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Everything posted by DeLuca1967

  1. The Bills will be lucky if all the wideouts not named Evans have those numbers combined. This roster doesn't have a lot of talent. The little talent they do have seems to be in the secondary and the d-line. Tripplett is a waste of time and money. The Bills would be better off getting the young guys in there to take their licks and learn the game. They have a lot of speed in the secondary. They might be better off playing a nickle or dime as their base defense. When you're in a spot like the Bills are right now you should just get you best athletes out on the field and hope for the best.
  2. What is "unknown" about Nall? He is a career 'Clipboard QB'. A modern day Gale Gilbert if you will. You can actually predict a teams record based on Nall's position on the depth chart. Starter = 0-2 wins Back Up = 2-4 wins Third String = 4-6 wins Cut = Possible playoff contender
  3. The Bills have a #2 wideout. Lee Evans. The problem is they don't have a #1, #3 or #4
  4. I feel bad for the kid in one way. He has a #1 pick and a big ticket free agent in font of him. No matter how well he plays I doubt he'll get the start come opening day.
  5. Aaron Schobel made the list and he has done well. I think Lodish even has a couple of rings with Denver. But I'm not sure on that.
  6. Kyle Williams will win the 'Mike Lodish - High Energy White Guy Award' this season. Other winners include : Chris Kelsay Justin Bannan Aaron Schobel Sean Moran John Parrella
  7. Honestly. Does it really matter how the QB's shake out? This reminds of last time Marv was here with Hobart - Collins -Van Pelt. All three will be bad memories by the time the Bills will be a contender again.
  8. So, what you are saying is that they were right? I prefer to watch the games without the locals doing the broadcast. You get a more honest guage of how the team is doing.
  9. Dude! Having a corpse as an avatar is not cool.
  10. Wasn't Todd drafted during the "Marv Era"? Considering he was handed Kelly. Marv's track record with QB's is not very good.
  11. "First drive"? The Bills didn't have a first down until the second quarter? "hugely successful"? again you are trying to get away from point. You are comparing not being able to compete to being "hugely successful". The Bills are miles away from being "hugely successful". Before you get there you need to be able to compete on a n NFL level. The preseason is about taking steps. Last night was a chance to take a step forward and they took one back. Valid and dead on. I understand why so many others and yourself resort to tagging opinions that don't put the Bills in a posistive light as "doom and gloom". It's becuase you have nothing else to fall back on. You can't argue against where the Bills are as a franchise. They're in yet another "rebuilding year" with a token at GM and no quarterback. If you feel different it would be nice to hear why you think so. Instead of the standard " doom and gloom" tag.
  12. No. That's called an opinion. This is an example. "So the 49'ers are going to be one of the top teams, since they beat the Bears' 1st stringers?" To answer the question from MadBuffaloDisease. I would need to know a lot more about the 49'ers to have an opinion on them. Maybe if you can explain how what happens with the 49ers has anything to do with the Bills I would be willing to listen and would be willing to rethink my opinon of the Bills. Again, losing one preseason game doesn't eliminate the Bills from the playoffs. But adding together the entire offseason then add a horrible performance against a superior team? It doesn't foster great hope and positivity.
  13. The fun thing about reading posts is how some people try to use extreme examples to make their points. For example. Expecting the Bills to be able to stop one play on a drive somehow means they are expected to be the 'Steel Curtain". Which makes no sense. Then there is the "whole preseason doesn't matter" thing. How many posters have brought up the '90 Bills. "They never won preseason games". So let's ignore that they where an established team. Preseason doesn't matter for established teams. For those teams the preseason is about conditioning and fine tuning. For teams like the Bills who are starting the process from sctratch it's about a lot more. It's about building the culture of winning and success. It's about proving as individuals and as a collective that they belong. The Bills are a team of questions. You would hope as a fan that during each preseason game that some of the questions get answered. I would doubt that the coaching staff knows anything more about any of the players based on last nights performance. I did like the whole "doom and gloom" thing you posted. I expected the next line to be that I "don't support the troops" or something lame like that. For a second I thought you were Condi or Rummy tring to deflect critisim by attacking the media.
