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Posts posted by DeLuca1967

  1. Among other similarly situated teams (i.e., teams on the fringe of the playoff hunt) who played at home this afternoon:


    Atlanta drew 68,834 - capacity is 71,149


    STL drew 62,234 - capacity is 66,000


    JAX drew 67,164 - capacity is 73,000 Are you sure about this capacity? I thought JAX      blocked out some seats?


    The Bills weren't alone on Christmas Eve.



    The Bills were 17,000 under capicity.


    Those three teams are 13,000 under combined.


    There was once a time when the Bills would have sold out even if Jesus Christ himself came back.


    The 54,000 shows a real disconnect between the Bills and the fans. I thought there was some but not to this degree. This was a game Bills fans have been waiting for. A game against a beatable team with the playoffs on the line. Yet they didn't show.

  2. What'samatter, DeLuca? Can't complain about the quarterback any more?



    It is Christmas so I'd thought I'd be nice. :D


    Well, since you mentioned it.


    That was the typical Loseman game. A TD to a wide open Lee Evans and two picks. The last being the worst play I've seen a QB make in a long time. It was a typical dumb play by a dumb QB. 4th and 5 with plenty of time left and he tosses up a Hail Mary. As soon as the play began to break down his football instincts should have taken over and he should have gotten to that first down marker at all costs. Problem is? He has no football instincts.


    If you want to talk about a QB with a great future in this league lets talk about Vince Young. 8-4 as a starter. I doubt anyone would claim he is surrounded by great players. There are QB's that just win. At any level. Vince Young is one of those QB's. Loseman is not.


    I do understand that some are happy with Loseman. Good for you. Just know, this is as good as it gets. With Loseman this team will always be on the outside looking in.



    Merry Christmas to all :doh:

  3. 3 TD's is "not losing the game"?





    Is hitting wide open receivers something special? Were any of those throws something that any other QB couldn't have made? If Harrington had receivers that open he would have had three TD's.


    Looking at this defense. I have to give Tom Modrak alot of credit for drafting Keith Ellison. If only he would have drafted Haloti Ngata at #8 then traded up to draft Whitner.

    With Ngata in the middle? They might have been good enough to overcome the offense earlier in the year and be in a playoff spot today. :doh:

  4. JGD, Deluca and Holcomb's arm are gone! hahahah Losman sucks.



    Gone! You must be out of your mind.


    Nothing has changed.


    Wow! Hitting wide open receivers! Let's put Loseman in the HOF. Please :ph34r:


    I'm suposed to get excited because the QB didn't lose the game for the Bills? I guess that's the standard.


    The Bills are playing well because the Defense and the Special Teams have made up for Loseman's mistakes. Instead of letting yet another Loseman fumble cost the Bills the game like it has all year. The Defense has stepped up.


    And how good does Tom Donahoe look. For all the whining you ladies do about about TD?


    Jason Peters has looked great.

    Lee Evans is showing he is a #1 WR.

    Aaron Schoeble is heading to the Pro-Bowl. Or at least should.

    McGahee is running with heart.

    Nate Clements is finally looking like "The Play Maker" he claims to be.


    If he could have only gotten something done at the QB position he may still be the GM. :doh:

  5. Seems EVERY year now these threads start earlier and earlier for this franchise...might as well leave it pinned all year as we will probably be singing the same tune again this time next year..."Where will the Bills draft"..."we need OL, DT, OLB and Marv drafts Troy Smith"...


    Sigh... :doh:



    Please! Like Marv is going to draft anyone other then a Big-10 defensive back. :(

  6. Since 'opening up' the offence against Houston 3 weeks ago....

    JP has averaged......231yds/game....6.7yds/att....85.1QBR....1.7sacks....& has had 2 victories, both come from behind.

    Our Offence has averaged 21.7points/game....291yards/game


    If anything, it is our running game that is letting us down.....averaging 68yards at 3yards/att.


