process or not simply on timing. That's a heavy lift though, changing the constitution.
  12. Who knew that a bombastic wealthy egotistical private sector blowhard womanizer that is sort of Republican could make so many people so mad.
  13. That is some funny shyt right there.
  14. Fake news. Masks were delivered through a similar effort. HHS has distributed 600 million masks to in need areas of the country and many more to schools last month. "An HHS spokesperson said roughly 600 million of the total 650 million masks have been delivered under Project America Strong as “part of a multi-prong approach to re-opening the American economy while limiting the spread of COVID-19.” A spokesman for the Postal Service did not respond to a message seeking comment. “There was concern from some in the White House Domestic Policy Council and the office of the vice president that households receiving masks might create concern or panic,” one administration official told The Washington Post about the proposal. Instead, the initiative, announced by the Trump administration under the “Project: America Strong,” was a more targeted program to send face masks to critical infrastructure sectors, companies and health care, community and religious organizations. The program is no longer accepting new requests for face masks, according to its website, and instead encourages applicants to purchase face masks elsewhere or make their own. President Donald Trump said on Aug. 12 that the government would also send 120 million face masks to schools ahead of the fall." https://wfin.com/abc-politics/postal-services-plan-to-send-masks-to-americans-allegedly-nixed-by-white-house/
  15. Anything can and will happen in 2020.
  16. Breathtaking partisanship with no consideration of the facts, the very many facts, that support the investigation. And what a roster of absolute buffoons.
  17. This never gets old.
  18. Yes, the city openly admits that crimes such as mentioned won't likely be pursued due to caseloads so they have to prioritize. Thieves take advantage of the rules of course.
  19. On the other side of things are the crimes that are never punished due to law enforcement policies or police/prosecutors doing favors for some. In Chicago you can literally shoplift, break into parked cars, steal cars, steal purses and do other non-violent crimes and the police won't even pursue it even if you're caught on camera.
  20. You're making the case for something I've been saying for decades. Health insurance should not be so tied to employment. In fact it should be illegal for employers to select and provide health insurance for their employees. And no this is not a pitch for Medicare for all or anything similar.
  21. What issue and if we interviewed 100 kneelers around the league separately how consistent would the answers be?
  22. Does anyone know why NFL players are kneeling this year? Do they have a specific point? Do they have an action plan to address their points or are they just kneeling for the cameras for 2 minutes and then going about their football business for the balance of the week?
  23. Is there anyone who is more wrong and more of a blowhard loser than John Kerry? He needs a pie in the face, laugh-in style.
  24. Clever thread title, I'll grant you that.
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