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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. Better for Secretary of Transportation. He's a car guy.
  2. If he weren't so old now I'd have said Fred Smith Fedex CEO and former Marine. He's further right and would have been a great Pres IMO.
  3. You better hope this virus tails off or gets solved so that the market rebounds. Otherwise Bernie's Wall St. tax isn't gonna be able to fund the free stuff.
  4. That was a beauty by Joe. Had to rewind and listen to it a 2nd time.
  5. None more than Chucky Schumer who keeps flapping his gums.
  6. She's a bloviating hack.
  7. Bernie's use of "Democratic" is to a great extent branding the Democrat party every time he speaks, debates or wins a primary. This is is why the DNC and so many elected Democrats are freaking out. If Bernie is the nominee, he most likely can't win with his platform and if he does win he will ask dems in the House and Senate to support $15 min wage, Medicare for all, free college and giant tax increases. Not even House and Senate dems in a majority will support those things IMO in numbers sufficient to get things passed. Bernie is a lose lose for the dem party.
  8. Every email and every online post you make is a reflection of your self. While you're shielded from everyone here in anonymity, when you're dead your family will access your computer and phone and your online footprint and they'll be very disappointed to read crap like this. Leave a better legacy for ***** sakes.
  9. Every email and every online post you make is a reflection of your self. While you're shielded from everyone here in anonymity, when you're dead your family will access your computer and phone and your online footprint and they'll be very disappointed to read crap like this. Leave a better legacy for ***** sakes.
  10. We don't need a new thread for this.
  11. Well this is a head scratcher. The IG report points out that McCabe lied under oath or at least "lacked candor". McCabe also dropped his lawsuit against DOJ for wrongful termination late last year. Was some kind of deal cut? https://thedcpatriot.com/former-fbi-deputy-director-andrew-mccabe-drops-wrongful-termination-suit-against-doj/ Also, it's pretty disingenuous on Cilliza's part to mention Flynn in the article and to ignore the recent Flynn case evolution.
  12. Maybe so but this is a win for the swamp. I don't know the laws about leaking but apparently not a crime for him to do that? Certainly McCabe was in on the "resistance". With no potential charges he becomes a lot less useful to getting to the bottom of all this.
  13. Sounds like a fair answer from Trump.
  14. She's far too young for me but Abby Hornacek is like a member of a super race. She's ridiculously beautiful IMO. My son is available though.
  15. I suspect we'll be hearing more from unions over the next several months speaking out against medicare for all. https://www.foxnews.com/politics/nevadas-powerful-culinary-union-says-members-were-viciously-attacked-by-sanders-supporters
  16. Can you imagine if when Biden declared he was running DC Tom posted that "Joe's probably gonna call some young woman a lying dog faced pony soldier" the reaction that would have generated from Tibs? Probably one of those polls showing Biden beating Trump in every state ?
  17. So did Biden pull out the "lying, dog-faced pony soldier" to get the attention off of Hunter? What on earth was Joe thinking? That phrase gets funnier every day.
  18. Gawd they are stupid. Barr will calmly make fools of them, although they'll get some obedient media headlines.
  19. For Biden you forgot to mention accepting million$ in campaign contributions and running a deliberate campaign of failure. Committing a fraud on his donors. How else do you explain the crazy ***** he says and the feckless debate performances?
  20. IMO the toughest matchup for Trump among the dem candidates that have any chance of getting the nomination is Klobuchar.
  21. Well, Bloomberg is toast after the racist exposure last night. Pick another.
  22. I don't think Bernie even if elected could get the necessary support from a majority dem house and/or majority dem senate to pass medicare for all or his crazy tax rates.
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