    What games have you been watching?  This post was much more appropriate about a month ago. :(



    You forgot to mention :


    4 INT's

    1 INT for a TD

    3 Fumbles

    1 Fumble lost


    The funny thing? These numbers are an improvement :doh:

  7. Oh yeah, he sure seemed that way against the Texans and Jags  :nana:


    I do however have a problem with how long it takes for him to get things going in the beginning of the game. But he certainly doesn't lose it for us in the end.


    Comparing him to Plummer this soon is unfair.



    2 games out of 12? I guess if you're a Loseman fan you have to forget about the other 10?

  8. DeLuca, you're awesome. You know so much about football it makes me want to put you in place of Tony Kornheiser on the ESPN broadcasts. I bow to your superior football intellect, and your ability to spend so much of your free time posting about how you'd make a better GM than most of the current employees in the NFL.


    Come back with some of your snappy wit. I will stay awake waiting for your response.


    Oh, BTW, JP sucks. Draft Quinn!





    I never said I would make a better Gm than anyone. I do believe that the Bills where hurt badly by Ralph not going out and conducting a GM search. Giving the job to his shuffleboard partner because he makes him feel comfortable is not in the best interest of the franchise.


    Look at a franchise like the Jets. I laugh when I think of all the posters that were ripping the Jets before the season starts. They have a real chance at the playoffs. They stole there center late in the first round and they have a coach and front office

    that seems to be able to get things done. They improved there 0-line. Drafting Mangold late in the first while Marv & Co thought Fowler and Reyes where the answer. :lol::w00t::)


    The Bills 2006 FA class may be the worst in franchise history. Add that to the piss poor day one of the draft? Those are two "rebuilding" blocks the Bills couldn't afford to screw up. But they did.

  9. Based on what , your opinion?????



    How about common sense? How about an area that can't keep businesses, parks and hospitals open. An area that sees the population shrinking and the unemployment numbers rising can't afford an NFL franchise.


    From what I have been hearing is that the NFL wants all of it's teams to have new updated stadiums. Ralph isn't going to make that investment. There are ZERO public dollars available for a new stadium.


    And yes Dan. You should feel smarter after reading my posts. It means you are learning something. :)

  10. Ngata, however, might have been a good pickup.  I'm not going to open that can of worms though, Whitner will be a good player.



    How much brighter would the future be with Ngata as the anchor of the d-line and Mangold as the anchor of the o-line.


    Whitner is OK. I'd take a talented bigman over a talented smallman.


    McCargo seems to be doing what he does best. Miss games due to injury.


    Add in Ashton Youboty who has yet to play? Looks like Marv had a great first day of the draft. :)

  11. Oh....I get it.....JP has a bad day and he will never make it to average?  I'll let you in on a little secret.....There were not 12 QBs with better performances than JPs this week.....and that is with JP having a 'bad' day.

    The truth is that there are not many good QBs left in this league....and every week some of the good ones will have bad days.  There is a bunch of potentially good young ones.....but legitimate 'good' or 'great' QBs????  Not many at all.

    McNair(last legs)


    Rivers(is he really this good?)






    Favre(last legs)

    Green(or KC QB)





    McNabb(out for season)

    The fact that once JP was 'cut lose' he has had 2 come from behind victories & a third late TD drive shows him minimally in the 'average' bracket.


    ....but there is really no point in responding to you is there?  :)



    Each QB you listed is better than Loseman. QB's do have bad games. You have to balance them against the good games. Most of those QB's have had far more "good" games than bad. Loseman has had over 20 starts. Not more than a handfull could be considered "good" games. Last week he had three turnovers. But I guess you would file that under his "good" games.


    But you continue to run to the stats after every game and hope that there are QB's that played worse the Loseman. Go ahead. I understood a long time ago that it's what you need to trick yourself into thinking Loseman has a future.


    And about Loseman's comebacks? The first was needed after Loseman through an INT for a TD that a highschool QB wouldn't throw. And the two "completions" that you are going to hold to so tightly were poorly thrown balls that the wide receivers made great catches on.


