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Everything posted by Slobberknocker

  1. At least you guys can speak up when people blast the Redskins for only getting a 6th for Ramsey. Resale value ain't much these days once you drive a player off the lot and park him in your garage. Best news? You free cap, end a contoversy AND obtain a pick. Not bad. But I still liked the deal better where you SWAPPED 4ths and obtained a 5th. That was sweeter because you'd have the first pick on the 2nd day plus what amounts to the "last" pick of the 4th as well. That deal sounded fair.
  2. That's either utterly brilliant or the worst rationalization ever.
  3. It's unfortunate how things have worked out so far for JP in Buffalo. After watching Ramsey endure the same scenario in Washington, and now seeing how Gibbs is bringing Jason Campbell along, I can't tell you guys what a world of difference the patient approach makes. If Losman had two years to "season" rather than be put in and taken out herky/jerky style, he might blossom into something special. The Ramsey experiment turned into a disaster because he never really had a chance under two totally different regimes. That said, Gibbs never would have drafted the guy either. It's sad when talent doesn't have a chance to develop, but it happens ALL the time, especically at QB. I thought bringing in Marv would resolve the situation for you guys, but so far I'm not sure what to make of it all. Then again, I'm observing from afar. Is Marv making over the roster in his image? Is he bringing back the formula that took you to four consecutive Super Bowls? Again, I'm just a bystander, but there haven't been too many signature "Levy" moves to me that make a lot of sense. I wish you guys all the luck in the world. I've been a Bills observer since I was a kid and O.J. got drafted out of USC. Like the Cubs, you're a national treasure but like the Sox both White and Red, it's time you get your #$#@ together and win the damn thing!
  4. Call it the curse of the "Tulane Turnover Torpedo"... LOL. Patrick Ramsey and Losman straght up for a peanut butter sandwich and a pack of gum.
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