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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. And it's one piece of the lengthy story of Joe and Hunter collaborating in Ukraine. Hunter getting paid and Joe delivering what the company wanted. You'd think that U.S. citizens would be united in wanting to clean this ***** up. Instead, Joe wants the country to support him and elect him to the highest office in the land while he denies the obvious. Not to mention Joe's involvement and denial of 2016 election interference. Joe's become a ***** show. He should never serve in any capacity again.
  2. We are not a recycler but we do feed some end of life equipment into the recycling stream (properly). We do have a variety of ways to destroy data. Software utilities, degauser and a drive crusher. Liability insurance, yes. The good recyclers have a variety of certifications and carry E&O insurance also.
  3. I run a tech business. You'd be shocked at the stuff that gets left here and the sensitivity of data that we handle. How about over 400 servers that came from one of the big stock exchanges all full of drives full of data. We're talking a name you hear every day. Yes, true. That was quite an effort eradicating all of that. How does an org like that let that ***** out of their control not erased?
  4. So where are the Biden supporters on this? Do you have any principles? Will you call out the complicit media that has ignored this story for the last 18 months and particularly now? Are you for a free and FAIR press and are you for integrity among our elected officials? Remember Rod Blagojevich from 10 years ago, gov of IL who tried selling Obama's senate seat? That was one of the rare recent occurrences where the media reported it straight up and even lefty citizens and pols called it for what it is. Shouldn't Joe and Hunter be given the same scrutiny?
  5. Can you define radical right from a policy perspective?
  6. After Biden referred to him as the Mormon Governor when he couldn't remember his name the other day? Nah. https://freebeacon.com/democrats/biden-forgets-mitt-romneys-name/
  7. Judges don't render judgments on things such as this without consulting the text of laws and related case law (if any) not to mention deliberation with other SCOTUS judges if she were one.
  8. If they're talking about 4 strides after the LOS and he's accelerating hard before the LOS then maybe. Maybe close to that. Now if we calculate the guy's mass and speed compared to lighter less north and south backs, the answer for sure will be he's a load.
  9. Good thread and some great points but Henry gets nowhere near 21MPH in 4 strides. Usain Bolt requires about 1.8 seconds from the blocks to the first 10 meters (more than 10 yards) and his velocity at 10 meters is about 7.5M/s or 16+ MPH. Henry is fast but he's not Bolt-in-tights-out-of-the-blocks fast and he's not getting to 10 meters in 4 strides. http://www.eclecticon.info/index_htm_files/Kinematics of Usain Bolt.pdf
  10. How about the parties agree to 9 justices and that the Senate must take up nominations within so many days of the President making such? Fix the constitution on this. Otherwise, the party in power does what they want.
  11. Agree, both parties suck on fiscal responsibility. I don't know which is worse right now. The lefties that are the spenders out in the open or the righties that B word and moan when they aren't in power and then when they are they ignore the matter. Sorry to carry on off topic.
  12. Agree. This is such a big important matter, both parties should invest some quality time in this. The left only knows tax and spend and the right has had 10 years to put together an alternative and pedal it. Both woefully short.
  13. So why would Republicans want to tear down this bill? Could it be because it failed to deliver what it promised (lower insurance costs), cast sweeping mandates to all of the states limiting coverage choices and getting rid of the ACA is the only way to get Dems to engage in something better? It was a terrible bill with the possible exceptions that it expanded Medicaid coverage to many more people and eliminated the pre-existing condition restrictions and I'll throw in 26 year olds on family plans. These would be perceived as positives by many and both parties don't want to eliminate any of them. There is no way, however, if you looked at the details of health insurance and all of its restrictions/regulations currently that you'd conclude that the current system is well crafted. There's no price transparency and prices for services vary wildly based on what type of insurance you have. It hurts small businesses that can't get rates as low as the big business right next door. It ties insurance and choice to employment. It limits who can have an HSA. It tells states what coverages they have to offer including coverages that some people don't want. It doesn't hold the insured accountable at all for maintaining their health better like life insurance often does. It continues to restrict insurance being written state by state with a population that is very migratory. The state exchanges one by one have essentially collapsed once the fed dollars from the early years of the plan dried up. The thing was and is a turd and many of the criticisms of the thing at inception have turned out to be true. Dems of course now want to scrap it in favor of national one size fits all and expect we the people to believe that if this is be done, it would be run anywhere near well, within budget and to the satisfaction of the population. Laughable. Republicans on the other hand want to torpedo the thing without a solid replacement plan but again legislatively they probably see repeal as a necessary first step. Both parties, the politicians themselves, have no business crafting whatever is next. Hire experts.
  14. Yeah but you have to admire her devotion to her own bull####. And we wonder why we can't get well crafted solutions to real issues from politicians.
  15. Rest assured, there will be legal battles that commence right after the election regardless of who it seems won. Trump's crew will probably have cause due to the volume and lack of custody of mailed ballots. Biden's side will likely challenge counting deadlines. That and it doesn't seem like a stretch that recounts in close states and precincts will happen. Both sides have dozens of lawyers hired already.
  16. How is it that Weissman is or recently was an employee of the federal government? This man has no business taking a nickel from taxpayers given his history.
  17. Right, because you say so. I guess that settles it.
  18. Yahoo news So what Trump is doing is bad rather than the content of the recent declassifications? It's better to keep a lid on wrongdoings of political bad actors?
  19. I don't know how anyone could see either of them as a winner of that debacle. It was an hour and a half of my life and millions of others that we'll never get back.
  20. I believe Joe would serve beyond the mid terms and very possibly complete his 4 year term.
  21. Young voters then are stupid. Not because they don't like Trump necessarily but that they would support anyone on the left that isn't for real fiscal restraint. If younger people are paying attention, they should be the most ardent supporters of politicians that support responsible fiscal policies, a crackdown on illegal immigration and the adoption of trade policies that promote American jobs. They have the most to gain from this. Really they should be the most fiscally conservative generation alive.
  22. The dem party is nearly bankrupt of any good policy. Only the media's 24/7 support of every talking point, leaks and some Trump buffoonery have kept it relevant the past couple years.
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