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Everything posted by PNW_Bills_Fan

  1. Yes, the problem is that the former GM tried to win know with not building a foundations. We have what looks to be a foundation starting. Once we have the foundation it becomes easier to build. IMO a foundation is 1. A QB that will be around for a long time 2. Great #1 receiver 3. Above average or better RB 4. A above Average line on both sides
  2. Amen Let's look at the bright sign. We actually have a QB that will be around for a while. We have a true Speed Threat Receiver. We have a left takle. We have a x factor in Parrish. We need a high character RB. We need offensive line help. Which is on its way. We are giving three starters away to help us grow 7 starters. We are on a uphill climb with a GM that has pacience. We as fans need to trust Marv and his guys to bring us a dynasty. It will happen, just not next year..
  3. O line was one of the major things Marv talked about buildig in his press conference. As well as giving LP a better supporting cast. It is as if Marv knows what he is doing...
  4. If you listen to the press conference the knock on London was that he just pursued and did not attack. Marv said it a couple times. I think the team likes Ashton. I think they are willing to give up Nate. Besides a lot of you hate Nate the first half of the year. I believe the front office is still building for the future which means they may have to let some talent go if it cost to much. I am ok with that as long as we are building and not just tryin to maintain what we have.
  5. Marv understands that it is going to take more than three players to help this team become a dynasty. He understands we are still a couple years away. If they can have a couple good drafts and keep out of salary cap problems. Then in the future when we need to sign the big free agent we will be able to without breaking the bank and hurting our team. Marv has the long term in mind and Ralph is no idiot.
  6. Trade Willis for draft pick(s) and draft a RB somewhere Fill line holes in FA Let Nate go and sign a FA CB Focus on OL, DL, LB Sign Fletcher
  7. I think you guys need to evaluate a little. 1. We have a QB that is playing well 2. We have an offensive line that is getting better. We may need to add a little more quality depth. We have a left tackle, center and right tackle. Gandy needs to be replaced. 3. Our secondary is doing well. 4. We have a lot of young talent. 5. We have a lot of money for the off season 6. Players are buying into the Coaching system 7. We have stability in the front office Those who don't see these things just want to complain.
  8. Has any one done study on how warm weather teams do in cold weather climate. I think this weekend has all the makings of an upset
  9. I hear so much on the board that the coaching staff has no faith in Losman's arm. Well, Yesterday proved they believe in his arm. Could it be the coaching staff was limiting Losman from the begining of the season and giving more and more of the offence over to him as they felt he was ready?
  10. JP has no time get into the flow of the game. He has no time to get into a rythm
  11. Hall of Fame veteran with a decent line a veteran RB and a couple good WR
  12. Levy and DJ know the problem and you will see it addressed in the offseason. Bill Polien (sp) and Levy built a great offence of line in the early 90's look for MArv to do it again. Especially after this season!
  13. Thats all you can ask a young QB without a line to do!!!
  14. I am not sure any other team in the nfl has fans that say the same thing in wins as they do in losses. I think that if we would have won this game people on this board would still have been calling for Nall. They just don't like JP. I think that you give JP some time and some freedom to run and you will see a different QB. The one time this year he was asked to pass a lot he showed us he could hit his target (Jets game). I said it last week and I will say it again people on this board think because they are good at Madden Football they can coach a team. Why don't we let the professionals decide if JP is our starting QB and good enough for the NFL
  15. I think you are comparing apples to oranges. You have established teams with lots of talent on both the line and the WR. Where as we are trying to put together a line that can block and fid WR that can get open.
  16. It works the other way too. If you win but your FG kicker goes 0-6, you know you have to do something at kicker. If you win but your QB barely breaks the 100 yard mark, you know you need better play from your QB. The Bills won because the Packers shot themselves in the foot. The Bills won despite the lack of production at QB. If that lack of production continues, the Bills should start thinking about what they need to do to correct the situation. At some point their thoughts may turn to Nall. Obviously they thought highly enough of Nall to promise him a legitimate shot at the starting position. But he got off on the wrong foot because it took him too much time to learn the new offense. Then came the injury, and before he knew it he was third string. As an outsider looking in, it seems like Nall was written off before the Bills' coaching staff had truly figured out what he could do. Some fans feel that Losman should be judged with a Drew Brees ruler, and should be given years of opportunity to start looking like a real QB. A few such people are willing to write Nall off based on what he did when he was still learning the new offense. Was Nall written off too quickly? Is it time to start remembering the reasons why the Bills brought him here in the first place? Is it getting time to put him in a game or two, just to see if he's the next Tony Romo? The Bills will have to ask themselves these questions going into next week's game. 826342[/snapback] Honestly I think the coaches have seen all they need to see of Nall. I don't think they will play him. I think they brought him in here to see what he had. They saw he didn't have much. Why do you think the packers let him go.
  17. I will agree that having talent behind someone is a great thing. That is mwhy Marv went out and got Nall. The problem is that during Pre season Nall got hurt and then when he was healthy, he didn't show as much talent as JP. I agree during the offseason we ned to get more talent. I just think people are putting JP under the bus without giving him a chance to grow into a NFL starting QB. People are making professional predictions based on what, 12 games. I also agree it is a message board. I just get tierd of all the complaining. I get tired of people thinking they are smarter than what they are. I have to watch it as much as the next guy. I think we need to trust the front office and the coaches.
  18. A lot of you want change for changes sake. Think about Dree Brees. Think about any quarterbacks first full year. It is always rocky with the exception of big ben. I think some people like to complain because they can. Others think they can coach because they are good at Madin. Let the coaches do their jobs and trust people that know more about footbal than us weekend warriors
  19. Your hear every former QB say that a QB has to get into a groove. It is hard to get into a groove when don't have time
  20. I love how we are not losing (yet) and our fans so upset
  21. We all knew going in that this year was a rebuilding year. I would think you would want JP to get as much experience as he can this year.
  22. So change for change sake. I would thin you would want your best athletes playing. Nall has nowhere near the tools JP does
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