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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. That's disgusting. Nobody wants to hear about your fetish!
  2. I love how the right wingers have reduced patriotism to just reciting things and wearing flag pins.
  3. You're right, I'd say you'd need at least a Yottabyte of storage to contain all of Tom's talking points.
  4. Talking Point Tom is at it again, this time he's pushing the "evil computer model" meme! http://engram-backtalk.blogspot.com/2007/1...m-faith-in.html http://churchlayman.wordpress.com/2008/05/...warming-part-2/ http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/Arti...7/GW_voodoo.pdf http://memetrics.wordpress.com/2008/11/20/...a-bag-of-hooey/ http://www.climate-skeptic.com/2007/09/chapter-5-skept.html http://markkelly.wordpress.com/2008/11/08/...omputer-models/ http://www.globalwarmingskeptics.info/?p=454 http://scienceandpublicpolicy.com/index.ph...view&id=408 Looks like Talking Point Tom has been saved by the 10 quotes per post limit!
  5. Who's McCain's Secratary of State?
  6. Didn't you hear? Cigarettes aren't addictive and they are !
  7. Do you want to come clean on your "methodology" talking point or do I need to humiliate you in front of you adoring sidekick Wacka?
  8. Since I'm not a climatologist I'm not allowed to listen to the opinion of every major scientific body in the world? I'm not a cardiologist, should I not be allowed to believe that cigarettes are a cause of heart disease? PS- If you think parroting Talking Point Tom and Alaska Darin makes you sound smart you should really think again. If you want to act like you're smart you'd be well advised to start parroting me!
  9. You remind me of the black people who say that OJ didn't kill his wife. The real reason that you won't believe in global warming is because it pisses off liberals which makes you nothing more than a hack that bloviates on the politics sub-forum of a Buffalo Bills message board. So I guess you're saying the all powerful IPCC has much more juice than say Big Oil, right? No one would be financially motivated to further a global warming denial movement, would they? Big business would never lie to you!
  10. When did I claim to be a climatologist? You seem to think you are one after reading one Op-ed piece in the Washington Times. I'm just pointing out that your resistance to global warming is based on politics and not science. Look into this Mr. Talking Points!
  11. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?s=&am...t&p=1231263 Real Scientists, not Buffalo Bills message board blowhards like you and Talking Point Tom.
  12. You forgot to source your "facts". I'll do you a favor and fill them in for you. 1) Clown College alumni Penn Gillette 2) The Rusty and the Booze Hound Show, 1230AM, Billings Montana 3) Sarah Palin 4) Alaska Darin
  13. I understand that actual scientists may know a little more about climatology than Talking Point Tom. American Association for the Advancement of Science The American Physical Society The Joint Science Academies at the 2008 G8 Summit International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences The National Research Council Federation of American Scientists The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change World Meteorogical Organization American Meteorogical Society International Union of Geological Sciences Geological Society of America American Geophysical Union American Astronomical Society The EPA The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration The InterAcademy Council Royal Meteorological Society Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences International Union for Quaternary Research American Quaternary Association International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics Stratigraphy Commission of the Geological Society of London International Union of Geological Sciences European Geosciences Union Canadian Federation of Earth Sciences American Society for Microbiology American Statistical Association Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society European Academies of Sciences and Arts NASA American Institute of Physics Network of African Science Academies The European Science Foundation Stephen Hawking The CIA and the Pentagon American Chemical Society The Union of Concerned Scientists
  14. Looks like Talking Point Tom won't have a rebuttal until about 12:30 PM Monday once Limbaugh tells him what to think.
  15. http://www.esa.int/esaEO/SEMXK5AWYNF_planet_0.html http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/...shelf.collapse/
  16. Says the board's 12th most active poster.
  17. You were soooooooo vocal in condeming Ted Stevens! http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showt...tevens&st=0
  18. Something tells me that the Indians will actually go after those responsible for the attacks an not a country that had absolutely nothing to do with it.
  19. Ted Stevens, Larry Craig, and Duke Cunningham were all found guilty of crimes. Nice attempt at a moral equivalency scam Jughead. Any rightwing hack with an ounce of intelligence knows that William Jefferson is the go-to guy for dismissing the corruption of the Republicans.
  20. Are you sure you don't? Not many straight men use the term "azz" or emoticons.
  21. Not to mention that KBR was making drivers risk their lives driving empty trucks around a warzone to increase their profits. http://www.accessmylibrary.com/coms2/summa...286-7596706_ITM
  22. Remind us again about how you have an overweight lesbian sister and how that makes you an expert please.
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