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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. We need 5 individuals in Washington in order to get good government. Those are the Pres, house and senate majority and minority leaders. The rest will fall in line. If we could get 5 people that had a real willingness to work together on things of which both parties should agree, we could get some good results. Nancy represents the absolute worst in politics. It's a shame that her party put her there again as speaker and keeps her there.
  2. Ha, anyone from Buffalo and Amherst area remember Judge Bestry? Complete dick. I think we elected him over and over and over even after he became a complete dick.
  3. It's part of the leftist mind, one of central control. The root differences in political ideologies are on full display.
  4. They'll wait until the court shenanigans with Flynn are complete and any investigative work being done on those individuals is also complete.
  5. Could be and also when attorney's have a client that can't fund a long fight, they will try to find a solution "within budget".
  6. His original lawyers were either lazy of crooked. Bad representation.
  7. Didn't see it but something tells me most people wouldn't see it your way. As for campaigning, Trump takes it to his competition. He ran circles around Hillary in terms of overall effort. He attacked her weaknesses vigorously (integrity, lack of accomplishments, etc...). He came from way behind and took her out. He'll do the same with Joe tactically who has given him at least as much material to work with as did Hillary. One major difference, he'll be an incumbent which is always an advantage.
  8. Trump plays rough. Joe is gonna get hammered this fall if he's the candidate. I won't be at all surprised if Joe moves over for someone else to be the nominee.
  9. So these 1900 dimwits put out a statement which doesn't even examine the evidence that was submitted on Flynn's behalf that led to the DOJ's decision.
  10. Yes and why teachers? I know several and all are being paid their usual salaries while working fewer hours.
  11. There's the disinfectant into the bloodstream that Trump talked about. My gosh he's a genius - again.
  12. There needs to be a purity in voting. For me that means we all vote in person (with few exceptions), identifying ourselves and on the same day. Absentee voting should be the limited and be administered with tight rules. There should be no early voting IMO. Make election day a national Holiday. As for going to the polls, we can absolutely practice safe health habits in polling places.
  13. Agree that many businesses are between a rock and a hard place. The IRS though already has policies in place for people/businesses that can't pay their taxes on time. To me everyone should get their returns filed and if some people/businesses can't pay on time then deal with those as needed. Small business owners typically make quarterly tax payments and those are due on a schedule regardless if your return was filed on time or extended.
  14. Classless. Totally crass.
  15. I see no reason to do this.
  16. Seriously, this is your response to the news about Flynn? How about doing something constructive like reading all of the court filings by both defense and prosecution and the judge's responses since Sydney Powell became Flynn's attorney. After you've done that make your case that this decision by DOJ to drop the charges is not just.
  17. She's just a disaster nearly every time she speaks in public. It must suck to look at the world the way she does.
  18. Or they keep beating the drum regardless such as how many among media are reacting and reporting on the Flynn news. It's just shameful.
  19. He has to have some nasty dirt on a bunch of people and that must make him feel safe in all of this. He's made a lot of dumb public comments since getting canned. The fact that DOJ has already chosen not to prosecute his leak when canned I think is evidence of this. Washington is so damn swampy.
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