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Everything posted by PNW_Bills_Fan

  1. Not to mention that the Bills are so far removed from the Patriots it’s not funny. The Pats were a playoff team with Bledsoe before Brady got there. Brady just had to come in and manage a good team with an offensive line. VY coming to Buffalo isn't even close to the same thing. Brady is a pocket passer that takes what the defense gives him. Young is a playmaker that is a one man show. He will be good, but our receiver will hurt. He will be like Vick and He will get hurt like Vick. We don't need a QB, we need a team of good players. That starts on the O-line and the D-line! We need to trade the #8 pick and stockpile draft picks to get as many quality players as we can to build this team for the future, with hopes to win in the now. (GIVE JP A CHANCE WITH AN O-LINE)
  2. Take time and vote http://sports.espn.go.com/chat/sportsnation/story?id=2406023
  3. You have to believe ML is looking at adding draft picks. Like I said before in my posts. ML is looking at building this team for the future with young talent, then he is going to pass this team off and go back into retirement. RW may have hired ML because he felt comfortable with ML, but Marv is a good football mind. He knows he only has a couple years to right this ship, and then he is done.
  4. Levy wants young talent. He wants to build this team for the long hall and then pass it off. He is going to keep Losman and try and groom him. Think about it. Jim Kelly was a very cocky guy when he came to buffalo. Losman is of his mold.
  5. I agree with ChicagoRic. I have been a Bills fan my whole life. I grew up in Buffalo in the 90's, watching those great teams. I have been coming to TBD for a long time just watching the people on this message board just criticize the moves the Bills have made this season, from the Coaching hire to the signing of Nall. Me, I can't wait for the draft to see what the Bills will do. I can't wait for the season to start so I can see how the Bills will perform. It seams like we as fans get the cart before the horse to much. Let's see what ML, and DJ can do with this team. We were a franchise that was built to a dynasty (at least an AFC dynasty) in the early 90's, let's see if ML, and DJ can help bring us back to that level. It will not be easy, but it is doable.
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