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Posts posted by DeLuca1967

  1. Name 2 better offensive shortstops that preceded Ripken. You can't.


    Didn't Jr play third and short? How about Molitor and Yount for players of that era? Brett was also was better at third.


    "preceded" Ernie Banks comes to mind. Wagner hit .327. But I don't count any players stats before Jackie Robinson arrived.


    I'm not saying he doesn't belong in. But he's not close to being the 'Best Player Ever'. I'm not sure he is top 50.

  2. VABills didn't think he should be unanimous. :thumbdown:


    I don't think I do.


    At no point during his career did Jr. dominante the game. When you look at players like Rice and Gossage who at points in thier careers where dominant. Rice's numbers over a ten year period were without equal and Gossage helped change the roll of the releif pitcher.


    Tha'ts not to say Jr. is not a HOF 'er. It's just when you talk "unanimous"? That player should have been at some point the best player at his position or the best player in baseball. I'm not sure he ever was.

  3. 10. Would McGahee finally establish himself as an elite NFL RB?



    There were 22 runningbacks and 1 quarterback who rushed more more yards than McGahee.


    Only two averaged less than McGahee's 3.8 per carry.


    If McGahee were an elite back you would think his coaches would have more faith in him. An elite

    back gets the ball at 2nd and 6 or 3rd and 5 on the Bills final drive of the Titans game.


    All that said. There only a couple of elite backs (LT & Johnson) & a couple of very good backs (Alexander & Gore).

    The rest are pretty much interchangable and could be replace in this years draft for a lot less money than any of

    these cookie cutter backs will be making next season.


    If McGahee wants more money? The best thing the Bills can do is let him go out and earn it next season. If he

    has a break out year than you sign or tag him. If it's more of the same you just draft another back.

  4. Which team do you think had the most disappointing season?


    Cincy by far.


    You expect a Suber Bowl hangover for the Steelers.


    Cincy has a ton of talent. They just find ways to lose. Like they did against Buffalo last year. If Marvin Lewis

    decided to start acting like a coach and put his foot down? Maybe his players would stay off the police blotter

    and make the playoffs.

  5. Schopp is as clueless as DeLuca, in fact I think they're the same moron.


    He has refused to give Losman credit, and after the Titans game basically said JP looked rattled at the end of the game.


    I agree JP looked rattled, could it be because the staff didn't get the 4th down play into him until 20 seconds were left on the play clock?


    This dude looks like he got hit in the face with a bag of hot tar, and was the PA announcer of his HS football team. Also, I heard he wrote about gardening in Rochester.


    Anyone who takes his opinion on any sport seriously...


    So you are mad at Schoop for saying that Loseman was rattled? Yet you agree with him?


    Loseman was rattled. Watch the NFL Replay.


    2 and 6 he throws a 1 yard pass.


    3 and 5 he has one man to beat on the outside but throws an uncatchable ball to the sidelines.


    4 and 5 was just sad all around.


    That whole series was a gift to the Titans.

  6. Wow, you and Schopp must be best pals. I tried to call the show as well and the screener just tried arguing with me. The NHL can't even TOUCH the NFL. NFL football is more popular than the NHL because it's a BETTER GAME than hockey. Period. College football is okay, but the talent is too uneven. The NFL is the best of the best playing on Sunday. You are way off base. The Sabres are popular right now because they're winning and casual fans are paying attention. But they wouldn't get 50,000 fans to watch one of 40 odd home games on their best night. Citing a 5 year low turnout for a Bills game on Christmas eve is a stretch at best. What kind of TV ratings does a Bills game get compared to a Sabres game? It's probably not even in the same area code. Schopp saying the Sabres are more popular now and may be permanently is pure insanity. And nationally? I bet the vast majority of people in major cities around the USA couldn't tell you who won the Stanley Cup last year. Or even what that is! People around the globe know who won the Super Bowl. There's a reason it's more popular. Superior athletes playing a far more exciting and dramatic game. I can't think of a single hockey player who could last a minute in pro football. What a joke. Hockey is and always will be a third tier sport. I'd watch any two NFL teams play over watching a Sabres game. But WGR didn't want to hear that.


    Better game? 7 minutes of action surrounded by 3 & 1/2 hours of talking about what happened in the 7 minutes is better than 60 minutes of continuous action? I don't think so.


