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Everything posted by PNW_Bills_Fan

  1. This front office has shown that they know the game and are willing. They are not willing to sign guys that don't deserve it. They are willing to wheel and deal. I vote yes on this type of deal
  2. hmmm. NFL players have never been the model for society. If I remember right the Bills of the early 90's had some trouble as well. I am not sure what to expect from a bunch of millionaires? If you were 23 and a millionaire would you be a model citizen. I do not like what they are doing. I think it is horrible and they should get what they deserve for their actions. This off season we signed one of the best receivers in the game. We upgraded our center and now have some good depth on the O-line. We signed a quality CB that will help the team. All this and the draft hasn't happened. The whole Peters thing I do not think is the Bills fault. I think Peters is greedy and needs to show up and produce. Then he will be taken care of. If he doesn't want to then ship him out for a 1st and 3rd and replace him with a younger guy. We may even have his replacement on the team already (Bell). All those who are down on this team like being down on them. This is the off season there is always hope in the off season.
  3. I like this signing. This off season has been a pleasant surprise.
  4. I like this. I just think the division games should be as close to each other as possibly can. This helps everyone. It helps with rivals and it helps with selling tickets.
  5. Tim do you know anything more than we do about Pat Thomas? A lot of people here think he is nothing more than a special teamer.
  6. Maybe they are doing one year deals because DJ will be gone if the Bills do not make the playoffs. This way the new coach can bring in there type of players. Maybe the front office has the big picture in mind?
  7. Mitchel Peters Lynch Evens Owens Whitner McGee Poz Schobel Off the top of my head these are all guys that are good. I cannot stand all the moaning about our talent level. We are getting better. Yeah we have been 7-9 the last three years, but we also have a lot of off season to go. There are still quality players on the market and the draft. The Bills are moving as quick as the other teams. If you are sick of the team and front office and the Owner find a new team. Oh and the alignment idea is a bad one. I am for realigning the divisions, but not that way. My suggestion Seattle San Fran San Diego Oakland Denver Dallas Houston Arizona Miami Tampa Jacksonville New Orleans St Louis Tennesee Atlanta Kansas City Minn Chicago Green Bay Indy New England Giants Jets Philly Baltimore Washington Pittsburg Carolina Buffalo Cleavland Detroit Cincinnati That is how I would break it out. Think of the fan rivalry. All games would be sold out because fans could follow there team to division games.
  8. http://www.nfl.com/videos?videoId=09000d5d80f50d6e
  9. I think it is good business to wait. There are still some quality FA out there. This season may get more and more interesting as the draft gets near.
  10. I know we have a lot of holes in our team at this point in the year. It seems like most teams are playing the sit tight and waiting game to fill holes. To me this years free agency has been a very slow one. With a few signings but not like years past. Our front office may be playing the same game as the rest of the league because they can. After all this is a business. The longer they wait the cheaper free agents become. Tomorrow is we sign Angelo Crowell then that is one more hole filled with a couple that can be filled via FA. I know it seems like the front office is sitting on their hands, but they may actually be playing there cards very well.
  11. Tim, are the Bills looking into Orlando Pace? Does Orlando Pace have anything left in the tank?
  12. Tim you have made coming here fun again. Sometimes the negativity gets to me and a go weeks without checking. This off season has been fun with you adding your tidbits. I really appreciate it. I added as well. I love this signing even if it is a stop gap in TO's career.
  13. This signing is good at many levels. 1. The fan base has been disgusted with front office for keeping DJ. They are getting more and more uneasy about not making the playoffs. The team needed to do something big to give the fans something to celebrate. This signing will put fans in the stands. It will get merchandise sold. This will also get us national media. This is a good move for this reason. 2. The Bills needed another WR. so they went out and signed one of the best WR in the game. As a fan I am not sure how you complain about this. It gives us another year to develop Hardy and Johnson. I also think Parrish is gone. This is a good move to help us develop our young talent. 3. This is a one year deal. The bills are not out much if he doesn't workout. Brandon showed he has a pair. This is a gutsy move. This could be a horrible move, but at least he was willing to go out on a limb. This is a good signing.
  14. If he is knee is better then I think he would be an upgrade. We would not have to waist a high draft pick on a LB. We could focus on both lines.
  15. Most of what is being said is rumored to be happening. At least the Waters and June talk. We may loose Coles because of his ego and desire to make tons of money at this stage of his career.
  16. Weaver is a good FB with great hands. He would be a a good offensive weapon.
  17. There are some here that don't like who we have signed and think we are just signing backups. I want to know who you think the bills should sign that is not some other teams leftovers and is starting material.
  18. Football is a crap shoot when trying to predict who will make it as a star player. Look at Jim Leanrard. He was our left overs and he did well in Baltimore. It is all about chemistry and coaching with some luck.
  19. But they are upgrades for the I believe the name is the Bills. SO the front office is trying to get better what is the problem with that. Who else out there is better to meet the needs of the team that a better LB that can play in our scheme. Coles is an experienced receiver that will take pressure of off Evens, how is that a bad thing. So what if he has had his best year in behind him, it gives us time to develop Hardy and Johnson.
  20. Which one. The one where he went to the Superbowl four years in a row or the one where he helped get us out of Salary Cap HELL and in to somewhat of a competitive team. That is young and on the rise.
  21. I would say that both Coles and June would be upgrades from what we have. To think not is not smart. Both have been productive in their careers.
  22. Looking at the other FA signings, if the Bills sign June and Coles will you look favorably on this free agency period?
  23. I hate to point out the obvious. But, we are not changing out the staff.
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