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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Shouldn't the oil companies drill on the millions of acres of land they already have drilling permits for? If I didn't know any better I'd say that the oil companies like having 4$ per gallon gas, but that's impossible.............
  2. The surge has reduced the violence but I don't think it has gotten us any closer to getting out of there.
  3. Actually there was a recent study which discovered that the more well hung candidate wins the election 95% of the time!
  4. The problem is that the president should be someone who is exceptionally curious and is constantly seeking out new information. The fact that he is so resistant to learning how to do something grade schoolers have mastered makes me wonder about this guy.
  5. Didn't Bush say we were "addicted to oil" last year? So his solution to an oil addiction is to............get more oil??????
  6. http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/68300 John McCain Doesn't Know How To Go Online Robert Paul Reyes July 14, 2008 The Internet is one of the most important inventions in history; it has impacted every aspect of society. This is the Wired Generation, and a person who isn't hooked up to the Matrix is inconsequential. Life without the Internet is not worth living; I can't imagine making do without it. John McCain has no problem living without the Internet, he may not even know how to log on to a computer. "Senator John McCain, the Republican presidential candidate, has admitted that he never uses email and that his staff has to show him websites because he is only just 'learning to get online myself.' When asked if he went online himself, the Arizona senator responded: "They go on for me. I am learning to get online myself, and I will have that down fairly soon, getting on myself." Quotation from Telegraph.Co.UK The man who yearns to be Leader of the Free World doesn't have the intellectual wherewithal to get online, his staffers have to do it for him. This sad state of affairs clearly illustrates that time has passed McCain by. I'm sorry but McCain is too damned old to be president. You can't prosper or get ahead in life without being Internet-literate. In this world that moves at broadband speed, McCain hasn't even achieved dial-up speed. No wonder that Barack Obama, who is well versed in the Internet, is favored to win the general election. Obama successfully used the Internet to build a world-class fundraising machine, and to communicate with and inspire his followers. I can't imagine a president who doesn't know how to use the Internet: McCain: Romney, you're my vice-president, do something useful and get on the Internet for me, I want to see what Drudge is saying about me. What's taking so long, maybe if you feed the mouse some cheese it will move quicker.
  7. Wasn't this a week after the funeral? And didn't Thurman become violent with the Bengals assistant who was being paid to chaperon Thurman after the assistant told him it was time to return to Cincy? It's not like he politely asked to spend a few more days in Georgia. This guy is a menace who should be locked up for the rest of his life!
  8. How dare they not give him the rest of the month off because his grandmother died!
  9. What was the famous Greg Williams quote about Henry, something about Travis not overthinking?
  10. I find this stuff to be very interesting! Chris Berman I always thought he'd be a Limbaugh type but apparently he's a big Joe Lieberman (D-CT) supporter! http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...hris_Berman.php Troy Aikman Big Bush and McCain guy http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...Troy_Aikman.php Jerome Bettis How the hell can you give money to Bush in 04 and then Obama in 08???? Strange! http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...rome_Bettis.php Mark Brunell Christian Conservative http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...ark_Brunell.php Dave Duerson Hasn't picked a winner yet! http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...ave_Duerson.php John Elway He even contributed to Rick Lazio!!! http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d.../John_Elway.php Roger Goodell Check out Roger greasing up House Judicial Chairman John Conyers! http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...ger_Goodell.php Dennis Green Bigtime Democrat http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...ennis_Green.php Ron Jaworski 50/50 split http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...on_Jaworski.php Jerry Jones 2 to 1 republican http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...Jerry_Jones.php Jim Kelly Supported Rudy in the Republican primary http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...s/Jim_Kelly.php Bob Kraft Gave a ton to Democrats http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...obert_Kraft.php Peyton Manning Supported Fred Thompson in the Republican primary Julius Peppers Who is GK Butterfield? http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...ius_Peppers.php Andy Reid Supported fellow Mormon Mitt Romney http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...s/Andy_Reid.php Emmitt Smith Is loving Obama http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...mmitt_Smith.php Barry Switzer I never would have guessed he was a big democrat supporter http://www.newsmeat.com/sports_political_d...rry_Switzer.php
  11. I was unaware that there is an epidemic of guarantee making that sweeping through the Bills locker room.
  12. This was the last story on NFL Live today, with both Schelerth & Golic agreeing that the Bills would NOT make the playoffs. What jerkoffs!!!!!!!!
  13. WHITNER FOR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. http://www.sportsline.com/nfl/story/10882613 6. John McCargo, DT, Buffalo Bills: After a disappointing rookie season in 2006, cut short by injury, McCargo played much better in 2007. He had 2½ sacks, led the Bills with 6½ stops behind the line of scrimmage and now appears ready to do even more in his third season. The addition of former Jaguars defensive tackle Marcus Stroud to play next to him will help McCargo improve even more. Poz should have made this list as well.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D3BqI7d9WgE...feature=related
  16. As long as one other person agrees with him I have no problem with the title.
  17. Thank you Rico, I'm often compared to Dee Snyder AND Sara Jessica Parker. See for yourself- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hB88WhccPUs
  18. That's not true, OKC is doing extremely well.
  19. I agree, keep guys as far away from becoming UFA's as possible.
  20. How about some former MLB players- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dick_Pole http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rusty_Kuntz
  21. Using this logic we can never criticize anyone ever for their bad behavior because there are other people doing bad things.
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