    If you are willing to hang on to a hope to be average QB go ahead. The Bills time in Buffalo is running out. Who knows how many seasons of NFL football we have left. It's time for the franchise to start taking big steps towards the ultimate goal. This season has been just another bad season in a string of bad seasons. :)

  12. OK.  So, if Losman is not the guy, who is?  You can't just come in here saying that Losman is terrible, that he is not the future, that he will never get the job done, and not have a plan.


    So, you must KNOW who will turn the franchise around.  So, who is it?  You have to have a plan if you are saying Losman is not the guy.  This team, after a couple of key pickups in the offseason (if they do pick up some talent) WILL be a playoff team next season with Losman as QB.  They are on pace for where I thought they would be this season......8-8.  Give or take a game, this will be a successful season and will put this team in a great mindset heading into next season.


    If your plan does not include a playoff birth next year, an old QB, or a new project, then your plan is crap.  Who are you going to bring in that is better than Losman and that will be our QB of the future (the next 5-8 years)?  We don't need any short term solutions.



    Your playoff dreams are just that, dreams.


    As far as QB's? Plummer to start until Quinn is ready to go. It worked out well for Denver with Plummer and Cutler. Plummer would be an upgrade right away and then you have Quinn ready down the road when this team gets serious about making a push.


    Problem solved.

  13. Deluca is the French term for "Wilted Flower."

    Funny how he only appears when the Bills lose and he can rip on Losman. We need more Bills fans like him.


    Viva DeLuca :doh:



    I've been here all week.


    Loseman's three turnovers cost the Bills the game. I guess that doesn't matter to "Bills fans like you".


    If you're happy to waste another year or two in the hopes that Loseman can raise his game to average. Go ahead. The owner is old and on his way out and the NFL wants every team in the league to have a new stadium. So excuse me if "Bills fans like me" want the Bills to win a Super Bowl before they move and don't want to waste anymore time on a QB who may someday grow up to be average. :blink:

  14. Cutler is the greatest!!!!!  Just lead his first 4th quarter comeback in his FIRST GAME!!!!!  HE IS THE GREATEST!  HE HAS "IT!"

    I know.  He threw a 7 yard pass and the WR broke a gazillion tackles.  But you know people are going to say he is already better than Losman.


    Fast is, he has been awful tonight, but if Denver ends up winning this game, get ready for all the "See........I told you we should have drafted Cutler" threads!  He has "IT!"



    He had the same stat line as Loseman. 2 td's 2 int's and a lost fumble. It took Loseman three years to build up to those numbers. The knid did it in his furst game.

  15. If Ben Roethlisberger never wins another game as a starter in the NFL, he can never be considered a "bust".  He may not have been the primary reason the Steelers won a Super Bowl last year, but he contributed throughout that season.  Think of all the great QB's who never won a title, or, better yet, think of all the NFL franchises that have never won a Super Bowl.  One Super Bowl is something a franchise, its' community, its' fans, cherish for decades...Ben R can never be considered a bust....the jury is still out on VY and Romo, but they are off to nice starts.



    Not to mention the motorcycle accident where he almost died. Then there was the surgery. :D


    The guys body has been through a lot this season. So if his game is a bit off he might have a pretty good excuse. :beer:

  16. I hate when people say that "Florida lost by ten to Auburn, Michigan lost by three, etc.  First, the Florida game was much closer than that.  Florida, remember, was driving to score the goahead touchdown when a controversial 'fumble" was called on the QB, Chris Leak.  Second, it was still only a 3/4 point game when Florida three an interception returned for a touchdown on the final play of the game.


    Michigan, if I remember correctly, was down by 10 with two minutes to play. It looked like they turned the ball over on downs (agaist a zone defense), when a phantom pass interference was called.  Michigan then was able to get it in the endzone, triedfor the miracle onside kick, didnt get it.  In otherwords, the score was more disparate than people make it out to be. 


    Besides, why do people  need to point out margin of loss as the "big deciding factor' of who gets to go?  How about we instead look to quality of wins? Shouldnt that be the way its down?  Michigan beat Wisconsin and Nortr Dame.. How good are those teams really?  Who else have they beaten?  ND has beaten NOBODY.  Florida, has beaten a record 10 bowl teams this season. LSU, Arkansas, Tenn, Georgia, Alabama, etc etc.  Even one of Forida's cake games, ie. Southern miss, was against ta top 40 team at the time.  Heck, a game that Florida gets hammered for barely winning, the South Carolina game, was still a win against a seven win school that beat Clemson last week.  Not to shabby.



