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Everything posted by DeLuca1967

  1. I'd rather have the game in Moorman's hands then Loseman's. I think the coaches feel them same way.
  2. Because the QB sucks. The Bills are the only team in the NFL that doesn't gameplan to take away the opposing QB. They gameplan to take away their own QB. And rightfully so. Where would this team be if it had an actual NFL QB?
  3. It still doesn't take away from the fact that the Bills made the worst defense in the league look like the '85 Bears. If the Bills can't get things done against that defense? What hope is there?
  4. I heard JP Losman is a huge wrestling fan. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Meanwhile we check into LABillsFan's secret lair "What is this? Losman a wrestling fan? I didn't know. I hope BestBuy is still open. I need to buy every wrestling video I can get my hands on. If Losman likes wrestling? It must be cool" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  5. Rene Goulet?
  6. And GB's pass defense was #32 in the NFL. Marino was great at sliding over and creating space for himself. Sometimes an O-line can a QB look really good. Sometimes a QB can make a O-line look really good. I think a lot of the Bills passing problems is the scheme. By not allowing Losman to move outside the pocket (or were the pocket should be) they are allowing the defense to rush to a spot on the field and not at a moving QB. It was the same with Bledsoe. A d-lineman or a blitzer didn't have to see Bledsoe to sack him. They knew were he was gong to be. It's the same with Losman. If they could just slide Losman around a little he would have much more time to throw. But from what I read on these threads Losman can't read defenses and move at the same time. And that's from posters who think they are defending Losman.
  7. Brady and Manning create their seperation. They slide a step to one side. They step up. They have a real sense of what's going on around them. They feel it instead of having to see it. Which is why it is so disturbing that Losman has shown very little in this area. I'm not sure if that is something you just have or something you can acquire through time. One way of getting things done even though your line is sub par is to have a QB that can maximize the pocket he does have. Good QB's can sense were the pressure is coming from. And in 2006, where they are at most 4-5 very good offensice lines, you have to learn to get things done in the face of pressure. Very few QB's can stand back there without fearing being hit.
  8. He talked about it on Howard Stern. The Rock also has a rap sheet. He busted a lot of heads in his younger days.
  9. That's every QB. The kid makes plays which is something sorely missed around here.
  10. So you're talking Austin Idol, Bill Dundee, Andy Kaufman and Jimmy Hart. We didn't get that up here in WNY. I used to read about it in the mags. Another Good, not great, promotion was the "Global Wrestling" out of Texas. The Von Erichs, Steve Austin, Booker T cames out of the area. The Flair vs Von Erich matches were classics. And you can't forget about the 'Free Birds' which I consider the first real "Super Group" of wrestlers.
  11. Are you talking "Mid-South" here? With Dibiase, Eddie Gilbert and the "Road Runners" Sting and Rock( aka Ultimate Warrior)?
  12. I like the classic Piper lines " So I says to myself, I says, says I" or "Nature Boy? What do you do? Run naked through the woods?". Any chance od CBS running wrestling videos instead of the Bills game? There isn't much difference. Both outcomes are predetermined
  13. What's a "endzone". I watched all the games and don't remember seeing it Is that the place were all the opposing teams dance after Loseman does something stupid?
  14. 1) Bret Hart 2) Ric Flair 3) Randy Savage 4) Ricky Steamboat 5) HHH My alltime fav is Billy 'SuperStar' Graham. I started watching wrestling on WWOR towards the end of his title reign. MSG used to have 'MSG Spotlight' when the Rangers ended early. He was always on.
  15. Or? He'll be out of football completely and be looked upon in the same light as Todd Collins and Rob Johnson.
  16. You wouldn't trade for Green, Grossman, Delhomme or Plummer? Or did you just need to put a bunch of no's to make your point. I don't know what you consider "average". Loseman is the: 24th rated passer according to NFL.com. 30th in yards per game. 22 in completion percentage. That includes all the 3yrd passes on 3rd & long. He also is responsible for 73% of the Bills turnovers. If that's average? I hope you don't consider your girl average.
  17. I heard she was a Losman fan
  18. What would you consider improvement? The bar is set really low here. He can improve and still not be very good. If he has 8 td passes over the last 8 games and only 10 turnovers? You can argue that's an improvement. And I can list the posters that will. So seriously! What would you, RuntheDamnBall, consider an enough improvement to give Losman another year?
  19. "You don't disrepect the Bing". I wouldn't be judging others "comprehension" if I were you. Since you rarely have any original thoughts other than judgements made on those who offer up varied opinions. Also, If your reading "comprehension" was up to par? You would be able to tell that I don't care if people like me or don't like me. It is never about me. Though posters like you try to make it so because you have nothing to battle the arguemnets I put forth. For me it's about the conversation. It's about the topics and the passion put into their opinions. Maybe someday you will be able to comprehend that. Here is a saying I made up just for the Loseman debate. "Excuses are like a bottle of wine. Once you make that first excuse or pop the cork. The rest of the excuses/wine flows out easily".
  20. "First rule of Fight Club? Never talk about Fight Club."
  21. More and more excuses. You would think you could come up with something better to do in LA than make up excuses for Loseman. What you are saying is "the coaches can't install the teams offense untill JP Loseman learns how to read defenses". What an F-ing joke. Only the Bills would throw away an entire season on a third year QB who still can't read defenses. Isn't that a skill he should have developed sometime in college or over the past three years? The only thing that is up anyone a$$ is yours up Loseman's. Which is amazing considering his head is up there also. That has to be one big a$$. This week is Loseman's 17th start. That's how many Todd Collins had. Considering their numbers are very similar I would say this is it for Loseman. I don't care if it's Colts. If Loseman has another Loseman like bad performance it's time to try someone/anyone else.
  22. What do all these QB's have in common? They are all better then JP Loseman
  23. I know you hate to have the truth get in the way of facts. But I feel I must speak up here. GB Turnovers #1 INT - Def Touchdown #2 Fumble - Punt #3 Fumble - Kneel down #4 INT - 3 plays - 3 runs and a TD.
  24. Or, maybe it's just true?
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