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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. The whole "fixed it for ya" internet meme is the gayest sh-- ever. You probably say LMAO and love to pwn n00bz right?
  2. He was probably drunk and I assume that since he didn't hit her head on or with alot of velocity he probably rationalized it as no big deal.
  3. I can't believe the lengths people on here will go to rationalize Lynch's behavior.
  4. So since your such a weak baby who can't quit his stupid habit I should have to breath your sh------- smoke everywhere I go? Get some will power!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Another horrible joke, If you were funny you would have said Type O-bese or maybe even Type Oh-No!
  6. bull sh--, than wear a hooded sweatshirt like a man! You probably wore a fanny pack too!
  7. A man wearing a turtleneck has no right to goof on anyone, ever!
  8. How many cheese steaks are you going to shove into your mouth, you slob!
  9. I guess mocking a fat woman makes you forget that you're a splotchy faced, big eared limp wrist. What kind of smile is that?????
  10. Chill out fatso, you can't handle that I pulled the ultimate trump card on you and left you in the dust HOLDING YOUR rooster!!!! THAT'S THE COUP DE GRACE!!!!!
  11. Were you the "mix in a salad" guy? Have any good "I've fallen but I can't get up" jokes? How about some "where's the beef" one-liners?
  12. I can take jokes but I haven't seen one yet in this thread. I mean "mix in a salad"? I haven't heard someone say that since 1996!
  13. Listen up stupid: PUBLIC FIGURE - A term usually used in the context of libel and defamation actions where the standards of proof are higher if the party claiming defamation is a public figure and therefore has to prove defamatory statements were made with actual malice. Harte-Hanks Communications v. Connaughton (1989) 491 U.S. 657, 666-668. The "public figure" issue is not cut and dried. To begin with, a fairly high threshold of public activity is necessary to elevate a person to public figure status, Brown v. Kelly Broadcasting Co. (1989) 48 Cal.3d 711, 745, and, as to those who are not pervasively involved in public affairs, they must have "thrust themselves to the forefront of particular public controversies in order to influence the resolution of the issues involved" to be considered a "limited purpose" public figure. Gertz v. Robert Welch, Inc. (1974) 418 U.S. 323, 345.
  14. She's still not a public figure genius!
  15. You're a complete moron if you're equating criticizing an ELECTED PUBLIC OFFICIAL with anonymous personal attacks on a private citizen.
  16. Does this sound like it was written by someone who understands that it is wrong to drive away after striking a woman with his suv- whats good yardbarkers what it do its ya local neighborhood running back outta OAKLAND....in buffalo playin for da bills...if u looked at da headline reading DAMN its cause ive been out 4 da past two weeks and its been hurting me not to b out der wit ma teammates even if we losing....i just cant wait til i can get back out der wit ma bra bras (teammates).....but dis just ma lil intro until i can get back to yall wit a lil mo....stay solid til next time Clearly this man is well read and extremely intelligent. How about this brilliant entry- last year n da draft it was ma turn...dis year i got 2 cuzins cummin to join me ....(Head) josh johnson best QB n da draft and (jizzle) rob jordan best WR n da draft...da town (OAKLAND) is soon to be deep n da NFL....we commin to show da world da we get down in da town and can ball too.....and look out 4 ma lil cuzin (fell) at da university of idaho...and it dont stop der ma god brother (Q) quentin thomas point gaurd of UNC gettin ready 4 da NBA....and it get better ....ma cuzins 2 tones doin they music thang....FAM 1ST on da cum up fast...hold ya chin up nuh nuh nuh....... gone A man who would write this who never leave the scene of an accident right? http://www.yardbarker.com/marshawnlynch
  17. Lynch is just another one of those low rent people who win the lottery and have no idea how to conduct themselves. In fact I bet he is so insulated from criticism and good advice that he has learned absolutely nothing from this.
  18. Several attorneys have said that if Lynch had come forward to tell authorities what happened within days of the May 31 incident, a misdemeanor charge of leaving the scene of a personal- injury accident likely would have been reduced to the driver’s pleading guilty to a noncriminal traffic violation. Sources have said that such a plea deal, in similar cases, usually leads to just a fine. http://www.buffalonews.com/cityregion/buff...ory/372060.html
  19. Wow, you guys have a great sense of humor! Ever considered punching up scripts with that wit?
  21. How would you guys feel if on the Toronto Argonauts board they posted a picture of Lynch and were making similiarly unclever hacky black jokes about Lynch? If you're going to goof on her weight at least be a little bit clever about it. I could see all these jokes coming a mile away.
  22. Funny that none of these posters have the balls to post their own pic.......
  23. Marshawn is extremely conservative, thats a well known fact. if you sit down and talk to him its Goldwater this and Death Tax that. It never ends with him.
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