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Everything posted by PNW_Bills_Fan

  1. I love it. There is life at one bills drive. I think it is about time Ralphy turned the burners on.
  2. Have we built for the future or is this team going no where like when TD was here? Do we have more talent then 4 years ago or about the same amount as before?
  3. Its called playing against second, third and practice squad players.
  4. http://www.wgr550.com/Ko-Simpson-Traded-To-Detroit/5154248
  5. I agree. I think this is DJ trying to do his best at keeping his job. He knows he is out of a job if they do not produce. I think AVP will do fine. I do like what DJ said in the Press Conference, that he wanted a more attacking O. AVP has nothing to lose. If he does well the bills win and he gets the OC job for good. If he doesn't everyone gets fired. He know this, he is no idiot. . I think this also lights a fire into the player. I think DJ was trying to let them see that they need to play with some urgency.
  6. I think this has to do with AVP knowing the system and the guys. If the Bills lose and are not going to go anywhere offensively I think they will not keep AVP but find a new coach. This is not DJ of past move. I think it is a sign of desperation, knowing something has to be done.
  7. I would agree I would love to see more points on the board. I am just willing to mail the season in as a lost cause because we have not scored any points in pre season.
  8. 4 years ago we all knew this team had very little talent. The FO has done a nice job getting young talent. We brought in TO which was not in any of our playbooks. If you would have told us at the end of last season that this year we would have TO all of us would have would has said their was no way Ralphy does that. If you would have told us that we would be running a no huddle offense at the end of last year we all would have said it is about time we try something new. This team is growing into itself. Their will be growth pains. For all those who say DJ is a numb nut, he is an IVY LEAGUE GRAD he knows that this is his last chance. Have you watched his press conferences he is irritated, He may not show passion, but he is definitely irritated. He is not making excuses. He is saying there is nothing good but the punting game. If he was yelling it then people on this board will call him a coach with balls. Instead because he is mild mannered he is a passionless man. I forget but was he not a good player. I am not sure how you can be a good player when you have no passion. This team will compete this year. We have more talent than last year. Anyone one who says different has a bias against this team and just wants to see DJ fired. I think this D has a chance of being a top 15 D if not top 10 especially if Maybin and Schobel can get some sacks. TO will score there is no doubt about that. He has scored everywhere he's been. Marshawn will run hard and TE will make good decisions. That is what he is known for. He may play dink and dunk. But dink and dunk leads to long passes. It softens the D up a little. Sorry reading stuff on this board just drives me crazy sometimes. I think the Monday night football commercial has us all pegged. We all would rather be a coordinator in the NFL but we do not have the knowledge to do so. I think we all think we know more than what we do. I am looking forward to this season. I am excited to see what is going to happen. I love watching the Bills even if they lose. I am sick and tired of losing and getting made fun of for being a bills fan. But there is always the hope that one day we will win that elusive Super Bowl.
  9. 1. I am a little worried about the season. I was hoping to see something last night that gave me some hope that this team could score. I hope TO is a help to the offense. 2. This coaching staff whether good or bad do not game plan for the preseason. They would rather focus on their own d and o, not on others. I hope this is the reason that our O looked bad last night. I would think film study would help TE know how to run the O better if he saw some film on them. 3. I actually think the D looked alright. I think our d has a chance to be real good. When all the pieces are in place for the Pats game I think we will get pressure on Brady. 4. I was thinking this team could be a 9-7 to 10-6 before the Preseason, now I hope that the O line can come together and surprise us all. 5. I am one who does not like a lot of turn over in coaching but I agree that if we do not have a 9-7 record or better then DJ needs to go.
  10. I want to see the first string play a half. I will be happy to see them play more than three series. I also like the other things mentioned. I too want to see the you DE's play more with the first string.
  11. Does it mater if this gives us the best chance of winning. I understand that a lot of people here want a line that has been together for a long time. I applaud the coaches if they make this move.
  12. We have seen one series with TO. We have seen very little of the 1st team O and D. I am not someone who notices subtle blitzes, but I am not sure how much stunting and blitzing we have seen either.
  13. This coaching staff has the philosophy to get the basics down in the preseason games and not tip you rhand to what you want to do during the season. Last year we all we excited with the D before Aaron Schobel went down. They were doing creative things. They looked fast. The "O" looked good. We have more talent this year. The line is a question, but I think the coaching staff is keeping everything tight to the vest. I think we will know more after week one. I think there is still a chance we surprise the Pats.
  14. He was visibly irritated. It was nice to seem him not very happy. I disagree about the protection, but I like that he said nothing commendable happened with the first team D. It is his way of calling out the guys.
  15. [quote Although Maybin is one of five remaining first-round holdouts, rumblings at camp indicate he is close to an agreement. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/trainingcamp...&id=4398661
  16. The new young guys are getting lots of playing time. I have no problem with TE not getting more Pre Season experience. I think by now he should know what live action is like. We also have three more games after this one. The second to the last the 1st team will get a lot more. The reason they don;t play them according to what I understand is they don't want them to get hurt. But you can die walking across the street so that may not bee a good answer. For the guys who don't like this I am thinking you don't like DJ anyway and would criticize him either way he chose to coach the preseason game. If he left them in to long he will get criticized, especially if they get hurt. I can hear it now "Why did DJ leave them in so long. He was just asking to get them hurt." He is damned uf he does and damned if he doesn't.
  17. Or the coaches wanted to see other players so they could see what they had. I am not sure how playing a lot in preseason tells us anything about what will happen during the regular season. Brady missed a whole year he needs the time. We were just reminded about how smart Andy Reid is by his signing of MV. So we know why McNabb played as long as he did.
  18. Based on what is TE going to get hurt. I am tired of people saying our line is like swiss cheese. We have not seen them enough to know how good or bad they are going to be.
  19. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=4397938
  20. Agree I think Fine with have a breakout year. I also think Bowen will.
  21. The problem is when people start to make the guy out to be a saint. Call a spade a spade. I would say we have all done stuff wrong. We are no different then SM. We may not have had an affair but we have all made mistakes. We have all made bad decisions. I think it is God's place to judge. I think we can learn from the mistake. But don't make SM out to be something he was not. He was a good football player and a very selfish man. Let's leave it at that. Oh and just because people say they do something in Jesus name doesn't mean that he approves of what they did. Before people make judgments about Jesus teaching they should study them. Not base them off what people who claim to follow Jesus say he teaches. I fear to many followers of Jesus get mislabeled because some who don't know what Jesus taught but claim to follow him.
  22. http://www.cbssports.com/nfl/positional-rankings/DEF/S Agree or disagree
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