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  1. Any chance Curtis Samuel is back this week? His production has been crap thus far, but I still feel he can make a contribution once he's healthy.
  2. Who are we deporting? Here's where I'd start... Those with a criminal record in this country or their home country Those that overstay Visas Those that fail to show up for their immigration court hearings Those that crossed at a location other than a port of entry Those with gang affiliations Those whose immigration hearings result in a judgement that they don't meet the legal threshold for asylum I'd also give guidance to immigration judges that would request strict interpretation of asylum law and screen all asylees at the border turning around any that don't have a compelling story. I'd tell employers that they'll be prosecuted for hiring unauthorized workers. I'd cut off all federal benefits for non-citizens. Pass legislation making sanctuary cities and states a thing of the past. Plus a whole lot more in terms of enforcement, limits and speeding up the legal immigration process.
  3. Except that's George Soros.
  4. Excellent idea. The world will be a better place if we start with you.
  5. Singletary and Moss are not upper tier RB's and both lack short yardage effectiveness. They are simply too small. However, I agree that the O-line needs to get better in the run game. Improve the O-line and add a banger at the RB position.
  6. This thing ends after most of our population has contracted Covid and recovered. Until then, focus on the array of available treatments which isn't being done in too many places.
  7. Not a bad post. The whole thing from the beginning of the protest was a series of bad acts that culminated in violence. No surprise there. The kid should never have gone there into that powder keg. The governor and city leadership though own a big piece of what happened. The protest should have been shut down the minute a brick was thrown. Kyle's free today but his problems are probably just beginning. There will be a lot of forces working against him in the coming months and years I suspect. Justice seems to have been served at this point but it ain't pretty.
  8. Except it's everyone else's disaster. Not only is he insulated from it, he'll be dead in not so many years.
  9. Agree, but the NFL's dogma butters his bread.
  10. The agreement to withdraw was done over a year ago and our time was up there. Joe has had months to orchestrate this AND to push back on the Taliban for violating the agreement. It makes Joe look very weak as a leader which he is obviously.
  11. #2 is wrong. We have been training Afghan pilots and maintenance people for at least 10 years and possibly closer to 15 years. We spent $Billions on aircraft, parts, facilities and training. Much of this done by Northrup Grumman and very qualified contractors.
  12. You couldn't be more wrong. The vaccinated are being told to mask up because the vaccines only provide about 6 months of protection and our vaccinated population is gradually moving into an unprotected phase. Many breakthrough cases are happening. Just look at Israel cases where they vaccinated nearly their entire population very early. Their case count is blowing up and is at pre-vaccine levels. Link below. We are headed to the same place. In fact we are there, US cases are at November 2020 levels now. You know who isn't getting Covid now or before? Healthy individuals with healthy immune systems. https://graphics.reuters.com/world-coronavirus-tracker-and-maps/countries-and-territories/israel/
  13. Let's just call this what it is. We knew that if the Afghan forces were challenged, they'd drop their guns and run. We knew the Taliban would take control in short order. For good or bad this administration simply doesn't care what happens there going forward.
  14. I can't think of 2 Americans currently not in jail that make me want to barf more than Barack and Michelle. Well, maybe Pelosi, Schumer, Schiff and Nadler.
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