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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. Arrogance and her thirst for power and to feed her ego.
  2. But Nancy isn't in the driver's seat. She controls 1 of 3 bodies that have to sign off. She doesn't learn though. Impeachment and her last effort to dirty up the aid bill are recent lessons.
  3. Well, given that snake oil has benefits in hair care, Trump is probably a great spokesman for it. https://www.cosmeto-nature.com/en/blog/hemani-snake-oil-an-oil-with-a-thousand-benefits-for-the-hair-n15
  4. Journalists are like politicians. The more local their positions are, the more credible they are. Those that ascend to positions in the greater public eye and greater power tend to be the most biased, most untrustworthy and dishonest. The bigger the story, the more value there is in looking below the surface of reports from the big outlets.
  5. Utterly worthless without numbers, facts or any context.
  6. $20 says Joe refers to Trump as Mitt Romney at least once between now and November.
  7. Not exactly. There is only one healthy brain and one healthy heart among them.
  8. And these are the videos being released. Imagine all the appearances Joe's making that never get published and the editing done to the recorded messages.
  9. We have no idea the mortality rate because so few have been tested relative to the population. Big cities where the vast majority of deaths occur were free to declare their own lockdowns at the city and state levels. DiBlasio could have shut down public transportation but chose not to. Cuomo could have acted sooner. See, it's easy to assign blame from keyboard.
  10. Many of his tweets, his rambling at the podium, his inarticulate presentations on some matters bother me. His policy positions on some of the big items (trade, taxes, getting out of wars, solving illegal immigration) are pluses. His lack of fiscal responsibility (although he doesn't have cooperation from either party) bothers me a lot.
  11. This is exactly what's wrong with the vast majority of the electorate. They judge their elected officials not against a set of priorities and the numbers or facts that measure performance but rather on style and opinion and feelings. Add to that people who make the assessment on what's good for them selfishly as individuals rather than that of the country as a whole.
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!! Aren't you the one that just posted that "there is no one "Media"? This media?
  13. So what exactly is Joe Biden up to? Campaigning in private? Are he and Bernie both in hiding each hoping the other catches this virus? Is the virus the only thing that can save the dem party from nominating either of them? If Biden is the nominee is it validation that the dems have no bench beyond a couple very aged white guys?
  14. Yes they are educated and trained in the art in writing about things of which they have no expertise, have not researched, and in a manner that fits their corporate directive and ideology.
  15. I feel the same but it's complicated. If we engage in much greater nationalistic buying then we somewhat snub other countries economically which likely causes their markets for our products to become restricted or diminished because of their dislike of our snub. It'll be tough for example to take advantage of huge markets like China and India if we don't maintain good economic relations. For sure Med and other essential products should be made here more so and their plenty of room to eliminate the huge trade imbalance with China, but our companies need free global markets. Especially industries like the Auto industry.
  16. Yes and weather too might be a factor in favor of CA.
  17. There's a lot to read on that wiki, but here is a favorite from the page. Elizabeth Warren Trump gave Senator Elizabeth Warren the nickname "Pocahontas" due to a controversy over her ancestry. In 2012, controversy arose when it was charged that Senator Elizabeth Warren had used a claim of Native American ancestry early in her career to gain hiring preference.[150] Warren denies that she ever claimed to be a minority to secure employment, and a review of her employment history and interviews of her past employers has been unable to find anything that supports the charge.[151] Picking up on the controversy, Trump has frequently referred to her as "Pocahontas", including at a White House event where he addressed Native American veterans who served in the US military during World War II.[152] Warren responded: "It was deeply unfortunate that the President of the United States cannot even make it through a ceremony honoring these heroes without throwing out a racial slur."[152] Speaking on PBS NewsHour, Mark Shields commented, "It's one thing when Donald Trump uses Pocahontas to attack or taunt one senator, Elizabeth Warren. This, quite frankly, is beyond that. I mean, this is racial. It's racist. It is."[153] The general secretary of the Alliance of Colonial Era Tribes, John Norwood, said Trump's nickname for Warren is "insulting to all American Indians" and "smacks of racism", adding that Trump should "stop using our historical people of significance as a racial slur against one of his opponents."[152] The president of the National Congress of American Indians said: "We regret that the president's use of the name Pocahontas as a slur to insult a political adversary is overshadowing the true purpose of today's White House ceremony."[152] White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders said that complaints that the nickname is a racial slur are "ridiculous", and that "What most people find offensive is Senator Warren lying about her heritage to advance her career."[152][154] So wiki states that Warren denies using minority status to secure employment. That's false, she has admitted it and even an application or two signed by her have been circulated in public. She's earned the nickname. What should disparage American Indians is her use of their minority status. Trump is simply calling her out for what she did. Nothing racist about it unless you view the world and all comments and actions through the prism of race. She declared herself an Indian. Trump is simply recognizing it. Low hanging fruit and brilliant branding at the same time.
  18. I look forward to reading more at your link and commenting further but most of the "examples" in your post aren't racist acts or comments whatsoever.
  19. Most of the published numbers are garbage because countries have not tested equal portions of their populations or their entire populations so nobody knows how many cases really exist anywhere. The death count is the most relevant number and only if countries are reporting the real numbers.
  20. Wrong as usual. 1/30 announcement of CV task force. And the task force was not the beginning of Fed gov activity on the Virus. https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/news/trump-announces-coronavirus-task-force
  21. I've heard others parrot this WHO test snub. Who believes that the WHO at the outset of this thing had a reliable test developed, readily available, compatible with US testing methods that could be produced quickly in sufficient volumes for our population? Not even South Korea who has been mentioned as a leader in testing used the WHO test. They developed their own and quickly, compliments to them. I can't find anything credible that the WHO could have provided a suitable test.
  22. It's about time someone like her paid a price for something like this.
  23. At our local hospital in a 150K population community we had 16 patients admitted that have Covid-19 as of Saturday. According a nurse neighbor who is a head of staff there, most of these people are not sick enough to be admitted to the hospital but for very cautionary reasons they are doing so. 7 deaths in our county of about 1 million people.
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