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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. It's manufactured division. Mostly by media and whackos. It's really not hard to treat all people you comes across as people and in a friendly fashion and treat dogs and cats as dogs and cats. Flies found indoors don't get the same consideration.
  2. Not true. Chicago solves less than 20% of the murders committed. That's right, in 80%+ of cases an arrest is never made. The feds are offering assistance in investigating these crimes. As for Portland, The Feds IMO are being too gentile. Too nice. They (and/or local law enforcement) need to get in there in numbers, make the arrests swiftly. Letting it fester or using a soft approach just fuels continuance and escalation. Clean that ***** up. Politically they are making their bed and while it might sell in very small urban nutjob areas, it won't sell to the masses.
  3. You don't help Portland, Chicago and others by doing nothing. Arresting those committing violence cleans up the mess.
  4. What's becoming apparent in places like Portland, Chicago and New York is that while the dem pols pander to the protesters, the protests themselves are giving rise to huge spikes in violent crime in these cities. It's bound to backfire at an epic level politically. Even Democrats, many of them, aren't going to be in support of reducing law enforcement in exchange for all the violence. Stupid pols are putting themselves in a lose, lose situation.
  5. Good question. Neighbors or ours tested Friday and got results Monday, Positive. Tested again Tuesday with results today different test method and were negative. Both of them husband and wife. They aren't sick at all and I have a hard time believing that in that 4 day window (more like 3.5 days) they hit it just right for thing to disappear from their bodies.
  6. Poppycock. The CDC pushed its recommendation to all the states and to the public at large. Each Governor has issued executive orders for their states including many mandating mask use in public places. As for Trump, I'm not a fan of "do as I say and not as I do" leadership but in his case he's been tested every day for months. An executive privilege. He's not a risk to others. He's also not the only Executive to not wear masks publicly. Cuomo and Pritzker immediately come to mind and many many others. Biden on the other hand who is probably also tested frequently has made presentations on camera in an empty room with a mask on which leads to the question: "What the ***** is he doing wearing a mask all by himself in and empty room?" He's like the person walking their dog all alone on an empty sidewalk wearing a mask. Dumb.
  7. State's rights. CDC which is a federal agency recommended wearing masks back in April. Very early April. https://www.medpagetoday.com/infectiousdisease/covid19/85800
  8. So if people in her district break the law she won't let federal law enforcement arrest them? Makes sense.
  9. The symptoms of TDS are quite severe it seems.
  10. This will be an interesting case to watch. Sort of a clash between 1st and 2nd amendment rights. Where the lines should be drawn will be contested if it goes to trial. So is that even legal? You can walk off the job and protest matters not necessarily related to your job?
  11. That's not fair. Hilary needed to consult with Barack, Joe, Susan Rice, Kerry, Loretta Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Brennan, Clapper and others before she threw in the towel. She needed confirmation from the others that the election outcome wasn't the last action on the subject.
  12. How on earth did this story (not leaving office) even get started?
  13. You are entitled to your opinion. That's all this is.
  14. Sounds like critical work compared to 20+ million illegal immigrants and heading toward $30T in debt. Yeah, I know, intelligence committee looking in other directions.
  15. Despicable and that somehow helps a cause?
  16. I believe that's defined as a hate crime in this country. We have laws against it.
  17. No employee should have the right to strike and have their job protected. It's wrong to allow certain employees to shutdown or significantly impact a private or public organization for personal gain.
  18. For sure there are some at risk, so protect them and let the rest go about their business.
  19. Is there any data that shows that children are at risk from this thing? Seems like everything you read and hear is that they are not at risk at all and don't even contribute heavily to its spread.
  20. Well what do you know....... https://www.npr.org/2019/09/25/764365459/u-s-accuses-11-doctors-of-peddling-opioids-in-appalachian-states
  21. Even more granular. District level decisions at least in Illinois.
  22. There hasn't been a Republican Chicago Mayoral candidate since 1983. Bernard Epton the last one to try. They don't even bother to run. Since '99 they've gone to a runoff system with a winner declared once they have a majority of the vote. So it's Dems running against other Dems. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mayoral_elections_in_Chicago
  23. Sounds like Adam Schiff has been giving her media training.
  24. I wonder if they've published the aspects of blackness?
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