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Posts posted by DeLuca1967

  1. The Bills are not going to win the Super Bowl this season. Even if they maxed out and amortized bonuses.


    First you make the playoffs. You might even wait until you have at least won a playoff game. THEN you spend. THEN players want to come to Buffalo.

    If the Bills win a Super Bowl soon, there will be very few of the guys from say 2 years ago on the team (I don't mean JP and Lee Evans, I mean the backups, and say Chris Kelsay level guys).


    JP and Evans will be in their prime in a couple years. You have to control spending, build up the expectations in the organization, keep the staff together....so many things have to be balanced( there are 31 other organizations all trying to put it together, it's not easy). Then the team will be ready.


    Timing is everything. The Patriots are winding down (I don't count them out completely, but a new age is dawning), the Bills will be ready in 2 years.


    Marv knows what he is doing.


    Another note.

    Drafting a running back either this year or next could give the Bills the trio that is almost mandatory to win a SB. Willis is just holding the fort down (I think McGahee is fine. I'm no Willis-hater, I just think they need a "clutch" player at RB, which Willis isn't.


    How many seasons is it now that this gets said? The Patriots have to fall at some point? Why? Brady is still young and has plenty of football left. They have the best coach in football, a great scouting staff and a GM that can pull it all together.


    In two years? If the Bills are still in Buffalo, they will be going on yet another new coach, looking yet again for their franchise QB and crying poor as always.


    The Pats <_< The Bills are much closer to the Cardinals and Lions. At least those teams haven't given up.

  2. Misleading thread titles are fun! When exactly did the "presser" break this story?


    Because TD is too smart and too strong willed to be handed a plate of 'crap to the cap'. Ralph wanted to stop spending and

    needed a sap like Levy, who would just be happy to be relevant again, to make it happen.


    The Bills 'crap to the cap' accounting isn't Patriots like. It's 90's Bengals like. Know what other sports team have a 'cash to the cap' policy? The KC Royals & The Pittsburgh Pirates. Teams that have given up and chosen just to exist instead of trying to succeed. They say all the same crap that Levy has and will continue to try to sell the fans. There used to be a day when Bills fans would have had heart and wouldn't even consider this crap.

  3. Deluca needs another crusade after his one against JP fell by the wayside by playing well this season ... Marv & RW were the next best logical direction for ill-informed opinion & conjecture. Most of the rest of the country is already saying "too old, too senile", why wouldn't Deluca jump on that bandwagon?


    JP playing well?


    Again it is pointed out how low the standards are here in Bills Nation.

  4. He fooled you into believing what he says so give him credit for that. Believe me, anytime you do not want to answer a question from the press just say you are dumb and all the legends in their own mind in the press corps will believe it and you get a free pass on that question.

    I stood in line with a lot of old people at fast food places. Marv's lost and bewildered look was the real deal.


    Look. 3 D's & 3 F's and I can only vote once.


    Maybe not all Bills Fans have given up. :thumbsup:

  5. I have no doubt when Ralph and the bean counters went to TD with their 'Cash to the Cap' accounting that TD gave a two word response and kicked them out of his office.


    It may also shed light light on why MM quit. Maybe it was the 'Cash to Cap' or it could have been he didn't want to hear any more

    about this Red & Blue QB rating system that Marv has been working on the past 10 years.


    It's a sad day for Bills Fans when the Wade Phillips era can now be referred as the glory days.

  6. why do you guys even bother posting on this board if you are convinced the Bills are now a minor league team?


    Maybe to represent those fans who haven't completely lost their desire to see winning football return to Rich Stadium? Those fans that refuse to stand for the mediocre product they are being handed every year.


    This isn't the first time Ralph has implemented his 'Cash to Cap' policy. He was well before his time. He did it before there was a Salary Cap back in the 70's and early 80's.

  7. Of course Bills fans would have burned it to the ground, they were just coming off of a streak of 4 straight Super Bowl appearances.


