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Everything posted by PNW_Bills_Fan

  1. If I am remembering correctly he filled in very nice last year in at several o line positions. I am also wondering in Melvin can play guard? They may not be looking to sign any more OL players. Just a thought.
  2. http://clarkjudge.blogs.cbssports.com/mcc/...384866/13846820
  3. http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...=NFL&id=109
  4. http://www.rotoworld.com/content/playerpag...NFL&id=1371
  5. Can't hurt to go after a guy like Fred. He will play while ML is out and then Fred will get hurt. He will come back and ML with get hurt.
  6. Hmmm I am sure the person asking the question was looking for a bunch of sarcasm. I love the observations.
  7. I think some of you are just looking for a reason to complain. This seems to be a move up. He was fired so that McCarthy could change his D styles. He was fired because the team didn't meet expectations. He had decent numbers. Besides he has work on D lines most of his career. He has worked with some great talent. One would think he knew a little about coaching. I mean he has been doing it for 22 years at a high level.
  8. This gets the dumb comment award. We have spent money the last two years trying to get better.
  9. Ralph may be old, but he is not as much of a football idiot as some make him out to be.
  10. How good are the Jets going to be without Brett Favre next year? I am with you that DJ may not be the best coach in the world but I am not sure he is to blame for all that transpired this year. Like I said after this year his grace period is up. This team was in horrible shape when he inherited it. Our win total has not gone up, but we are getting better. You can see that statistically. It will translate next year it more wins. Well, at least I hope it does.
  11. I swear fans are bipolar. If we would have kept on winning everyone here would say DJ is coming around as a coach. I am as disappointed at as any Bills fan that we didn't make the playoffs. I still think this team is a team on its way up. I think TE is a QB that can win a lot of games in the NFL. I am not sure we are that far off from being a good team. A couple good FA signings and a good draft and we are there talent wise. A good DE, and LB with some more depth on the D and we are doing alright D wise. A good TE, Center and WR and our offense is way better. I am not sure we have that many glaring holes. If DJ doesn't get us to the playoffs next year he is definitely gone. He will be on a short leash. I like the move of keeping him with this young team. We all hate the three and outs in the game why do we like it with our coaches? Here is to a New Year that is bright for the Bills. Russ go get some FA that we need so that TSW can be happy again.
  12. Uh I would bet he knows most of the people in the front office.
  13. Yeah I agree. I think he is here for a couple more years. I know people don't want to here it.
  14. HMMMM playoff caliber team with an offense that scores. Make all the jokes you want we beat a above 500 team that is fighting for the playoffs. I still think most of at the beginning of the year would have said we are a year away and it turns out we are a year away. All the nay sayers can go rout for the Pats. We are building this team right. It is taking time, but we will be in the playoffs very soon.
  15. Like I said we are not far off. I actually think our 2 you have serious potential, DF and DS. We are not far off. We need one more outside LB, DE, Center (unless Duke has turned things around). Other than those weaknesses we could use some depth.
  16. I did not get to see the game because I was at the Seahawks game. I watched the highlights online and then watch the post game interviews. I swear DJ was holding back tears. After watching all the interviews I got the impression these guys like there coach. They want to fight for their coach. I also felt like they had some swagger. I felt like they came across like fighters. Not like losers. There has been so much talk about our seasons collapse and the lack of swagger. I saw some today. I like our chances with TE at the helm. We have a good young core that love there coach and want to play for him. There is no excuse for the losses, but I think next year is looking brighter. If we beat the Pats, oh that would be sweet. It will also confirm that we are on the right track. I am not sure a loss means we blow this team up. I think with a little bit of tweaking on the O and D line and we are not far off.
  17. There is no guarantee that, that coach will do well with the players we have. Coaching success I think has more to do with the players than with how good the coaches are. I think DJ gets bum rap because we don't think he is fiery enough. I am not sure that is a reason to fire him. I remember when a lot of you wanted the guy from Green Bay to be the next coach, yet he hasn't even be asked to coach again in the NFL. A lot of the people calling for Dj's head didn't even want him in the first place.
  18. I agree. I think it is funny to hear people analyze the offense and D. I played in High School and have loved football for a long time. The schemes they run are way out of my league. I am not sure we understand how good coaches are because all we see is wins and losses. I am not as down on DJ and the team as others on this board.
  19. I am not giving DJ a pass. I am just not sure he is to blame for all the problem. If you do not like the play calling then that is TS. If you want to blame DJ for that hire then fine. We are more talented than last year. We still have lots of holes. DJ definitely has his moments. I think the argument about him being to stoic is a problem is a bad argument. Just cause you have a fiery coach doesn't mean you will win. We have some stability in the organization at this point. I think you stay the coarse and see what can happen at the during the off season. I think as fans we forget how young we are. Our nucleous is growing, but we still have way to many holes and that is not DJ's fault.
  20. Firing DJ would be a huge mistake. The players play for him. We are better than we were last year or even two years ago. We are a young team. We will have our ups and downs. But starting over is not the answer. Giving our coaches talent and depth to work with is. This season is not over yet. The sky has not fallen.
  21. I look back at the beginning of this year. I was not sure what to expect. Talent wise we are further along that un years past. I just wasn't sure we had enough depth to be a contender. I believe that is what we are seeing. Great teams overcome injuries. I am not sure Dj is the sole reason for the loses. I think since he has gotten hear people have not wanted him. He is not as animated as we think a coach should be. I see how this team talent wise has been getting better every year. I don't see the Bills firing him this year. I think next year if we can get more talent in the off season will be a defining year. This recovery process is coming along, it is just taking longer than what you and I wanted. With that all being said we are not out of it for this year. We do need to win out. That is for sure. If we win out we would be 10-6 and that is a heck of a year. If we go 9-7 that is where I thought we were at the beginning of the year. In some ways I wish we as fans were not so reactive. We have tasted some good times this year. We have tasted some bad times. But we are better than we were last year. I think we are building to be a force in the next couple years. Changing coaches is not the answer. Providing depth and talent is. TD did a lot of damage and we are still not totally recovered.
  22. I am not sure how people could argue that our D would not be better with AS in.
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