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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Actually it's landscaping. They only perform abortions during the Winter.
  2. But what about all the crazed gunmen Plaxico was defending everyone from? He should be given a medal!
  3. 22 Dollars? It costs less to go to the Guggenheim and the American Museum of Natural History in NYC!
  4. Actually the reason for the season is to commemorate the birth of Santa Claus.
  5. Forget what I just said then, I'm just a phenomenal speller.
  6. I'll be honest, it's not that good. I use the spell checker which has had the unintended consequence of ruining my natural spelling abilities.
  7. So I take it you're not a capitalist then, right? "Point"? Don't give yourself too much credit. It was more like an incoherent moronic rant than a point.
  8. Did you hit "submit post" twice? I guess you must have been confused after manically hitting refresh on www.redstate.com hoping to find new response.
  9. Great point! Had only the guy who opened the door said "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays" this never would have happened.
  10. "Uh Oh, DC Tom is offline and I need to come up with a witty retort on my own! What do I do??????"
  11. It's good to see that the Christians faith in their savior is so fragile that a retailer saying "Happy Holidays" has the power to send them into a full blown crisis of faith.
  12. Actually it should read "if you could read all 16,000 of my mind numbingly dull and unoriginal posts you'd probably know that". Now please share some more of you "original" "thoughts" dismissing global warming because it doesn't follow the scientific method. It's not like that meme hasn't been floating around talk radio, editorial pages, and the right wing hackosphere for years. You're just another astroturfing douche. I counsel nerds like yourself who have over 11,000 posts on a single message board. Just a reminder- having a 5 digit post count on any message board is mutually exclusive with having an opinion that anyone should take seriously, ever.
  13. I will in a minute Gramps. Make sure you don't fall asleep with your dentures in again.
  14. Want some more humiliation? Looks like Talking Point Tom has been cribbing off of Wacka! That's like cheating on a test by copying a D student's answers! Anybody else hear an echo?
  15. Even in that case it's still one more than you have had in you 16,000 posts. SIXTEEN THOUSAND. Looks like Talking Point Tom has nobody to bounce his crackpot regurgitations off of in real life! "So Tom what do you do in your spare time?" "Well I paraphrase the latest conservative talking points on the politics sub-forum of a Buffalo Bills message board to the tune of 16,000 posts!" "Dear God!"
  16. It was a joke...
  17. Rush Limbaugh is the epitome of objectivity! You crybabies can dish it out but you can't take it.
  18. Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, and Wrong.
  19. Why do you use emoticons? Seems a little flimsy and limp wristed to me.
  20. Does your "physics background" teach you how to blather inanities you once read on the Wall Street Journal editorial page? What a coincidence that every conservative blogger and radio host had the same take on global warming computer models as you did! What are the odds!
  21. Uses emoticons- check. Irrationally comes to the defense of an equally douchey loser-check. Has over 10,000 posts-check. You're scoring perfect in the internet loser trifecta tonight!
  22. I bet those pesky scientists who said that cigarettes were addictive were practicing "bad science" too, right? It's not my fault that you're too retarded to realize that Big Oil is playing you for suckers just like Big Tobacco did. If you think I'm going to value the opinion of some blowhard on the politics sub-forum of a Buffalo Bills message board more than someone like Stephen Hawking you are a senile old fool!
  23. Working on yeast infections gives you credibility on global warming? It's funny how many scientists there are on the politics sub-forum of a Buffalo Bills message board. Judging by your moronic intonation and idiotic political views I'd be shocked if you even made it out of the 8th grade.
  24. Looks like you've chose to ignore the fact that I just exposed your boyfriends regurgitation of the right wing "computer model" meme as his own thoughts. The truth hurts doesn't it! Now go ask El Rushbo for a witty comeback.
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