    Right now the team is rebuilding and trying to make a team that will be competitive for years to come (like NE, Indy, etc.) Unfortunately everyone wants results now, which is what TD tried doing, Build a team that wins now, and mortgages the future. People aren't settling for mediocre, some are looking at what was accomplished and see signs that the future is getting brighter, unlike most who look at the W/L column and say 7-9, thats less then .500 and not in the playoffs, they suck!


    Heart, Pride, its all stuff marv is trying to bring back to the organisation after it was removed while TD was in charge


    As for Polian, it took him how long to build a Colts team that finally won it all?


    Let's not forget it took Polian his second season with an expansion team to get to the NFC title game. In his 9 seasons with the Colts he has had only two losing seasons. What is that 8 playoff seasons in 12 years?


    Which proves how hard it is to win it all no matter how good you are. Having someone over their head at the GM position doesn't make the Bills the Colts or the Pats. They both have strong a GM who I will guess knows what the franchise tag is and how the salary cap works. I may be going out on a limb on this one. I still bet they know.


    And please. Enough of the "he's the Football GM". History lesson folks. Marv was forced out of the game because it passed him by about 10 years ago. Sitting around playing shuffle board with Ralph or doing color for the Bears pre-season games hasn't caught him up at all. He's even further removed from today's NFL and Friday was a sad reminder of how far removed he is.

  8. No, it wouldn't. I suggest you try a remedial course in Journalism 101.

    If Sully is your role model, I can understand why you so easily dismiss the opinion of someone who's actually, you know, covered the team for the last thirty years or so. Pollock writes the good and the bad... but I guess you wouldn't know that, if you rely solely on Sullivan and the News for your information. Your loss.


    Pollock couldn't hold Jerry's ink cartridge.


    Face it. Things have been so bad over the past 7-8 years that many of you can't face an honest opinion. You hold on to a 7-9 record like it's something to be proud of. The GM comes out and admits he doesn't know his job and many of you make excuses.


    Bills fans are starting to become like Lions and Cardinal fans. You have accepted losing and make excuses for it.


    I asked this on another thread and I'll ask it again here.


    What happened to your heart Bills Fans.

  9. Can we stop with all the Patriots comparisons. We are no where near the Patriots, and the only way we can do what the Patriots do is by having the best quarterback in the game to make it all work. All I am saying is that if this team has a bad year what happens next? It's been the same thing for the last 7 years, when is it going to change?


    Let it be #1.


    It's all they have to hold onto. :lol:

  10. Milloy and Vincent were well past their prime anyway and Posey was a big bust.

    Adams wasn't a fit here.


    They won't be 'OK" this year due to the well documented off-season FA approach and the fact they will be facing a much tougher schedule in 07.


    IF the Bills go 6-10 next season, consider it a good year!


    The sad thing is many will.


    It's been such a long time since the Bills were really good it seems many have forgot how it felt. They're willing to settle for the scraps fed them these days. There was a time where Bills Nation had some real Balz and wouldn't settle for this mediocre crap.


    One could only image what would have happen back in 1995 if the late John Butler would have stepped out in front of the media and starting spouting the 'Cash to Cap' crap. A once proud Bills Nation would have burned that stadium to the ground.


    Heart? Pride? Balz? Where did it all go?


    Where have you gone Bill Polian. A Bills Nation turns it lonely eyes to you.

  11. With the expected extreme difficulty in retaining Nate Clements, London Fletcher-Baker and Chris Kelsay and the strong possiblity that Takeo Spikes will be released how does this team even expect to maintain the mediocre defense it had last year?


    Losing 4 starters?


    I'm an optimist and I see this team struggling to win 6 games this year.


    A great draft and a most certain below average free agency hunt is not going to counter the loss of these 4 players.


    The Bill's only hope is that paying larger sums upfront is attractive to some free agents. The down side is that you are likely to only attract those older players looking to punch out one more big check before they hang them up.

