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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. So how would all this have been avoided? How would we have avoided deaths and the unemployment?
  2. There is no benefit in politicians or so-called civil rights leaders or media or even the average joe continually litigating slavery. As a nation we're not proud that people were enslaved. It was always wrong. We were a hypocritical nation then touting freedom and excluding people from it. Slavery in this country is over though and has been and isn't impacting the lives of anyone because it doesn't happen any longer. People that continue to view our current society through that prism are doing a disservice to themselves. It's very divisive and counter-productive. I wouldn't use the phrase "get over it". I'd simply suggest that it's time to move forward. No apologies are needed as thankfully and rightfully living people are not a party to it or subjected to it. We've moved on from more recent atrocities such as WWII. It's long past time we do the same with slavery.
  3. No representation might be preferred over the representation the rest of us get. Come to think of it I might consider moving to DC just for that reason.
  4. I'd like her to drink more and finish off her liver for good.
  5. Not sure where you live but is Donnie your Governor?
  6. And possibly a health savings account. One of the utterly ridiculous aspects of Obamacare is the stipulation that only some people that choose certain plans can have tax deductible health savings accounts while the rest are not allowed by law to have them.
  7. We could take all of the country's wealth from everyone, spread it evenly amongst the population and the same 1% of people or so would be rich a few years later and the same that are poor now would likely be poor again and it has nothing to do with race.
  8. What is systemic racism and how is slavery relevant today beyond the historical lesson?
  9. I love how people want to tie Trump to the policies of 50 state governors.
  10. Security personnel for sure and some may have cameras but possibly not throughout the garages.
  11. Can you give me just 3 bullet points that are aspects of white supremacy? Not looking for unsupported statistics but rather 3 specific actions that are broadly carried out by whites at the expense of people of color.
  12. Sad. Good article. Chicago's local news (both print and on air) stop being the last bastion of real journalism many years ago.
  13. Mark has said that he would run as a Republican.
  14. Mark Cuban. Not my choice necessarily but I think he may take a hard swing at it then. I could also see Chris Christie trying again.
  15. Reads like a Babylon Bee article.
  16. Well, overweight white women are way down the victim list so we can still enjoy this humor for now.
  17. The potential benefits of Vitamin D have been reported on continuously since this thing started.
  18. Well there's a change the subject answer.
  19. Maybe not even that. The lefties around here almost never comment on numbers such as those in that post. Crickets, change the subject or maybe racist accusations as you mention.
  20. At the very least you need to be brought up to date. You're playing off old stereotypes. NASCAR and it's owners and drivers are among the most generous in all of sports supporting a very wide array of causes. I could post several links that report on this over many years. Google will find numerous sources of this info. As for diversity and inclusion, NASCAR and other forms of racing have had programs to promote diversity for many years. For example, NASCAR started RevRacing in 2004 for the sole purpose of developing female and minority driving and crew talent. https://revracing.net/overview/
  21. Try selling that to the parents of south side Chicago teens looking for their first job.
  22. And in Chicago's poorer neighborhoods there aren't many jobs so especially young people there need to find work downtown or in other parts of the city. Trouble is that Chicago is a sanctuary city with over 100K illegal immigrants living and working there making jobs for those in the poorer neighborhoods much much harder to obtain. Mayor after Dem mayor though won't touch that and they continue to toe the party line while Chicago residents continue to elect mayors from the same pool of stooges.
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