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Posts posted by DeLuca1967

  1. Of course the player would not accept it without being protected. The Bill's can guarantee him the roster spot or injured reserve in which case he gets the salary either way. It's no different than a team paying him a huge up-front bonus in March of he were to then have a season ending injury in training camp. In that scenario you've paid the money to the player and he does not play that year. My whole point is this. When you are under the cap, you have the luxury of structuring a deal so that the cap hit is where you want it to be and you can still guarantee the player big money. The Redskins who are generally fighting to stay under the cap would not have the option of structuring the deal in so many ways. They would be forced to sign a player like Nate to a very long term deal with a large bonus up front and small salaries in the early years of the deal so that they can spread the cap hit way out in order to stay nder the cap now. The Bills have more latitude in terms of structure and might actually be able to show Nate as much money in terms of cash flow as a team like the Redskins and not tie him up for 6-7 years. Maybe write a 4-5 year deal and give him a chance to be a free agent again. Remember, the up front money is nice, but the longer term deals generally have higher salaries backloaded in them and that is not guaranteed. If he signs a long term deal with big up front money, backloaded salary and then that team doesn't want him 4 years from now when the salary is escalated, he gets cut and has to start from scratch. Players and agents must be savvy to this by now. Look at Moulds, he signed a long term "cap-friendly" deal and never saw the big money written late into the deal. The Bills launched him and he played for less in Houston. The Bills have some angles to play here if they really want to retain him.


    Longer contracts save teams money over time. A players signs a $70 million contract he's lucky to see half of that money.


    This whole new concept of 'Cash to Cap' seems to be more like 'Going Out Of Business'. I get the sick feeling that a sale is on the horizon and it won't be to the Rich family or Tom Golisano.

  2. But he's going to spend the $20 mil from dead cap space.




    Dead cap space is already spent. It is bonuses already paid.


    If the cap is $109 million

    The Bills have $20 million of dead cap space?

    The most the Bills can spend, actual cash from the TV revenue is $89 million.

    If Ralph plans on being under the Cap by that $14 million he will only be spending $75 million

    of his TV revenue share.


    If I'm wrong please show me where.

  3. No.....you are correct......and as far as I'm aware the figure is around $20mil.

    The media(or more likely the guy who wrote the first article that all others copied) didn't figure that, made a mistake & quoted the wrong figure.


    If the Bills Salary amount to about let's say $95 million this year. That's $14 under the cap + $20 million dead cap space. So Ralph is pocketing $34 million this year based on those numbers? Man, I wish I was that poor.

  4. Sure he would if the first year salary is very high because that would be guaranteed once he is rostered.


    Any idea on how much 'dead cap space' the Bills are carrying into this year?


    If the cap is $109 million and that is covered by the TV revenue. If the Bills have lets say $20 million in dead cap space?

    That $20 million goes back into Ralph's pocket to cover the bonuses he paid out in earlier years. Is this wrong?

  5. Breakfast - Amy's Place on Main Street near UB. Get there early and get a full breakfast for $.99.


    Lunch - Vargas Take Out on West & Hudson. Authentic Puerto Rican style food.


    Dinner - A tie between Red Osier in Batavia. Friars Table near the Buffalo Airport. Great Prime Rib at both.


    After 3:00 AM and drunk off your arce. Jim's Steak Out. A loaded hoagie and your hangover worries are gone.

  6. Yes it is Erie Counties Stadium, and they named it after Ralph, he didn't just go and tell them that he wanted named after himself, and they couldn't name it something else, Erie county decided to name it after the man that brought the NFL to Buffalo, you know to show their appreciation.

    You think Ralph is the only owner who is getting something from the government for having a team? Wasn't New York going to pay Millions to build a new home for the Jets and Giants? Thats not them receiving welfare? The Jets and giants revenue is much more then what Ralph gets from the state, which the money doesn't even go to Ralph, it goes to the Stadium.

    He makes less then atleast 30 other owners in the league and doesn't pocket as much as everyone believes he does. If you don't like how the NFL works, don't watch and don't support it, I'm sure without you as a fan, the average IQ of the NFL fans will increase




    Ralph Wilson owns the naming rights and could sell it just like any other team. Erie County didn't name the stadium. Ralph Wilson did. Are you sure you want to be talking about others IQ?


    If Ralph is so poor why does he ignore this revenue stream. Revenue that goes 100% to him. Not Erie County.



  7. As I said, we need to see how this plays out (and is implemented). Joesz's email suggests that the Bills really have $50 million to spend, but none of the press coverage seems to support this view. As to staying out of "cap hell," the Bills are more than $30 million under the cap this year. Even if they paid significant bonuses this offseason and such bonuses were amortized, it would not necessarily mean that they will have cap problems in the future.