  12. Apparently, like some people do don't windows, you don't do listening, reading, comprehension, deduction, attention, addition, thought, reason, or cogitation.


    More specifically, of course the league keeps track of the salary cap numbers, that's what I said they did when I used the words "the cap dollars the league keeps track of". They only worry when you go over or under, neither of which has a chance of happening.

    The Billszone numbers are right.

    Of course the rookie cap is part of the $109

    It doesn't matter how much the Bills have allocated they aren't going to come close to the salary cap number in real dollars, cap dollars, or Delucadollars.

    The team already said they allocated money for the rookies, Chris Brown said it, I said it, others said it. You ignored it.


    And you ignore the question. It's pretty simple so I think you can understand. Where do the rookie dollars come from? So Chris Brown says "the Bills have accounted for". Where are they counting it from? It's coming from the $30 million. Where the Bills stand in regards to the caps floor and limits is meaningless to the conversation.


    If you don't know just admit it. Hell, if Marv doesn't know and it's his job it's OK that you don't.

  13. Because the Bills are making up words like "cash to the cap", and arbitrarily making up figures that they will spend on certain things. They have already publicly said they have accounted for the rookies monies. The rookies monies in cap dollars will be about 4-5 million, and in actual dollars about 10 million. These are ballpark figures but close. But the cap dollars that the league keeps track of, will be somewhere around the 90-95 million mark, which is above the 85% minimum. And the amount of real dollars the Bills will be spending is 54 (salary and bonus), + 10 (rookies) + 30 free agents = 94 million ballpark.


    The league doesn't keep track of the entire $109 salary cap? That doesn't make sense.


    The BillsZone numbers seem to be accurate. I think you're wrong here. The rookie cap is part of the entire cap figure

    of $109 million. The Bills already have $77 of that allocated. Add say $10 million for the rookies and you have $21 million left.


    Maybe the Bills plan on cutting Spikes and saving the $4.5 in base salary he is due and thats part of their #30 million.

  14. There is no chance it includes draft picks. Draft picks in this "cash to the cap" idea would be about 10 million of the 30 million. They said they already accounted for the draft picks. He is talking our own and other teams free agents. It counts their bonuses, and THIS YEARS salary.


    Is this fact or just your opinion?


    Going by some unofficial numbers at BillsZone. The Bills have :


    $46.8 is salaries

    $20.1 amortized

    $6.8 in other bonuses

    $2.4 in what they call dead cap space.


    Which leaves $32.1 left under the cap.


    If these numbers are close where is the rookie money accounted for?

  15. In an effort to make things clearer, here was my question to Chris Brown: "In response to your cash to cap explanation, I believe you left out the other side of the amortized bonuses that are hitting the cap in 2007, which I would guess amount to $20m or so. If the Bills are truly going to be using a cash to cap philosophy, that would add $20m to the $30m figure under the cap. If the Bills are truly committed to paying $105m or so in cash to players in 2007, they will have to spend $50m more. Also, is the cap floor (I believe 85.2% in 2007) at all a concern to the Bills front office?"


    Here's his response: "No the Bills have already factored those other amortized bonuses from previous years, and I didn't want to convolute the explanation. It's difficult enough as it is. Talking to Jim Overdorf, they are not concerned about meeting the minimum requirement for NFL teams to spend.

    And no they don't have to spend $50 million more. They are spending $30M at most this year and that's it.

    The best way to look at this is ignore the salary cap rules and amortized bonuses and everything and just know that when the Bills reach $30 million in base salary for 2007 and bonuses they will be done signing free agents. Hope that helps."


    That would be free agents (their own restricted and any unrestricted) and draft picks? Wouldn't it?




    Wouldn't veterans like Spikes lower that starting $30 million dollar figure if they were released or would it raise it?

  16. But the cash to cap figures the Bills use count the bonus and the salary for this year only, not the total package of the deal. You're applying 15 million when the actual figure will be closer to half that. His signing or roster bonus and first year salary.


