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Everything posted by keepthefaith

  1. For Pres, only republicans since the 80's until 2016. Left pres blank then. Didn't support Trump in the primary either. Liked Carly Fiorina but she was gone by the time the Illinois primary happened. In 2016 voted in all the down ballot elections. In earlier elections wasn't crazy about Dole, McCain and was pretty disappointed in Bush Jr's 2nd term but never would have voted for the dem candidate in those elections. Have voted for some dem and other party candidates over the years in state/local elections. You find that at the local level the pols are sometimes less partisan.
  2. Barr's mad because any jackass can see the folly of widespread mail in voting beyond the limited use of absentee voting. We've had nothing but voting creep over the past few decades with the expansion of early voting and the broadening of absentee rules and now vote by mail. At the same time voter registration and the census has broadened to include non-citizens. Add to this sloppy or non-existent maintenance of voter registration rosters and we have a growing opportunity for abuse and error. There should be unanimous support to clean and tighten this up. It's a no brainer.
  3. I've received 2 requests for mail in ballots at my home for people who no longer live there. I can very easily fill them out, mail them back and get 3 actual ballots and vote 3 times. Not legal but I could do it. Meanwhile, the other 2 individuals can also vote in their districts.
  4. Agree, dumb thread. National polls mean nothing because we don't elect Presidents with popular vote. Especially this year, the campaigns have barely started at this point and 2020 has been filled with events that swing some voters in one direction or the other almost from week to week. The campaigns have a long way to go in terms of exposure. We also know from 2016 that Trump under polls by several points. We should probably expect a very close and unfortunately contested result due to all the early/absentee/mail in voting.
  5. Joe is scrambled eggs at this point. It's sad that so many politicians stay in office until the grave or nearly that long. Same for SCOTUS justices. Don't these poeple have something better to do in the twilight of their lives? Even sadder is that the electorate continually keeps so many old farts in office and so many old farts that deserve to be benched on job performance alone. Trump too at this point is too old.
  6. She can sign up to go to Mars. In her mind she probably feels she meets these requirements. https://www.mars-one.com/faq/selection-and-preparation-of-the-astronauts/what-are-the-qualifications-to-apply
  7. You're right. Young white men in Subaru WRX STi's with 6" diameter tailpipes speeding in a subdivision might not get the same consideration.
  8. So which of the 10 police officers should have volunteered to wrestle the knife away from him after he refused to drop it? Not on purpose Have to say I haven't used that one and I've had a lot of opportunities. Glad it was civil and you only received a warning.
  9. Oh for shitz sake Nancy, take a shower and dry your hair before you leave the house in the morning like most people.
  10. In my best Joe Biden: "Come on man!"
  11. Not insinuating that at all. What I'm suggesting is that the collective time and energy invested in protests might be better spent directly engaging those in a position to make a difference. Assemble in a prepared and organized fashion with the target audience. A more businesslike approach might be more effective.
  12. That large and framed would be a great addition near my bar.
  13. https://www.gop.com/principles-for-american-renewal
  14. On budgets, deficit, entitlement funding, worse. Taxes lower for businesses and individuals, reduced regulations, better. Historically low interest rates, good for investment and home buying and funding debt, better. Some economic incentives for low income urban areas and some relief in criminal justice system, better. Stock market, better. Health insurance regulations not significantly improved, not better, same Illegal immigration, border crossing down after rising in recent years, wall being constructed, no help from dems on tightening laws and giving dreamers permanent status, not much better. Foreign policy, troops in ME reduced, NATO shored up, trade deals improving, exposed china in some areas, recent peace agreement with Israel gives some additional hope for more peace, better. Hundreds of federal judges appointed, 2 for SCOTUS, moving in the direction of more strict interpretation of law, better. Exposing previous admin using DOJ and IC as political weapon, many bad actors removed, hopefully improved integrity within these agencies, better. Climate, greenhouse emissions which in the U.S. peaked in 2006 continue to improve, but globally not so. Better domestic performance, world not better. Military equipment getting refreshed after decades of overseas operations, better. Covid 19, unfortunate temporary setback, easy to MMQB but overall a tremendous response from governments at all levels, from health care workers and business owners all of which have faced huge challenges. The worst is over.
  15. Yes, a conspiracy to help him win the popular vote by wiping out urban populations.
  16. No *****. Now they're arguing about arguing with new people joining the arguing. The evidence put forth by Powell and the exculpatory evidence that the Missouri based prosecutor (can't recall name) makes this plain to see that the case should have been ended. Only a pompous ass judge has refused to see the obvious.
  17. What's crazy is that the case wasn't dismissed when the government wanted to no longer pursue prosecution.
  18. Do protests of any kind (including peaceful) even move the policy needle in the direction of those protesting? If so, are the policy changes effective or desirable? Can anyone provide an example where protests and protests alone resulted in something good?
  19. It's pretty amazing how the left in such synchronization went from peaceful protests to oh *****, that's not working, pivot to recognizing violence and blame what's happening at local levels on Trump. And the media is right there to provide cover.
  20. Had a great meal Saturday night. Can't take any credit for preparation as we were out but baked scallops on a bed of mushrooms, onions, shredded beef short rib, some greens, potatoes and some light but hearty gravy (beef based I'd say). Never have had anything like it. Really gave the scallops some bold flavor and personality.
  21. Uh, Governors. Trump and his team are working on the problem overall. Development and rollout of vaccines, treatments and supplies of medical equipment.
  22. Wolf's answer is perfectly reasonable.
  23. There is no way on earth that Trump will win NY or be close even if Joe has a stroke before November.
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