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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. Oh come on, dyslexia shouldn't impact racing. Corners mostly only have 1 apex so there's nothing to confuse not to mention the rhythm of getting into lap after lap groove. Data systems now uses lights and graphs, no problem. And could you beat 49.3 in the 400 in high school?
  2. Come on Jimmy, no trick questions.
  3. Updated daily, Chicago stats. 32 killed in the last week and over 80% of murders over the past several years are never charged (assailant unknown). Certainly the George Floyd incident deserves attention and correction but Chicago by itself generates 100X the wrongful shootings compared to police departments nationwide. The media mostly won't touch it. https://heyjackass.com/
  4. You have posted pages and pages of stuff over the past week, none of which actually defines the problems or solutions you are postulating. How about bringing this back to square one and giving us some present day data points that support any of your claims? And for the record I do understand that racism still exists. It's waning though IMO and I'm interested in hearing more about what you're claiming are the sweeping embedded societal problems. Facts though and numbers please.
  5. So now we're supposed to believe that removing police from schools makes the schools safer? Huh.
  6. Sorry Kamala, wrong again. My subdivision of nearly 1000 homes would meet your description and our town is very affluent. Crime is very low. However, we have a set of officers assigned to our subdivision 24/7 per shift and often at night you will find a squad car or two parked in the pool parking lot. We are patrolled every day. We've had stretches of years where the same officers have been assigned. You meet them occasionally and get to know them some. It works well.
  7. Parenting has to dramatically improve in low income neighborhoods. Easy to write. Really hard to do. Oh you're not going to get numbers/facts/goals from her crowd.
  8. Tell you what, serious offer. I don't know if you're in Buffalo or not. I'm not but get there a couple times a year. If you are we should get together next time I'm in town. I'll buy you a nice dinner or drinks, whatever you prefer and I promise you a friendly and constructive conversation on the topic.
  9. I don't think you've established that any poster here agrees with your premise "that racism isn't real". If that's your conclusion from posts read around here the past few days, then your reading comprehension sucks.
  10. Apparently he disagrees with several media report on the topic which is certainly understandable given the current media environment. Let's hope that we get at least one municipality that tries the experiment you're parroting. Care to predict the outcome?
  11. Yes for sure some of the wrong-doers from 2016 will find themselves back in government service.
  12. Really? Trump's walking to the church is a problem? No matter where a President goes, the public is cleared out of the way. My gosh Obama had entire country clubs cleared and weddings cancelled so he could play a round of golf or two. These are fun things to criticize but in the grand scheme they're meaningless. If people want to criticize Trump for being fiscally irresponsible or for not making more progress on illegal immigration, now there you have something worth talking and writing about.
  13. Oh boy. You paint with a broad brush. What are these inherent privileges that whites have? How are whites treating blacks badly? If you want to speak about economic privileges there at least might be a conversation there. We are all free to get up every morning and pursue happiness in whatever form that is for the individual. There's a catch though. That pursuit and achieving ones goals can require hard work and good decisions over a long period of time. A lot of people (all races) aren't willing to do that and frankly deserve whatever station in life they occupy. Personally I think it's long past time that we stop putting people in racial buckets and viewing/analyzing them differently. We are surrounded by 10's of millions of examples of people who have risen economically from nothing and equal examples of people who are underachieving. More often than not in my experience those that under achieve (all races) have lived a pattern of life often beginning in their childhood that almost guaranteed their failure or lack of achieving the success they want. Parenting may be the greatest single factor in outcomes. I came from very little economically. Paid for college 100% myself, worked very hard to do that. Very very hard. My kids were more fortunate. My wife and I paid for theirs. Does that make my kids privileged and would that have made me under privileged?
  14. That may be the dumbest post in the history of earth. People of color who judge white people based on the color of their skin are most certainly making a racist judgement. Some years ago while at work after hours I went to rear of our building to find a black man rummaging through our dumpster and leaving whatever trash he didn't want on the ground. I very politely approached him and asked him what he was doing. He said he was looking for boxes suitable for him to use to ship some things. I objected to him doing so o private property and making a big mess. I told him I didn't want him doing this and that he should ask permission or just simply ask for boxes and that he should not enter private property after hours with no business reason to do so. He then said to me "you the worst kind". I asked him what he meant. He said, "you a white man, you a racist". We debated that for a moment and then I asked him to leave. So this individual wasn't making a racist judgement, acting in a racist manner? I can assure you that his skin color had no impact on my inquiry with him.
  15. Smell nice LOL. I've been tear gassed. It's not pleasant at all but effective and you do live to tell about it.
  16. No, dumbest idea ever. I'm beginning to wonder how the leftist ideology has any success at the ballot box. Seems like they're on a political suicide path, only propped up by media/hollywood/big norcal tech and some crazy fringe.
  17. Economic disparity is often earned IMO regardless of race both to the high side (very wealthy) and the low side (below average). It's earned through hourly and daily decisions and actions over long stretches of time beginning early in life. Find a teacher that has taught in both poor and wealthy areas at the middle school or high school level and ask them about student and parent behavior. You'll get an earful. It's not about color so much as it is about commitment to achievement.
  18. In my best DC Tom, you're an idiot.
  19. Here's a little something for you. https://themarketswork.com/2018/10/31/is-voter-fraud-real-a-look-at-californias-illegal-voter-registration-problem/ https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2019/06/20/calif_begins_removing_5_million_inactive_voters_on_its_rolls__140602.html And by the way, shouldn't we be proactive and close any loopholes in voting procedures that might invite fraud? Why wait until it becomes a problem?
  20. What are the issues the players are talking/kneeling about and why are they protesting on the job?
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