    The NFL is not the best football product available. The NFL doesn't draw 100,000 fans a game like the major college teams do. "the best of the best"? The NFL has a couple of really good teams, a couple of really bad teams and the rest are boring interchangeable teams. The talent level at the sports highest profile position, QB, is at an all time low.


    The NFL is a power nationally. No one would deny it. But it's not because of the product on the field. It's for two reasons.


    1) Gambling. Take away people's ability to bet on NFL football and they lose half of the national interest right off the top.


    2) Fantasy Football. This is the driving force behind the NFL ratings. It's why the NFL produces their games on TV more like a fantasy football tracker. Almost every play is followed up by a blitzkrieg of stats. Of course they do have 3 & 1/2 hours of down time to fill in.

  7. OMG talk about sour grapes. God....


    Mike Schoop doesn't OWN wgr. He works for a radio station.


    If his Sabres talk was so unpopular and if his BOSS kept recieving calls and letters saying they hate hockey talk and want more Bills talk, then BELIEVE ME, he'd talk BILLS!


    What a joke of a thread this is.


    Ding ding ding. Give the man a prize.


    WGR is a slave to the ratings and the callers. They sell advertising based on the number of listeners and

    callers to the shows. If you listen to WGR on a regular basis you would know that fans want to talk Sabres.

    Even on the Sunday football pregame show with White and Sullivan they get a ton of hockey calls. It's what people

    are interested in.


    If you need more proof? Catch the Bills on the NFL replay this weekend. The stadium looks like it's a preseason game

    with almost half the seats empty.

  8. The Bills are still king in Buffalo and always will be in terms of numbers. Many more people like football--it's just a fact. The Bills still lead the league in terms of households watching their team. ally.


    "it's just a fact"? Really? Basesd on what? Not the actual people going to the games. I guess they don't matter.

    So we will stick to those numbers you make up :censored:


    "lead the League"? "households watching their team"? Based on what?

  9. AND a win, on the road in Baltimore, against one of the TOP defensive units in the league?


    Again, nice try champ - now go find me a link on NHL profits. (good luck!)


    So your whole point is that nobody has faith in the Bills? And yet you consider them winning 1 road game

    against a very good team "a miracle"?


    What kind of fan are you? So you are saying that fans stayed away from last Sundays game because of the

    game this Sunday?


    The NHL cap went up this year. Which means, and I'll type this s l o w f o r y o u, s o you

    c a n r e a d, means their profits went up. :censored:

  10. The Bills needed a miracle to make the playoffs!


    Where's your link on NHL record profits?


    Last I heard, it will be a miracle if the Sabres make a profit THIS year:



    WGR55 is a joke and should be called "Sabres Radio 24-7." Even the callers they let on are a bunch of fems.


    Nice try buddy but don't you have calls to screen?




    "miracle" = 1 Jets Loss?


    Nice try buddy. Shouldn't you be looking up some facts before you post :)

  11. So, tell me - if the sabres didn't come off the strike blazing like they are - would they be that popular because the "NHL shut down for a year so that teams like the Sabres can exist." (what a crock that agrument is)


    Dude, in your little dream world - the sabres are an anomoly - Buffalo is the only team in the NHL that is seeing this type of success - go to Boston, NY or even Carolina and you can walk up - same day - to get a ticket.


    If the gears were switched and bills were winning - fans would be going nuts over the bills.


    Winning brings fans and support. But his show was so over the top and biased - he couldn't even handle a call from someone to counter his points - what a joke. I'm sorry, but I expect more for Buffalo NY.


    The Bills were 5-2 and playing for a playoff spot. That's not winning?


    You're throwing alot against teh wall but none of it's sticking.


    Buffalo is the only team in the NHL that is seeing this type of success
    That must be why the NHL is coming off of record profits.


    But his show was so over the top and biased - he couldn't even handle a call from someone to counter his points


    Funny thing. I heard the show and I heard dozens of calls supporting the Bills. :censored:

  12. Sabres this, sabres that, sabres, i love the sabres, who are the bills, sabres, sabres, bills suck, sabres, gotta gotta gotta, did I mention the Sabres? Sabre players are people - bills players are bad bad bad.


    (Don't give me this: the common man can relate to the Sabres and not the Bills when both make millions upon millions a year - more than most "common folk" will ever see in lifetime. )


    Schopp was over the top and an arrogant pig. If the Bills won last Sunday - today's topic: "Sabres officially take over as number one team in Buffalo" (ACCORDING to who, YOU??) - would never have occurred.