    If the Bills implement cash to cap, then some or all bonus amounts will count towards this year's cap. That means little (if any) of bonus amounts paid will amortized. If the cap goes up next year and there are no amortized bonus amounts counting from the prior year, then the team will be significantly under the cap (again).

    I am not a cap expert, but I expect that the Bills will use roster bonuses and LTBE incentives to ensure that such amounts count for the current year.


    I don't think this is correct. I don't think the Bills can choose how the amortization works. If the Bills choose to count an entire $10 million dollar signing bonus in the 2007 cap figure. I believe in the NFL eyes that number will still be spread over the length of the contract and the balance will not hit until th player is released.


    In other words the Bills will be keeping their set of books that differ than the NFL's. In the NFL's eyes they will have so much money available under the cap but on the Bills books they will have less.


    To put it in it's simplest form. If the money is not covered by the TV revenue it's not being spent.

  8. Since when did Ralph get a new TV?


    I thought Erie County bought a new screen for THEIR stadium and not for Ralph like you keep shoutiong your mouth off about.


    Either way money was going to the stadium this year becasue it is in THE LEASE that they pay 'X' amount of dollars every year to pay for upgrades and upkeep of their stadium. This year it went to upgrade a run down scoreboard.


    And last time I checked, There is alot more costs to running a franchise then just paying the players. Its not like Ralph pays out the Salary using the revenue sharing money, and then pockets all the ticket sales, and other income.


    Really? Its' Erie County's stadium. So we can do with it what we want? Yet Ralph holds all the naming rights? Yet Ralph is the only tenant? Yet Ralph has the final say in regards to anything involving the Stadium. The LEASE you refer to was nothing more than extortion. Plain and simple.


    The fact that Erie County has to give Ralph a $3.5 million dollar welfare check is sick. Who pays for the County Officers controlling traffic? Is it Ralph? Does Erie County get any of the parking revenue? Concessions? If it's our stadium shouldn't we?




    Ralph makes millions from the Bills every season. So yes, he has pocketed a ton of money. They fact that a multi billion dollar company continues to pillage communities across the country is a crime. People complain that a Casino is a black hole. If that's the case the NFL works much like a casino. If takes in all the money it can and when it's all gone they move on like locust.

  9. It strikes me as pretty impossible for us to say what those nuggets or messages were because we all still have little authoritative clue about what strategy for team-building the Bills are pursuing.


    It seems they made it pretty clear. Ralph will not spend anything over the this years TV revenue. I would guess they are doing so as to not burn any future TV revenues. My guess is they are preparing for a sale. It's much like the Sabres situation where Regier was not allowed to pick up any long term contracts until the sale of the Sabres was complete.


    Adding this to everything Ralph has said about the Bills and WNY over the past year? It doesn't look good sports fans.


    Not good at all :blink:

  10. Levy did accomplish one amazing feat of Friday. He made Matt Millen look like a friggin genius.


    The Bills thought they could throw Marv out there and tell some lame jokes and and skate by. They must have been mortified that actual football questions were asked. Levy being so out of touch is an embarrassment to the franchise. It got to the point of being sad.


    WGR had it right. It's not like Marv was cornered at some airport and was blindsided. The Bills called this press conference. What was their plan. Did Levy have a 20 minute presentation on Red & Blue quarterbacks he never got to finish?


    Was there anything sadder than Marv talking about charts and graphs he didn't understand. If it was in a meeting shouldn't he have stayed until he understood.


    Is it too much to ask that the Bills have an informed General Manger?

  11. I love your opinions...you are like the Iraqi Minister of Information during Sadaam's reign. Your opinions are wonderful humor.. Thanks for being you.


    Better yet, for the scoreboard screen, we can show Bills games when they move to Toronto and Ralph lives out the few years he has left drowning in cash...


    Have you ever heard of Tony Snow?


    The real funny thing is that the $3.5 million the tax payers are paying for that TV is $3.5 million more than Ralph will be spending on his own team.


    It's even funnier that you bring up the comparison to Sadaam's Minister. Considering how Marv bumbled ans stumbled through the press conference. It was even funnier on the NFL network when he called Ko Simpson a defensive lineman. There's a man with his finger on the pulse of the team.

  12. Does throwing $50 million at Nate Clements really make any sense, at all? The Bills are required to spend 85% of the cap, which will put them at a minimum of 93 million. I think with smart FA signings and a good draft this team can improve upon last year.


    Not if you take the entire $50 million out of this years cap.


    Anyway only the bonus would be guaranteed. If it's a 6-7 year deal Nate wouldn't see a penny of the back end money if he is released.

