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Everything posted by PNW_Bills_Fan

  1. If we keep winning he will be. If we lose he wont be back. I think is what he was trying to say.
  2. Anyone who thinks the Bills playing hard to the end of the games is absurd. On this board people say DJ coaches not to lose. That is exactly the opposite of what was done today. Also if the bills would have slowed down and KC got back in the game, the people saying we ran up the score would be complaining about the coaching.
  3. UH yeah we have reason to be optimistic. Think of what the team will look like with AS, DW, and JG back. I tell you what We have reasons to be optimistic.
  4. Barry Sanders never had a line. Did you watch those Lion teams. Barry knew how to just dance his way free.
  5. BS If you have a great QB your coach will be a good winner. This coaching this is a bunch of BS. Honestly the coach is as good as his players. A coach can make up some ground, but not that much. When we were 4-0 you were all happy with DJ. You change with the weather.
  6. I hate after losses how people get on hear and say I am done. Please don't tell anyone just leave.
  7. When we win the world is awesome. DJ is the man and TE is the second coming of Joe Montana. We lose The world is falling a part. We have a young team that is learning how to win. We have a young QB that is having some trouble. DJ is the same coach he was when we were 4 and 0. We have hit a spell where we cannot run the ball. We have hit spell of good teams. Brown - Should Win Chiefs - Should win 49 - Should win Dolphins - Should win Jets - Win able Broncos -Win able NE - Win able We could be 12-4 by the end of the season and we are all complaining. We have been in every game but one. We will get some of our guys back. We will win some more games. Get a grip and realize the season is not one game . It is not 9 games. It is 16.
  8. Not having a running game has hurt TE. I think we are going to win some more games this year.
  9. I think injuries have more to do with this than DJ's extension. We can blame people all day long, but the bottom line is we all thought the Bills would be a 9-7 team at the beginning of the year. Our D needs to be healthy because we still don't have the depth that most good teams have.
  10. The 4-1 holding call and the onsides kick. Yeah you could agrue that the bills did nothing all game, but these two things give the refs more control of the outcome than the teams. Yes our offense has look horrible. We were still in the game thanks to the D. We are missing AS, DW and a running game.
  11. I don't have to. He will with the next 8 games. He has looked good in 5 games. "Stunk" in two games, we might as well trade him for a draft pick
  12. Either a lot of us take sports to seriously or we like being emotional. I think we enjoy the rush if winning and losing. I think we like the pain. Personally I think we need to wait till the end of the year to make judgments on TE and this team. Even the best QB's have bad games. Don't forget this is TE first full season as a starter. The future is still bright. Lets dominate the PATS. I hate the Pats
  13. I hate how people think a lose means its the end of the world. We have lost three games. We have won 5. We have been in every game that Trent has played significant minutes in. WOW, some people need to get some more hobbies. They need to start watching politics I think AY helps on the run D and gives them more options on blitzes. If we get healthy we will regain traction.
  14. Reed and Schobel are much needed peices to this teams O and D. Our pass rush will be there when AS gets back. I think JR will help TE on third downs. This team is not down and out. They need a run game and a pass rush. We can beat any team we face. I will say the future still looks bright. Going into this season we would all have been happy with a 9-7 team.
  15. I am feeling lazy so I didn't read all the rest of the posts. If this has already been said than sorry. ML hasn't been getting 100 yard games because he is sharing with FJ. I think you cobine their numbers and the ask how our running game is.
  16. At the beginning of the year I was hoping for a 9-7 season. I will be happy with that or above.
  17. I hate Miami!!!!! I want us to post 72 points on them.
  18. During this off seasion I though this team should be better than last year. I thought maybe one or two games better than last year. I thought Edwards was going to be efficient, but not one of the better qb's in the league. I am impressed with the coaching staff and all this young talent. THINK about how long this could last if we are able to keep our young talent. Our ship is heading in the right direction and I think we are going to surprise some more people this year. After watching DJ press conference from yesterday, I thought DJ showed some frustration that people thought the chargers were going to come in a beat them soundly. I know he is not highly emotional, but there was a hint of serious frustration.
  19. and have mounted up over the years. JP will only be a starter on this team if TE gets hurt. Then next year he will be on another team.
  20. This couldn't have come at a better time. This gives the players two weeks to be pissed off. This gives the line 2 weeks to think about letting their starting qb get killed. This gives the D two weeks to think about getting exploited. I hate losing, but I think this gives us a great chance to rebound well. Random thoughts: This bye gives Peters much needed time to with the rest of the guys. This gives our injured guys time to heal. We may even get Edwards back. I think JP looked lost out there. I think some of the sacks were his fault. He does not step up into the pocket. He just keeps back peddling. Our line needs to get better. Our D line needs to get to the QB.
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