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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. Gee what will CNN, MSNBC, WaPO and the others report now? That Barr just let one of Trump's cronies, a guy who pled guilty, walk for purely political purposes?
  2. Yes. Is it not hysterical (with no disrespect to the ladies) that Biden is being accused of grabbing Tara Reade by the kitty?
  3. Probably, you just can't pay the airline for that. You'd have to cut a deal at the gate before boarding with your preferred seat mate.
  4. Yes. Can you imagine if the fed gov had jurisdiction over subways what the media would be reporting?
  5. Nuts? What does a TV show have to do with a virus and what does a 19 year war in which our country chose to fight have to do with it either? Wrong thread by you possibly? Let's include some discussion about meteors crashing into earth, for that could kill many millions. Time for Trump to get out in front of that one so to speak? https://www.businessinsider.com/nasa-threat-of-meteor-crashing-into-earth-is-bigger-than-you-think-2019-5
  6. Apparently these tweets don't violate Twitter's terms of service.
  7. I too really enjoy going back and New York state has so much to offer if you can get past the politics and taxes and weather a few months of the year.
  8. Well he's more conservative overall than what the opposing party has served up, so there's the preference.
  9. There are very mixed areas around Detroit much like there are around Buffalo. Michigan like New York is a very nice state with a wide variety of areas throughout. Some very beautiful recreation areas in the northern and western parts of the state and some vibrant areas around Detroit just like Buffalo. You can have a great life in either place.
  10. I don't believe there is a single significant policy rub in your post. Newsflash, Trump was a known jerk before he was elected. He was elected to resolve illegal immigration, cut taxes, negotiate better trade deals, end mid east wars and be a foil against the political and media establishment. He also ran to some extent on fiscal responsibility of which he is failing, but what the Trump haters don't get is that while much of what you posted are unpleasant Trump happenings, it's the bigger picture, the important stuff that generates his support. It would sure be nice if he were more "Presidential" but I wouldn't trade that for ***** policy.
  11. Detroit the city or the general Detroit area?
  12. Not delayed. It's an ongoing matter. A series of filings by both his attorneys and the DOJ have been entered, argued before and reviewed by the judge in the case. Most of which contain new evidence. Why not just let it play out and then make a judgement based on what has been a very public matter instead of hanging your hat on a small piece (his initial plea with no context) of the entire case? Why look stupid?
  13. OK, I'll play. Then why is the matter ongoing for more than 2 years since that plea?
  14. Yes and for those of us that are in ***** climates indoors a lot take a vitamin D supplement. It's a fat stored vitamin so once you build it up it will stay with you for a while with a little ongoing supplementation. Even run of the mill family docs believe in the value of healthy vitamin D levels.
  15. And if you shoplift in Chicago and steal less than $1000, you won't be arrested or charged with a crime.
  16. There should be an economic response regardless of it being deliberate or not. At the very least we put something in the tax code to promote manufacturing being brought back to the U.S. for many classes of products. The naysayers will cite how this will hurt trade and access to a gigantic Chinese market. We're not getting fair access now. We don't have much to lose. Better to work on deals with the rest of the world to increase exports. You work on relationship building with China down the road.
  17. Oh my you can't be serious. Who would pay for all the blue state giveaways? You'd have all the productive and self sufficient types flocking to the red states leaving the blue with nothing but wagon riders. Bring. It. On.
  18. An extreme example. Capital gains are taxed differently than ordinary income. If you want to make the argument that taxes from investments should be taxed at the same rates as ordinary income then make it. That change could cause middle class people to pay higher tax rates on the gains or dividends from those investments. Agree with Joe up above, a flatter tax code with fewer carve-outs will clean a lot of this up. Doubtful we ever get away from a progressive tax code at the fed level but if it were simplified and a law was passed that rates can only be adjusted up or down by the same increments for all brackets, our pols would have to be a lot more responsible and less partisan.
  19. The rich don't pay what? I'll agree somewhat on corporations. In this last round of corp tax cuts there was an opportunity to clean up the code a bit so that the actual taxes paid by large corporations are more similar to tax rates. But really, how are rich people or upper earners not paying their fair share?
  20. I'm pleased to read this. No offense to your Mom but everyone should pay Federal taxes, something. If one person pays, we all pay. We all vote too. As for the change to SALT deductions, that hit primarily upper wage earners and people with greater net worth. A better way to handle it IMO would be to eliminate any deduction for state taxes in the fed tax code and reduce fed taxes to offset that.
  21. Very nice post. I don't think the Bills are getting the production from Beasley that they could be. Seems to me he'd be a nearly 100 catch guy in New England. I think Beasley's a bill in 2020 but in 2021 if one of the younger guys emerges and with Diggs able to play slot, he's vulnerable given his cost.
  22. In Illinois all power to the employee. Employers are treated like dirt by the ILDES. Actually dirt is treated better.
  23. Not to mention her push for universal health care on and off for decades. Nearly everyone in Washington is big government, both parties. They just differ on what to spend on what. The federal government more than ever before needs right-sizing. Not likely to happen though. Not happening over here. My life has changed very very little the past few months and I'm not operating anywhere near a minimum life style.
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