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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. Breaking news: Trump pays someone to do everything for him.
  2. At this point would anyone trust the authenticity of an "original" 302 if suddenly found?
  3. This only matters if you see the virus as a threat. It's not a threat to anyone but the old/sick/obese. They were caught off guard early on and that's unfortunate. Those people can choose to protect themselves for now. The rest of us have nothing to fear. Spread among low risk people is a plus, the more the better.
  4. Not defending UAL but how much of the $8.6B in stock buys was still held in Feb of this year?
  5. I always had a bit of a fetish for Asian girls and British accents turn me on. In the late 90's I was in London having lunch at a pub and at the table behind me was an Asian woman speaking and she had a British accent. I could barely contain myself. Now I just watch Austin Powers (the original) over and over, the scenes with Liz Hurley. Next best thing.
  6. Well, we haven't seen New Era's books and PPP loans maxed out at 8 weeks of expenses. Great support but not enough to sustain payrolls longer term. That money is gone or has to be repaid. I would imagine the cap business has been hit very very hard.
  7. My next door neighbors are from Ghana and came to the U.S. about 20 years ago via England. They are raising a family. Great family. One of my employees is from Senegal, here about 25 years also raising a family. I commonly refer to him as the nicest and most polite person I have ever known. He's a special guy in that regard. He's also got some greatness in his family, Desagan Diop who played in the NBA is his cousin. Another neighbor and friend is from Nigeria, also raising a family. Others have their lineage going back at least several generations in the U.S. mostly from Northeast or Midwest. A contractor that is working with us short term told me today he didn't know his family's background as the grandparents passed away before he was born and his parents when he was younger so he did not know other than his parents are from the local area. The most interesting of my friends background-wise (a woman) has family from the Canary Islands. She's in the same industry professionally and she once took me on a tour of O.J.'s home in Brentwood and past Nicole Brown's condo about a year or so after she was murdered. Parts still blocked off then. We then went to Mezzaluna for dinner. I know sounds tacky as hell. Sad but also interesting.
  8. Looks like Mary was born in '65 and Trump went to Wharton in '66. It'll be interesting to see how this claim is supported.
  9. It's not relevant to the EC, but after census some states will lose or gain electoral votes and house seats with the new census and that gives Governors "a reason" to carve up districts. Here in Illinois we're going to lose a seat I believe. Blue seats will get protected here.
  10. I'm a descendent of a guy named Edward Fuller who came to America on the Mayflower with his wife and son. He was one of the signatories of the Mayflower Compact. In between him and my now living family there are a variety of relatives that came from England, Germany, Ireland and others places. And before any of you kooks call me a racist, I also have family from WV that fought for the North in the civil war. https://www.history.com/topics/colonial-america/mayflower-compact
  11. At the State level, both parties do it and the laws for determining districts are different in nearly every state. Expect more in 2022 once the latest census is processed.
  12. Not even her district will re-elect her, right? Please tell me she has no chance of continuing in the U.S. House of Representatives.
  13. Another dumb tweet by Trump. Bubba was over and done with. The media to a great extent embarrassed itself again. Bubba weighed in sufficiently afterward IMO. Leave it alone. Focus on the big priorities Mr. President.
  14. McSally is toast. Trump is another story.
  15. PPP loans require that the money is spent on wages, rent and other expenses essential to maintaining employment. Otherwise it's paid back with interest.
  16. Sure. Congress should have limited benefits to businesses in left leaning markets or that are managed by lefties. A missed opportunity by Nancy.
  17. Sure and the rest are reporting honestly and without bias. For those on the left, reports that they don't agree with = lies. That's not to say that right leaning media are always honest and without bias, but let's call balls and strikes.
  18. Common enemies, Trump that is of both the left and China.
  19. Too often I think we forget that we are the United States, 50 of them and that our States have to manage themselves. The Federal government made decisions such as banning certain travel and provided guidance, equipment and financial assistance to the states. We can't and shouldn't look for the federal government's involvement in everything. The Federal Government IMO needs to get its own house in order on the big responsibilities and let States manage themselves. Cuomo made a decision within his state. He'll have to take responsibility for it. Not a Fed issue IMO.
  20. We don't know yet why police opened fire.
  21. Some harsh comments here from secondcitycop website. Many police weigh in here. https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=13350456&postID=8541655616481603891&bpli=1 http://secondcitycop.blogspot.com/
  22. Routinely on local TV here (Chicago) they will interview families/neighbors of innocent victims. These citizens most definitely want more help from police to stop the violence. They have had enough. They had enough years ago. It's heartbreaking seeing these news reports week after week. Trump has offered Federal help (FBI investigative resources) multiple times and to my knowledge he gets nothing from the current city leadership other than the middle finger. Now they may not like the manner in which he offers help (public tweets shaming city officials) but with such a gigantic struggle on their hands why wouldn't the city embrace the help? Why not make the call to Washington? Today!
  23. https://heyjackass.com/
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