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Everything posted by PNW_Bills_Fan

  1. http://www.nflwallpapers.net/wallpapers/sm.../billslarge.jpg
  2. It is a customizable google home page. I have it set up so that when I open explorer, it opens up google search page with espn, cbssports, foxsports, and si headlines.
  3. wow all I want is a i google theme not a personal history of cincy
  4. uh or just make a theme. If you don't like google, then don't do it.
  5. I have no clue. http://www.google.com/help/ig/art/ This is what I am talking about
  6. If we do a way with all health inssurence then everyone would be able to afford to go to the doctor. The middle man is making it so expensive.
  7. The Pats and the Jets have one. Does anyone have the skills set to make a killer i- google theme? Edit: rtconner made an awesome I-Google theme. He was wondering what other players should be in the theme.
  8. Where is this written? I thought I read with Hamdan at QB you get scout team?
  9. Don't start with the chroise they will fight back. They are obsessed with a career 3rd stringer. I will admit he looked good in the phony picture. How old is he in that picture?
  10. BLA BLA BLA we keep hearing this yet the professionals said he was one of the best coaches last year. Maybe he is conservative because that is what needed to win. You play to your strengths and for the last couple years we were short on those.
  11. Well worth my precious time to read.
  12. Hawks have a nice one two punch at running back this year. They got Carlson in the draft. They have Nate Burleson (sp) and a couple guys that showed promise last year. I am not sure you know what you are talking about. This is a team that has some talent. (Sorry I live near Seattle and hear their talk radio all day)
  13. Johnson is getting lots or praise for running good routs. I think he could overtake our little men at wr.
  14. I think the signing is a sign that they are not happy with Hamden. I think they are going to send him packing.
  15. One is on the front page, the other is on the story page. We just need all the people that voted on the story page to vote on the front page.
  16. Buffalo Bills QB Luke Drone (Illinois State) LB Joe Brockington (Notre Dame) DT Teraz McCray (Miami, FL) WR Jason Jones (Arkansas-Pine Bluff) FB Mike Viti (Army) LB Jon Banks (Iowa State) OL Robert Felton (Arkansas) LB Marcus Buggs (Vanderbilt) RB Bruce Hall (Mississippi) http://fflivewire.com/articles/2008_NFL_Un...Signings_1.aspx
  17. In all reality judgment day cannot come until after 2010. This is when we can start to see what DJ and the front office have assembled for the long term. I honestly think 9-7 this year. We need stability in buffalo. I think we have the makings of a great team. We are a couple pieces away, but give DJ more than 2 years.
  18. No you cannot. You have been put in timeout for calling names. You must put your face in the corner on a nail.
  19. I think a lot of pro (college) athletes are about the money. I am not sure this is a new thing.
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