    If I heard correctly on ESPN. The Gators had the #1 toughest schedule and Michigan had the 3rd. So the "quality of wins" is a push.


    So you have to look to the one loss.


    If you are #2 and you lose to the #1 team? How does that enable the #3 team to leap frog when that team lost to a lessor opponent?


    I'm glad USC lost. It would have been a crime to put them in the National Championship Game. It will be a crime if Florida goes. I'm not even a Michigan fan. What's right is right. Michigan is the #2 team in the country. They have done nothing to lose that status.


    Any voter who votes Florida because they don't like the idea of a "rematch" should have their vote taken away. It should be #1 and #2 on a neutral field.

  17. The Gators lost by 10pts to the #11 team in the country on the road.


    Michigan lost to the #1 team by 3pts on the road.


    The both played two of the toughest schedules in the country.


    If you are the #2 team and you lose to #1 on the road in a tight game? Michigan deserves a chance at Ohio State on a neutral field. Florida and USC lost to lessor teams. They shouldn't even had entered the discussion.

  18. I've never really placed much faith in QB rating as an accurate measure of a QB ability.  A couple of good games will bump up the rating and a couple bad games will drive it down


    That said I see he's only 3 points behind Brady.  Hopefully JP will keep having good games and Marcia will have a couple bad games. 


    Would love to see JP above Brady on any list  :thumbdown:



    The QB rating is as effective a tool at judging a quality QB as the BCS computer is at judging who the best college teams in the country are. They both are meaningless.


    The QB rating does not take into account sacks or fumbles. It doesn't take into account the INT's that turn in TD's. It also doesn't take into account drop passes, third down passing conversions and red zone passing. :thumbsup:

  19. The private sector through the purchase of bonds initially offered by a NYS authority which can get far better rates of return on the investment than private sector bonds because of the lower risk in government securities.


    In the long run NYS will pay back the bonds when they mature using tax revenues spread across all the taxpayers in the state and what ever largesse is negotiated for a cut of the revenues from the stadium.


    It results in a great deal for WNY if this is the method chosen for cash generation as the costs are spread across all taxpayers and thus the much larger population center downstate shares in the costs but WNY gets most of the revenue in the form of the job estra generated starting with construction and going through the heightened activity in ghe depressed urban core.


    The question is not whether the upfront cash can be generated (Ralph can do this himself if he chose to go into debt now for the likely greater returns in profit from theNFL cash cow, however, the question for him is why should he borrow when local taxpayers are willing to pay him the money for this product).  The question is whether the political leadership of NYS is wiling to spread this debt cost over the entire state for WNY.


    My sense is the answer can be yes as:


    1. When NYC and its suburbs split evenly between the Dems and GOP, then WNY wields disproportionate power as the major swing area in the state, If NYS flosts the bond for a WNY stadium authoroty and locks the Bills in here then Spitzer and the Dems will get the credit for holding this team in WNY for the forseeable future.


    2,  The Bills are actually the one team which plays in NYS and were they to move it would be an unacceptable embarassment for the state.


    3. Floating a bond for WNY strngthens the hands of those who wish to see a similar authority to be created to build a stadium in NYC.


    4. The $800 million cost is large to the normal person but really is chump change in the huge NYS market of finanical generation led by the Wall St. cash cow and the tax dollars it generates.


    5. Stadiums are genarally not the best or even a good investment for cash generation by a state or municipality.  However. Buffalo is so moribund in terms of downtown activity by like it or not the urban core of the region this investment will not have to move the dial very far in terms of increased activity to mark a substantial increase in urban core activity.


    If one builds a stadium as laid out by the article in Buffalo Rising that is design to look beyond the central failing of an NFL Stadium that it only provides 8 regular season and 2 preseason dates to build othersatellite draws which generate more regular traffic it can be a positive investment for the City and the surrounding suburbs who like it or not have their vitality determined in many ways by the vitality of urban core.


