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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Last time I checked crossing the street drunk with the right of way wasn't a crime, driving drunk, hitting a person and speeding away is. Thanks.
  2. They should realize that Lynch doesn't need more sycophants and enablers in his life but instead someone to knock some sense into him. If this woman had been seriously injured he'd have lost his career and his freedom and he would have screw his teamamtes over big time.
  3. If people can make all these unfound statements about the victim why can't I make similiar comments about Lynch?
  4. It's a logical inference based on his past behavior and his behavior of that night.
  5. That's true but your friend doesn't have a history of bringing his own booze into Chippewa bars does he? Lynch may not of been completely hammered but he was definitely drinking and likely above the limit.
  6. He hit her with the side front of the car with someone sitting shotgun, there's no way neither of them didn't notice but were still able to see the dancing girl right next to her.
  7. Really? You're right, no one who drives home from Chippewa at 330am is drunk.
  8. And you're drunk! Don't leave that out!
  9. I'm interested to hear just what exactly Lynch owns up to in the plea agreement, all we know so far that in the deal he concedes that he was the driver.
  10. Absolutely, I have no idea how Lynch has earned the benefit of the doubt in so many people's eyes that there is no way he could have known he hit her. If it was Lawrence Maroney or Ronnie Brown this board would be organizing a Lynch mob!
  11. It took you 2 minutes to read one sentence? You're about as smart as Manchild Lynch.
  12. I think that the chances that neither Johnson nor Lynch realized they hit her while making their turn is virtually nill.
  13. You dispute that Lynch was driving still?
  14. Exacty, using either eyewitnesses to prove or refute this case is ineffective. The only thing that we know for sure is that Lynch was driving and he drove away.
  15. It would be interesting to see all these witnesses, including the victim, testify in court.
  16. No suspension, 1000 dollar fine, community service, and a settlement with the victim.
  17. What if the other witnesses are Lynch apologists like yourself who have spent the whole night doing Jagerbombs and only care about seeing Lynch play on sundays? Are they reliable? By the way wasn't Steve Johnson sitting shotgun? Wouldn't that give him a front row seat for the accident? I guess he didn't notice either.
  18. It won't even reach a courtroom to get that far, Lynch will just cut a check and it will be done with.
  19. I wouldn't answer the door if I had something to hide, makes me think that even if Lynch didn't know he hit this woman he may have been hiding other things.
  20. There's no reason to trash the victim because of conflicting eyewitnesses, especially when all the witnesses agree that Lynch's vehicle struck her.
  21. Regardless if he stopped or not she will still win the civil lawsuit, most likely through a settlement. You still never answered my question of why if Lynch didnt know he hit the woman why was he texting the Bills head of security and why he didn't answer the door when the police were pounding on his door and towing away his 100K SUV.
  22. I don't understand what you believe the DA did differently because of these other witnesses?
  23. You have no proof her version is inaccurate.
  24. If he believed the other eyewitnesses so much why is there a plea deal and not a dismissal of all charges?
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