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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. In his post game statements he never seems as robotic as this. I get the feeling when he was speaking he wasn't trying to recall what happened but instead to recall what he had been coached to say or not say.
  2. Lynch Speaks After watching this and reading his body language I have these thoughts- 1) Marshawn seems to take long pauses- Liars have longer pauses, shorter answers and longer times between a question and a response than someone who is merely nervous. It makes sense that liars need time to create the lie; recalling the truth takes less time. If you ask a clerk if they gave you the correct change and there is a long pause before their response, it may be an indication of deceit. However, this is not a cue you should take in isolation. You might also check to see where their eyes go after you ask the question. People tend to look up to the right to visualize or create a new response or down to the right to create the sounds of a new response. We recall information that occurred in the past by looking up to the left or down to the left. Spot a liar by listening for pauses and right eye movement. Be credible by answering spontaneously. 2) His hands are always in his pockets- When people are trying to hide their true feeling or the truth, they may stick their hands in their pockets, clench them together, or hold them behind their backs. To spot a liar, look to see if the hands are open and "above board." Because people do hide their hands when they are nervous, if you see hidden hands ask yourself why that person is nervous. 3) Swaying his head from side to side, not making eye contact- A liar is uncomfortable facing his questioner/accuser and may turn his head or body away. A person who is lying to you will avoid making eye contact. By the way how fast did his lawyer swoop in once a question was asked, looks like he has no faith in Marshawn to keep on script. By the way how about this witness who claims that Lynch braked after hitting her?
  3. When the settlement happens there will probably be an non-disclosure agreement to keep her from releasing statements that would contradict Lynch's.
  4. His guilty plea has far more weight in the civil suit than any apology would. He could at least apologize to the team and the fans for creating this distraction and not mention the accident. He single handed ruined one of the most optimistic offseason we've had in a while. I was all excited about Poz coming back, McKelvin, Stroud, Mitchell, Edwards, and Hardy but this mess (and all the other sh-- going on in the NFL) has really cooled my excitement.
  5. I was hoping that Lynch was going to speak to the media, maybe make a Giambi type non-apology apology where he at least shows a little contrition.
  6. Wrong again, had this been a guy like Whitner, Lee, or Greer the contrast between their speaking/writing style wouldn't be as rediculous as it is between Lynch's grammar and his statement. That being said I never expected Lynch to write his own statement as part of a plea bargain.
  7. You keep saying there is no evidence but that is not true. While we don't have a blood test or a videotape of him drinking there is plenty of circumstantial evidence that he was drinking.
  8. For the benefit of those who are uninititated in "Marshawn-speak" here are some good resources, http://www.yardbarker.com/marshawnlynch (Lynch's extremely informative blog) (Lynch "writing" his blog with the help of some his like minded friends)
  9. Not until you stop pleasuring yourself to images of Lynch.
  10. The behavior of NFL players is spiraling out of control.
  11. The best predictor of future behavior is past behavior. Lynch needs to start hanging more with Lee and Whitner and less with Hardy and Johnson.
  12. I really don't think that Clark ever wanted any other thing than a quick resolution to this case.
  13. Probably? Probably? So you have as little faith in Lynch learning from this experience as I do.
  14. This case was never going any further than a plea deal.
  15. Why is that a leap? Is it really unconceivable that Lynch was drinking that night? Last time I checked he's not a teetotaller and there is an epidemic of NFL players getting DWI's lately. Will you at least concede that Lynch is more likely than not to be drinking when he's on Chippewa?
  16. How do you explain the Steve Johnson didn't feel it either? If they were making a left from Chippewa onto Deleware the impact would have occured right on top of him. The only way I'd belive that neither of them realized they hit her is if they were both hammered or stoned out of their gourds!
  17. I'm sure their are hordes of 20 something Bills fanatics who were on the Chipstrip that night who just can't wait to come forward and drop a dime on arguably the Bills best and most popular player.
  18. Absolutely, I've gotten in tons and tons of accidents with considerable front end damage to my SUV without myself or my passengers realizing it. Very believable.
  19. I'd trade this punishment for a suspended license, that would keep him out of trouble!
  20. I see that you deleted your response to my OJ Simpson post, I assume because it completely contradicted your stance on Lynch.
  21. So I'm dreaming of the damage to Lynch's SUV and the woman's injuries?
  22. I'm sure she was drunk, but you cannot dispute the physical evidence!!!!!
  23. Was OJ ever found guilty of spousal abuse? Hmmmm, no he pleaded no contest. Was he found guilty of murder? Hmmmm, actually no! And what's with those Goldmans? Why are they trying to suck money out of a man like OJ! It seems as though you've made a judgement on OJ based on about the same information I'm using to judge Lynch.
  24. I've got no comeback for that!
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