    I'm sorry, big Sabres AND Bills fan - I support them both 110% - win or lose. But the Sabres are local - the Bills are worldwide - try calling up to share that perspective and it's not "worthwhile to the show."


    Shows like this make me sick and do nothing for the morale of Buffalo. Kick the Bills while they're down but I'll suck their A$$ when they win.


    Bunch of bandwagoners!




    How about according to the Fans? The Bills had what? 25,000 - 30,000 empty seats? In what could be described as a unofficial playoff game.


    The Sabres are taking advantage of the fact that the NHL is a better product than the NFL right now. Right now the NFL is not even the best football product. That goes to college football.


    WNY fans relate more to the Sabres. Not just because they are winning. It's because the NHL is more "neighborhood". The NFL is 100% corporate. The NHL and Sabres are our dirty little secret. The NHL shut down for a year so that teams like the Sabres can exist. The NHL is tailored so a team like the Sabres can win it all. The NFL would rather forget small markets like WNY even exist. They would rather see teams in Mexico, Canada and Europe.

  13. welcome back deluca did you see the game o did you listen to the "experts" young is great talent but he did not out play losman, not by a long shot. Vince young looked great running the ball but he is not a good passer he rolled out and rolled out until someone finally broke free of coverage thats not a good qb, and every time a critical passing situation would come that "qb" would tuck it and run, play qb not rb and then beat us with your arm then you can be called a good qb

    o and marry christmas



    Let me see.


    Young 2 TDs and 0 ints


    Loseman 1 TD and 2 ints


    The rookie QB took care of the ball.


    Looking over this teams 8 loses. If they would have had a QB that could make plays and take of the ball this team would be at least hosting a wildcard game in two weeks.


    In the Bills 8 losses Loseman had 10 Ints and 6 Lost Fumbles.


    Young is not a very good QB because he can run? Don't you wish Loseman would have run for the five yards instead of throwing a hail mary? Vince Young is not Mike Vick. The kid has a gun for an arm and knows when to run. All this after 12 starts. I guess it doesn't take 25-30 starts to find out if a kid can play. :D

  14. :doh:  The last time Bills/Titans played in a big game we had the music city miracle. The untold story of the music city miracle was how Wade Phillips, a great coach, totally mismanaged the clock. Wade was a great coach, but who week to week, just could not grasp the concept of game/clock management. In the music city miracle game. he kicked a field goal on second down, rather than use the extra plays to run the clock down to nothing. DJ is the exact same way; does not challenge close replay calls in the 1st half; and today totally mismanages the clock once again to give titans time to score a TD before half. Even decent clock managent at end of first half would have prevented Titans TD; in the biggest game of the year, a Bills head coach once again lets the team down. And you will never hear a trace of this from the dunces that constitute the Bills media.


    But a city that is 18,000 short of a sell out in what was basically a playoff home game does not deserve a playoff team anyways, much less an NFL franchise. What a national disgrace from a city of losers. Even the 2-12 Raiders sold out their game.



    I hope yout not including the Sabres in that statement.


    The lack of attendance does reflect poorly on the fans. It should reflect poorly on the organization.


    The Bills were outcoached and their QB was outplayed by a rookie QB.


    Vince Young appears to be the real deal. Unlike Loseman the kid is a winner. To come to Buffalo on the road, even though it was in front of 40,000, a windy day and not only make plays to help his team win he also took care of the football. Young played a smart football game and looked like the veteran while Loseman looked like a lost rookie again. :D

  15. The D is still pretty good.

    1.Crowell and Mcargo are both out.

    2.We shut-out the Dolphins and held their QB to a 0.0 passer rating.

    3.TKO should be getting better with the offseason to recover.

    4.We played Travis Henry who was extremely motivated for this game.



    McCargo? The guy was a complete non-factor all season. Why would he have made a difference. Crowell I'll give you. McCargo is a waste.


    The Bills passed on the run stuffing tackle fans are wishing for. He plays for the Ravens and we will all have a chance to see him next week. That's if the NFL doesn't decide to start blacking out road games.


    Haloti Ngata would have changed the look of the Bills defense for years and years. Quality tackles make everyone on the defense better. The Bills have good linebackers. What kind of year would they have had with a monster run stuffer that eats up blockers playing in front of the them.


    You have to hope the Bills get lucky and can find another quality tackle. They don't come along too often and it really hurts when you pass one by. Tis season that mistake may have cost the Bills a playoff spot.

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