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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. What about holding public figures to a higher standard than bartenders?
  2. Exactly, this kid should be applauded for expressing himself regardless of whether or not you agree with it. I don't agree with everything the kid said but it takes alot of guts to put your opinions out there for everyone to read and he should be commended for that.
  3. You got to admit it's very low rent to bring your own alcohol into a bar. I'd put it on par with someone sneaking food out from a all you can eat buffet in terms of classlessness. Just saying.
  4. Really? You must really be some kind of low rent white trash then.
  5. I'm sure the F.O. didnt just give Schobel that deal out of the goodness of their hearts, I assume his agent was making alot of noise behind the scenes.
  6. So we should just excuse Lynch's poor behavior because of other people's behavior?
  7. 1) You don't KNOW that they don't 2) Apples and Oranges anyways
  8. I think that the Marshawn Lynch exit strategy discussion is WAY premature, especially implying the May 31st incident may want him to leave. In my opinion Western New York/ Buffalo law enforcement is extremely easily on the Bills/Sabres, especially when compared to Cincy & Jacksonville who don't give a sh-- who you are. I know alot of cops who have told me stories of different Sabres and Bills who have gotten off the hook for various things, mostly drunk driving.
  9. Double digit sacks for an interior lineman is alot to ask, I'd be happy with 4-7 and alot of activity behind the line of scrimmage.
  10. I'm a believer in letting RB's walk before they hit the wall and replace them with some younger fresher legs.
  11. until I checked out the Denver Bronco's board and saw the Brandon Marshall apologists! Holy sh--! Say what you want about Lynch but at least he's not violent. This Marshall kids sounds like he should be locked up for life and Bronco's fans actually have the nerve to blame his domestic abuse problem on his GF! They say Marshall is a "victim of a bad relationship"! Depressing! http://forums.denverbroncos.com/showthread.php?t=117516 http://forums.denverbroncos.com/showthread.php?t=117515 Marshall's Criminal History
  12. FYI, Schobel's mother was African American-there goes your theory!
  13. I agree, the only guys who I could see removing from the list would be Hester but other than that I don't know.
  14. You have lost ALL credibility with that statement! No wonder you don't think Lynch was drinking!
  15. Ok, if you had to assign a percentage chance that this accident was alcohol related what would it be?
  16. My biggest problem with WGR is that every show is focused on one topic or played out hypothetical question like "who is your favorite Bills player". I'd rather they had more free flowing shows where the hosts would put a bunch of different topics out on the table and then see where it goes from there. I also hate the way they crowbar those pre-recorded comedy bits into the show. Awful, just awful.
  17. I actually have my own movie, heres a clip from it- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXgt0X7KEAc
  18. Based on nothing? You failed to mention that Leron Lynch Jr. who was staying with him received a DWI as well. Apparently driving sober isn't a Lynch Family value. Open your eyes, your blinded by an unhealthy Marshawn Lynch mancrush! I mean for christ's sake the judge (who I'm sure has a better handling on the facts of this case than anyone) said that Lynch displayed a "reckless disregard for human life and property"!
  19. Peters - Definitely after this season, they'll never let him get close to free agency Evans - I's say 75% chance he gets signed before this season, 25% he's gone Crowell - This will be his last year with us
  20. For one he could have dressed a little better going to court. His jeans were hanging off his ass.
  21. Learn the facts stupid, the dancing girl wasn't the girl he hit. Why do I conclude Lynch was drinking? Probably because he was at a bar until 330am and then got into a really careless car accident and subseqently "slept through" the police pounding on his door and towing his car. Why is it so crazy to believe that an accident at 330am on Chippewa was alcohol related? If you buy that he didn't notice he hit her couldn't that be because his senses were a little dulled? He wasn't driving home from the library, he was driving home from a bar. A bar that he has been known to drink at and even bring his own alcohol to. He also has a history of drunk driving in his family, just ask Leron Lynch Jr. Do you really think Marshawn was being a designated driver? Then in his statement he clealry stated he wasn't speeding but never said he wasn't drinking. Shouldn't that have been a priority oh his to set the record straight on his sobriety? If your position is the accident is no big deal and as long as Bill's players don't kill someone you don't care that's fine, I can accept that. But denying that Lynch was likely drunk is disingenuous. Let me ask this question- What has Lynch ever done to deserve such a benefit of the doubt? If your teenage kid pulled the same thing would you really believe that they had'nt been drinking?
  22. A drunken sleep perhaps?
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