  14. There is a huge difference between struggle and not being able to compete on any level. It is only game one of preseason. That said you at least wanted to see the team competing. I didn't expect the Bills to win or light up the Panthers defense. But I also didn't expect the Bills to look like a division II college team. On their first drive the Panthers looked like they were going through a walkthrough. The Bills defense didn't even attempt to put up a fight. Not a good start for the 'Jurassic Age' of Bills football.
  15. The point is to pick one thing and do it well. The Bills of the '90s ran the counter as well as any team in the league. It set up their entire offense and allowed their defense to play with a lead which they were able to pin their ears back and go after the other team.
  16. Even the 0-14 Bucs thought they could win. Insted of worrying about wins and losses. The Bills should concentrate on doing one thing well. Running the ball, stoping the run, special teams. This team needs it's identity first of all. Right now they have none.
  17. Which has nothing to do with being a GM and is why most coaches don't make good GM's. It's a different mind set. The Bills had a chance to have a really good draft. But the speed and action of draft day was too much for the Bills GM. You can't go into a draft narrow minded or with tunnel vision. You have to be prepared for things as they come at you. When things started flying and players started falling the Bills GM wasn't prepared and in the end it will cost the Bills. With that extra second and fourth I bet we could have gotten some more line help. If we had a GM.
  18. Please Kelly ran an offense that had only eight plays in the game plan. He is a great QB but is no Steve Young. He is more like a Terry Bradshaw. "Keep in mind that Marv is after people who want to win, not people who want to make a pay check and give it a half-hearted effort on Sunday." Again. Explain how giving Peerless Price a $10 million contract fits into this. Price cares about nobody but himself. It's why he forced the Bills to trade him and it's why he was out of the league last season.
  19. Myth? Please. Price played himself out of the NFL but was able con Marv for a $10 million dollar contract. I guess those news story about "thugs" preying on the elderly are true. And Price's hands weren't a problem? Please. Thay should have called him T-Rex for how short his arms get in traffic. Price had average numbers because teams were double teaming Moulds. He left Moulds shadow and played himself out of the league. He may be Buffalo's #2 but thats's more of a reflection of how bad the Bills depth at wideout is then anything else. Price isn't here to prove anything. He's here because the Bills are the only team willing to pay him to play football. The Pats were willing to give him a sniff but only for the league min with no money upfront. Price will collect his money this year and be gone. Hopefully along with this front office.
  20. What? One good year equals "very productive"? Take out that one good year you have a career based on bad drops, fumbles and stupid penalties. That has to be some mighty fine tasting Kool-Aid you guys are drinking
  21. That must be the "intelllect and character" Marv likes to talk about
  22. Can you explain the Peerless price signing then? Didn't the 5th round pick Kyle Williams get suspended one game by his own team for a nasty chop block? And really. Isn't Marv being a hypocrit? "intelllect and character" wasn't running rampant on his team during the '90s. Didn't Bennett do time for sexual assault? Didn't Bruce fall asleep drunk at an intersection then passed out during a TV interview because of a hangover? And let's face it Jim Kelly is not the model for "intelllect". He went to the University of Miami for gods sake. The Cowboys didn't have much "intelllect and character" but still won three out of four Super Bowls. "intelllect and character" are nice PC buzz words that make good sound bites. But lets face it. We would all take a 350 pound kid with down syndrome and a coke habit if he could keep JP's blindside protected.
  23. Well, Butler is dead and Poilan is doing a great job in Indy. While Marv was forced out of the league. I've already seen enough of Levy I really don't need to see any more. As far as finding another team? Why should I? I'll be a Bills fan long after this Levy Era is a bad memory. By that time they may be in L A but who knows.
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