    It is  going to be difficult to bring off but it is not complex at all.



    How does the new 'Yankee Stadium' play into something like this? I know the Yankees are picking up most of the tab.




    How much sense does it really make to build a $800 million stadium in such a depressed area when it's only used 10 times a year. And what happens to the Ralph? The Aud already costs the city a nice chunk of change every year to maintain. What type of drain will the Ralph be on the county? Do you tear it down? It costs $40,000 to raise a house in the city. I can't imagine the cost of a stucture like the Ralph.

  20. There are several things the dude is out of touch with.  The first thing is that downtown's have given way to suberbia.  Nobody wants to go downtown if they can avoid it. 


    The second is... if you're going to build a stadium, you certainly want to build it in a place where it's economically feasable.  WNY does not fit that criteria... economic impotence, declining population, just general high cost of doing business. 


    The third thing is, the Bills are a regional franchise.  There's a huge fan base in the Rochester area and it's been that way for a while.  Fan bases have increased in Syracuse, Binghamton, Utica, and Albany.  So, if you're going to build a new stadium, it makes sense to drop it somewhere with easy in/out access, like along the Thruway maybe near Lancaster/Depew area. Can you imagine the downtown clusterf*ck of traffic for a Bills game if there were a downtown stadium.  Folks in these parts hate having to dump their car someplace and get bussed or railed in too.  And, the whole tailgating thing would be history if the stadium were downtown... open fires burning in the city? They won't let that happen. 


    The 4th thing is, if the project, let's say, costs $800M. If it's a public project, it will grow to 2.5 billion becuase of all of the polical wrangling and corruption, not to mention the wicks law that states you must use 3 separate contracors for heating, plumbing and electrical work.  Just the bid process alone would take a couple of years.


    New stadium? Not in Ralph's lifetime, I'd suspect.  Unless the NFL wants to pony up.  And, if they did, wouldn't it be wonderful if the naming rights were sold to Time-Warner?  Time-Warner Stadium?



    New Stadium? It will never happen. This county can't afford the stadium the Bills have now. The County and City are being run by "Control Boards". We are facing the closing of hospitals and the city workers haven't had a raise in years.


    There may be a new stadium in the Bills future. It won't be in WNY. There is zero public dollars to waste on such a project. All the money this area has needs to go to educating and employing it's citizens. Not building another cash machine for a billionaire.

  21. You're undoubtedly right.


    From the article: "Now, if you listen to Wilson, and maybe we should, Buffalo is in danger of losing its football team. Our ticket prices are the lowest in the league and when we fail to sell-out games, the resulting black-outs cost the franchise millions in lost television revenue. Now it also seems likely that the remaining games may not sell out, thus having a string of 5 consecutive games blacked-out. This would be a major."  :D


    Incomplete sentences are a forte here.



    If that was true. Why wouldn't the Bills "donate" the tickets?


    The Bills get their TV money before the season even starts so that sounds like a bunch of bullsh--. The Bills get paid if the game is on or not.

  22. Just because I was bored in my lunch break. :)

    Up to today.....

    Possition drafted....name......catches....yards....TDs...(pro bowls)

    #19....Marvin Harrison..............988-13152-115...(7)

    #1......Keyshawn Johnson.........797-10365-63.....(3)

    #89....Terrell Owens.................777-11366-109...(5)

    #24....Eric Moulds....................724-9606-49.......(3)

    #43....Muhsin Muhammad.........688-9133-52.......(2)

    #135..Joe Horn.........................575-8483-57......(4)

    #7......Terry Glenn...................569-8399-44.......(1)

    #34....Amani Toomer................561-8157-47

    #18....Eddie Kennison...............514-7921-39

    #52....Bobby Engram................498-5962-29

    #153..Jermaine Lewis...............142-2125-17.......(2)


    Anyone know of a better WR year?



    That's just an example why it's so hard to get in the HOF as a WR. It's probably the easiest position to put up big numbers.

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