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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Sarah Palin + GOP = wilderness for the rest of your life!
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k6Y_ncOVlDw But I guess not being respected by other world leader means he's doing a great job somehow, right?
  3. Who changes John McCain's Depends?
  4. Uh Oh, Talking Point Tom is at it again!
  5. Based on what? I listed 15 awful campaign tactics used by John McCain- Gas tax holiday "Drill Here Drill Now" The tire gauge Celebrity Sarah Palin Lipstick on a Pig Suspending his campaign to "return" to Washington Sarah Palin Socialist Joe the Plumber Sarah Palin Spread the Wealth Bill Ayers Khalid Rashidi Joe Biden says we will be attacked The Coal Thing Jeremiah Wright Be specific. What did Al Gore do that was more retarded than any of these? But keep pretending you're not just a kool-aid drinking lemming!
  6. Who will be McCain's AG? Oh that's right I forgot, McCain couldn't even win Indiana.
  7. If he brings in someone from Chicago you'd be freaking out that he's bringing "Chicago Politics" to DC. If he brings in someone from academia he'll be filling his cabinet with the "intellectual liberal elite". If he brings in someone from the business world he'll be "caving in to special interests". For the Ten millionth time- Change is about different policies than we have had during the last 8 years, not just new names and faces that you've never heard of before. http://www.barackobama.com/issues/ Who makes these people?
  8. Is this thread solely about car manufacturing?
  9. http://www.bizjournals.com/portland/storie.../06/focus7.html
  10. And convince American workers to work for 2 dollars a day.
  11. I'm still waiting. I'll even help you formulate the sentence- Obama has hired Person A to his transition team who is a paid lobbyist of Special Interest B and Person A has subsequently used his authority to benefit Special Interest B in the following ways... - It's really not that hard.
  12. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/15/us/polit...&ei=5087%0A Please share your proof that any of these people are using their position on the Obama transition team to benefit a special interest that they are currently a paid lobbyist for (without resorting to the typical DC Tom talking points please).
  13. What agenda has Obama's transition team set so far, Talking Point Tom?
  14. tran·si·tion (trn-zshn, -ssh-) n. 1. Passage from one form, state, style, or place to another.
  15. So anyone from the Beltway is off limits? I suppose he could just fill his cabinet with county supervisors and school superintendents from the sticks.
  16. I heard that Obama plans on waking up every morning and then going to sleep at night just like Bush and Clinton. That's not change.
  17. I don't remember Obama making any promises about his transition team.
  18. So Christmas is under attack become some retailers choose not to commercialize the birth of Christ? Isn't appropriating the birth of their so-called savior into a meaningless sales slogan unbefitting to the "Son of God"?
  19. Ok, but what about James Dobson?
  20. You have no material left, don't you?
  21. Maybe SD Jughead can submit his resume to Obama for the position of Civilian Flag Enforcement Trooper. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=76768 Who makes these people?
  22. Isn't it ironic that the same guy who had his panties up in a bunch over Obama's supposed civilian security force is knocking on strangers doors to enforce proper flag etiquette. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...amp;hl=civilian
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