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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. So you're point is that she wasn't hit by a car at all?
  2. As far as self preservation goes he definitely did do the right thing.
  3. What about the sexual assault charges that were dropped? Or the restraining order that was placed on Lynch by a girlfriend? Or the fact he was shot at? The fact he's been in Buffalo a year and needed to have a sit down with Hamburg Police? I don't know about you but I've never been charged with a crime, I've never been shot at, I've never had to sit down with my local police, and I've certainly never hit a woman at 330am on Chippewa. I suppose you think that these are all coincidences right? There's a pattern here and the only question is will Lynch learn from this (I doubt it) or will he stay on this path and turn into the next Travis Henry.
  4. That sure sounds like an alcohol problem to me. Like it or not but the guy is only 22 and has been involved with law enforcement for most of it. He's only been here for a year and needed to have a sit down with Hamburg Police! I suppose that Hamburg Police were the problem right? The guy has been a magnet for controversy! Maybe he should be hanging out with Lee and McGee instead of Hardy and Johnson.
  5. But the credibility of Lynch driving home from Chippewa at 3:30am sober shouldn't be challenged?
  6. I thought I did, could you please clarify your question? Unless you're implying she was so drunk she imagined being hit by a car?
  7. I doubt even a fine, at worst it puts him on Goodell's radar.
  8. I think that you could have 20 people standing at the corner of Chippewa and Delaware and get 20 different stories.
  9. It seems like your point of contention is whether or not he stopped, and if he didn't stop it somehow exonerates him. Whether he stopped or not is irrelevant - he was driving, he hit her, and he didn't stop.
  10. The point is that just because her version of the events don't match up with another eyewitnesses doesn't mean she's lying or deserves to be trashed.
  11. She didn't fabricate anything, you're just setting up another straw man to tear down. Her is some required reading on eyewtinesses and different recollections for you- Subjects were shown a slide of a car at an intersection with either a yield sign or a stop sign. Experimenters asked participants questions, falsely introducing the term "stop sign" into the question instead of referring to the yield sign participants had actually seen. Similarly, experimenters falsely substituted the term "yield sign" in questions directed to participants who had actually seen the stop sign slide. The results indicated that subjects remembered seeing the false image. In the initial part of the experiment, subjects also viewed a slide showing a car accident. Some subjects were later asked how fast the cars were traveling when they "hit" each other, others were asked how fast the cars were traveling when they "smashed" into each other. Those subjects questioned using the word "smashed" were more likely to report having seen broken glass in the original slide. The introduction of false cues altered participants’ memories. http://agora.stanford.edu/sjls/Issue%20One...amp;tversky.htm
  12. My point is you're giving Lynch the benefit of the doubt that you wouldn't even extend to many people you actually know. I don't mind when people say they want to see how everything plays out but when they are attacking the victim and making up excuses for Lynch I get crazy.
  13. Lynch himself has verified the fact that he was driving by agreeing to the plea deal. There are too many leaps of faith to make to believe that Lynch did nothing wrong- 1) You have to believe he was at Chippewa at 330 am completely sober 2) You have to believe he could have been oblivious to a collision that was strong enough to damage his SUV 3) That he and whoever else was at his home are such sound sleepers that they could have slept through the police calling, pounding on the door, and towing his SUV Be honest, if this was anyone but Lynch (or another Bill) you guys would feel the same way I do. Unfortunately many of you can put your childish affection for a grown man aside and face the facts. That being said if he makes an apology and acknowledges his mistakes I'll forgive him and cheer for him every sunday.
  14. Do you really believe that neither Lynch nor Johnson wouldn't have felt an impact that was strong enough to damage his SUV? I'm over this whole thing (assuming Lynch makes a public apology) but the way people are trying to minimize and rationalize Lynch's role in the accident is rediculous. "Time to trash the victim"? Thats pretty !@#$ed up.
  15. It seems to me that for most of Lynch's adult life he's been involved some sort of legal problem or controversy and I fear that if Lynch is left to his own devices this will probably continue. For the sake of the team I hope someone would sit him down and read him the riot act about how he could be one night of drinking on Chippewa or at Mademoiselles from throwing his career away. I'm hoping the judge takes his license away for a year so that maybe he'll get into the habit of taking cabs or limos.
  16. I think that the NFL is a QB driven league and winning consistently without an at least above average QB is almost impossible for any coach. By the way I wasn't trashing Trent, we just don't know what we have in him yet.
  17. He's a good coach, he just needs a QB. Hopefully Trent will develop this season into a solid starter.
  18. I think the only way he gets canned is if this season is a drastic step backwards, like 4-12 and Edwards looks terrible. Status quo or better and he get's another year at least.
  19. I think what they mean is that he gets more out of less. He went 13-3 with Jim Miller, A-Train, and Marty Booker, not exactly the Dallas Triplets. Give him a good QB and he'll make the playoffs every year.
  20. It seems to me that Coach Jauron is pretty popular around here, especially considering his 14-18 record. Do you think he could become a longterm coach like Ruff? I think if we make the playoffs this year he definitely gets an extension and deservedly so. Could Jauron pull this off?
  21. Did my suggesting that I struck a nerve with you strike another nerve?
  22. Have I struck a nerve because I dare to suggest that Lynch was drunk?
  23. Everyone down there is drunk.
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