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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. I heard he was also walking very bull legged
  2. On Hardball they played a quick montage of a bunch of different of Tim's Bills/Sabres shoutouts.
  3. It'll take a while, I write them out long hand in my black and white notebook before I type them out into Microsoft Word files that I save. I'll need a few more hours.
  4. Consider this, Frank Clark ( a Democrat) isn't running for relection so is taking a chance to take down WNY's most visible conservative Republican (Lynch). It's pretty obvious!
  5. Or maybe some fine sistas one of the fellows picked up!
  6. What if NO ONE was driving and Lynch and Hardy were in the back smoking weeeeeeed?
  7. If Lynch 1) Cops a deal 2) Settles with the girl 3) Makes some sort of public apology All will be forgiven
  8. This makes me think that there won't be a suspension, hopefully Lynch just settles this soon.
  9. As far as legal severity goes. I know Lynch will probably be charged with a class A misdemeanor, how does that compare to a DWI. I'm asking because I'm pretty sure that their have been first time DWI offenders who haven't been suspended by the league (like Roscoe for example). If this is the case wouldn't a suspension for marshawn be unlikely? Also have any players been suspended recently for anything other than positive drug tests or violent crimes?
  10. He ran her over and drove away, you don't think that gives her the right to sue?
  11. I realize you're being sarcastic but I'm afraid alot of Bills fans actually feel that way.
  12. This is such a stretch-Implying that suing the person who ran you over with an SUV and then drove away is somehow an indictment of Canadian health care is pretty lame.
  13. Your sarcasm made no point whatsoever. You just get off on being the contrarian.
  14. She's not going for the "deep pocket" she may or may not be going for the "dude who ran me over with an SUV while I had the right of way pocket".
  15. I love how people are equating all these outlandish fantasy lawsuits as a way to demonize someone who may or may not sue someone for running them over! I'm a big Lynch fan and I want him on the team but some of you people act like the guy can do no wrong.
  16. No, you sue the person who (alledgedly) hit you with their SUV and drove away.
  17. I don't know, sports fans are very forgiving as long as the athlete apologizes and then produces on the field. I just think that Lynch is delaying the inevitible.
  18. If she doesnt have any long lasting injuries I can't imagine her getting any higher than 5 figures for punitive/pain and suffering damages. If I was his agent I'd tell him to just bite the bullet, pay her off and cop a plea so he can begin to repair his image. If he does these things this week verything will be forgotten by the Seattle game, actually probably sooner than that even.
  19. 1) We know that Lynch was downtown 2) We know his car hit this woman Thats enough to make him liable in a civil suit, I'm sure his lawyers now that and are already negotiating a settlement with her.
  20. Like it or not as long as she had the right of way she deserves some form of monetary compensation for medical bills and pain and suffering. I still love my man Lynch but he just needs to bite the bullet and do the right thing by getting this over with.
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