  13. Actually I like what Marv is saying. We can get younger, faster players to learn how to play the game. I believe that our veterans are getting too old and it's time to bring a newer, younger spark to this team. Remember how well Whitner and Simpson played lasted year even though they were rookies. Outstanding.


    I hear ya man. I saw Nate Clements trying to get the senior citizens coffee discount at Tim Hortons the other day.


    You may like what Marv was saying. But I don't think you understood what he was saying. Enjoy watching Whitner and Simpson while you can. They are gone as soon as they are UFA's. Ralph has closed the purse strings. If the money isn't covered by that years TV revenue it ain't being spent.


    As always this is only my opinion. :worthy:

  14. My point--which apparently sailed right over your ugly head--is that you don't have the standing to throw insults at anyone on these boards.


    As far as DeLuca, many of the points he raises are valid. But he'd be better served to present them in a less black-and-white manner. Take Marv's free agent signings. None of them have turned into anything better than quality backups/stopgap starters; which DeLuca correctly pointed out. But because DeLuca didn't immediately dwell on the positive side of those free agents (youth, they provide good depth, low salaries), his posts were dismissed as part of an anti-Marv crusade.


    DeLuca's not perfect, but he at least tries to contribute to intelligent discussions (albeit in a very opinionated way). You, on the other hand, spend your time calling people idiots. If I had to put one or the other of you on ignore, it'd be an easy call. And it wouldn't be DeLuca.


    I appreciate the kind words.


    These boards are all about opinions. What people like Reemus & Darrin do is avoid the topic at hand and attack the posters. It's the classic Republican strategy of attacking the messenger. Darrin has spent all afternoon proving this point.


    I think I have more than proven myself in regards to admitting when I'm wrong. I'm a 'prove it to me' first kind of guy. If you can prove it to me I'll give you credit and rethink my position. Regier is a perfect example. Two years ago I wanted Regier fired. His results over that time have changed my mind. It's what Steven R Covey calls changing your paradigms. Was I wrong two years ago? Based on the information at that time? I still don't think so. Does the past two years prove it would have been a mistake and I was wrong. 100% yes.


    Here we are today and in 30 minutes Marv Levy has proven everything I have thought about his qualifications as GM were 100% dead on. And it must be driving people crazy. It's proven in which the anger people are posting with. As always this is just my opinion. :worthy:

  15. Let's see so it sounds like you are whining that certain opinions are ignored and unaccepted and then you say this:

    Such tolerance. Can't imagine while people don't take you seriously.


    Maybe I should have said "I" just like you might have wanted to have typed "why" instead of "while".

  16. HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Nothing better than the traditional "you live in an igloo" slam from another wannabe retard. You've got so little game for someone so arrogant.


    Yeah, I'm needy. That's why I come here looking for validation and hoping everyone will be "scared" of my opinion.


    5 minutes is better but still a little desperate. Once we're done with your timing we can start on your originality. :worthy:

  17. I guess you need to read this post too:


    Marv's role


    So you are admitting Marv is just a figure head? Someone to toss out for press conferences that the press will be nice to?


    He doesn't draft.


    He admittedly knows nothing of any of the finances.


    What does he do? You are expiring no confidence that Marv is not only here to play shuffleboard with Ralph.

  18. Cool, you figured out the Windows calculator. Good job, sporto.




    Wow! You responded less than a minute after I posted. I guess being in Alaska there is just not much for you to do until the sister gets home from deboning whales :worthy:


    Please wait a couple of minutes before you respond. It makes you seem needy :sick:

  19. Yeah, we all fear your opinion. That's the ticket. It's like the scene in the "Lion King" when everyone starts talking about Mufasa.


    "Duhluca's opinion?"



    Only 4,351 irrelevant posts to go! You're well on your way. Go champ :worthy:

  20. I respect your point of view, but my question is why do you believe that hte Bills are not going in a positive direction? Instead of just bashing give me recutible reasons why..


    Lets' start with Marv Levy.


    Marv was forced out of the league because it was thought it passed him by. The Bills decided to make a change at GM. I had no problem with that. I did like TD to a point but not to a point I would be upset that he was leaving. Did the Bills do an extensive search? Did they interview any front office personnel from around the league? Did they interview any former GMs? The answer to all those questions is No! Ralph hired his friend who has no GM experience and was forced out of the league.


    And it showed.


    The Bills free agent class in 2006 was a joke. They didn't have one impact free agent. Tripplet and Royal? The Bills were 28th against the run and Royal had 23 receptions. These are the crown jewels of the 2006 free agent class.


    The Draft? Whitner is a good player. I still think you need to get more out of the #8 pick. McCargo? Did what he does best. he got injured.


    All of that and today he admitted he knows nothing about the cap or the franchise tag. He's the friggin GM !

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