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Everything posted by PNW_Bills_Fan

  1. No offense, but that was not TE bashing, that was what if mojo is alive (which it is not). I think you need some coffee
  2. I have never been in this kind of trouble. A family member of mine got in trouble with the law. I tell you what there is nothing more scary in your life, even when you are Innocent. Lynch did what his legal rights were. He shut his mouth till he had to open it. When he opened it, he said just what his lawyers told him to say nothing more, nothing less. The only reason Lynch gets this deal is because Clark had no evidence except his car. Non of the testimonies matched up. The video told him nothing. Clark gave the only thing that he could get. For you to assume that it is anything more or less is naive. Unless you have been in the system you have no clue what it is like.
  3. Like another poster put every great team starts by beating the teams they are supposed to beat. The Bills for the first time in years is not rebuilding, but retooling with talent. This year will tell a lot about DJ. I think we give him this and next year. With the next two years we will see what he can do as a coach. I am just not sure we need another new coaching staff if we do not have a playoff year. I think that will set us back further.
  4. I like how people who don't DJ just push off the fact the bills were in the hunt late in the season. What does a playoff team look like? It looks like a team in the playoffs. But teams that are in the hunt must look a little like a playoff team in order to be in the hunt. I think if people could put there disdain for DJ behind them and look at what DJ has done with little you would see he is a good coach. I did not say a great coach.
  5. Well sorry we can take one or two off the list. The bottom line was the starters were injured. You can try and refute that, can but that is well documented. Our team did not have our best for most of the season. DJ still had us in the playoff hunt till the end of the season.
  6. Whether they started or not is not the issue. The point is they all played more minutes then any of us would have liked or felt comfortable with.
  7. I am lacking in something that does not exist hmmmm.
  8. Yeah, this thread will never die because a couple people on this board will not let it. Even if there is nothing to talk about.
  9. I like Turk. I am not sure Sam and his voice could handle the OC job. Since his medical problems he has done nothing in the league to that level.
  10. Clayton I believe became big in Seattle on KJR. He still has a show on Saturdays. Yeah I would love to see some movement. I like the idea of RP on the outside. I think his speed will be an asset there. I also agree that JR is better in the slot.
  11. I think this was a good article. I am intrigued by our new offense. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/columns/stor...&id=3438951
  12. All mascots suck. That is not the discussion. The discussion is, is our sucky mascot better than the other sucky mascots. I am not sure why NFL teams have a mascot. I can see why the NBA does. It is a much smaller venue. The mascot can get the crowed into the game.
  13. I think they actually asked the fans for that one (I actually don't know, it just makes snese with the name).
  14. JP not so good as starter. Hamdan cannot beat JP out for second string. HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
  15. I was thinking of flying in with a buddy from Seattle, but the game is sold out.
  16. http://www.sportsline.com/spin/story/10851187
  17. That looks awesome. I love it. I would love to here what other players think should be in it. I would think Moulds would be good. You could also keep it to a all 1990-1994 teams theme. Thanks I love it.
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