    And structure is a huge part of the conversation because when the Bills pay the cash is what the "cash to the cap" deal is all about. If the cash is next year, it's next year's cash to the cap.

    So you're wrong twice, as always. So could you please just post who you think is going to win each week, I'd like to buy a new house next year.


    Why are you trying tell me stuff I already know?

  17. So by saying that the Bills #12 player will sign a contract like Ngata signed and then admitting that the Bills player won't sign a contract anything like Ngata signed you're "dead on"?


    Thems some good thinks.


    Value yes.


    Structure is off no importance to the conversation.


    Negotiation's for draft picks usually are a combination of what was paid the year before and what the picks that sandwich the

    #12 pick sign for. The $14- $15 million was an estimate based on the numbers before.

  18. Yawn--my work today is done here -- you tried to make a point that Chuck Pollock was a two bit writer for a two bit paper and again put your moron on display.


    This has nothing to do with the Bills--it has to do with you posting sh-- you know nothing about and not taking the time to educate yourself. What makes you think your opinions about Marv or the Bills are any more enlightened?

    Have a great life...Does the ignore feature still exist?


    Unlike some I don't. Never have.


    It is those like yourself who stand on that pedestal.




    Speaking of enlightenment. Any more news on the Tom Brady baby situation? Now there's some enlightenment for ya.

  19. Which, as always, is wrong.


    Ngata signed a contract for 11.9 mil that could be worth as much as 14 mil. He got surprisingly little money in cash when he signed, as for some reason the first year he got a roster bonus of 1.6 mil and the second year, this year, 2007, he gets a guaranteed roster bonus of 6+ million. Which wouldn't count in the Bills "cash to the cap" policy (if only because they wouldn't do it this way). Cash means cash this year.




    By the way, could you please do me a huge favor? Please post which teams you think will cover the spread every game next year? Thanks in advance.


    Actually I'm dead on.


    I wouldn't expect whoever the Bills to draft at #12 twelve to accept roster bonuses instead of a signing bonus. Ngata's agent screwed him over. The Bills can't count on being so lucky.

  20. Chuck Pollock often gets picked up nationally....Pro Football Weekly beat reporter for the Bills, AP often uses his Bills stuff. He was the Bills Sporting News beat writer in the past. He is probably the best reporter covering the Bills right now. He has been recognized several times by AP for his reporting.


    Once again you fail to research before you post.


    Thanks for making it so easy to prove that you don't know what the hell you are talking about.


    And it just so happens his views match with yours? How does one become a beat writer? It wouldn't be writing fluff pieces would it?

    You don't see many beat writers calling out the franchises they cover do you?


    Sorry! I prefer a much more honest style of journalism. Not a hack trying make sure he doesn't lose his credentials. Try reading Jerry Sullivan once and a while. Get an honest view of what's going on at One Bills Drive. Sullivan doesn't care if the Bills like him or not.


    By the way. What does good old Chuck feel about the whole Tom Brady baby thing you care so much about. :rolleyes:

  21. Assuming the Bills stay at #12 this player will get a pretty good salary. I'm just wondering if it is cap to cash with free agents and draft picks combined or if it cash to cap plus this years draft picks. Sorry if this is in another forum. What was the rookie cap for the team picking twelve last year and how much will it go up by?




    Did you have to bring up the #12 pick of last year? It was Haloti Ngata. He signed for $14 million over 5 years. According to the Bills new accounting system you have to figure about a 10% increase so a little over $15 million. Which should eat up half of the Bills 'Cash to the Cap'.


    Of course this is just my opinion.

  22. Gee Chuck Pollock's was written after the press conference and its also neutral to positive...




    Wow....Chuck Pollock




    Because when I need my NFL coverage I head straight to the Oleans Times Herald :devil:


    What? No links to the Amherst Bee or the West Side Times? I hear the Penny Saver is dedicating an entire

    issue to the fine job Marv is doing.


    You guys are too funny some times.

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