Could it be that Marv and company have looked at the current free agent class and determined that other than their own free agents, there isn't a lot to choose from this year? Could it also be that they've looked at the free agent class for a year from now (including their own) and have concluded that they want to be in a good position cap-wise next year to not only sign their own free agents but others? Could it be that they plan to extend some contracts of existing players (like Evans, Losman and dare I say Willis) this upcoming summer and they need to budget for that? Could it be that they feel they can get a few quality players in this year's draft? Could it be that the combined braintrust of Marv, Ralph, Jim Overdorf and Jauron have studied this thing hard, that they have a plan and that their plan is better crafted than many of the doom and gloomers on this board?
The off season has just begun. Let's see what they can do from now until September.