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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. So being against the Iraq War means that you're for the Vietnam War and the failed Bay of Pigs invasion? And by the way who said I was a liberal?
  2. I want FOOTBALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. "Some of the best skill players in the NFL", Take it easy dude!
  4. I'm not sure why I should have mentioned these, can you explain?
  5. http://www.latimes.com/sports/la-sp-nflsig...0,1332501.story
  6. It also depends alot on your line, if you've got a great one it can make a decent RB look amazing. Just look at Priest Holmes when he left for KC or Chester Taylor when he filled in for AP last year.
  7. If POZ stays healthy he makes the Probowl.
  8. Pats are that high?
  9. So I guess you're implying that this incident never happened and that the media, the DA, the victim, Lynch's legal counsel, and Lynch himself have fabricated this entire event?
  10. So does every other Muslim nation in the Middle East, should we invade them all? So now we invaded because Saddam was trying to get nuclear weapons? And how many Al Qaeda members were in Iraq before our invasion? That is the most braindead paragraph ever written! Al Qaeda brought down the WTC because......."They are Azzholes". Bottom line- GWB and his chickenhawk buddies little experiment in democratizing a stone age, backwards country at the barrel of a gun has only created more Islamic terrorists. But hey, at least these crazy Muslims dont hold grudges.........
  11. I just read his new book, it's an easy read and only takes a few hours. He makes some good points but I get the feeling sometimes that he's full of sh--, especially with alot of his 9/11 conspiracy theories.
  12. Wow, what a great story! Berkeley is liberal!!?? I never knew that!! Have any other brilliant observations so share?
  13. That's Afghanistan/Pakistan, not Iraq.
  14. I hate when people try to compare saving the free world from Nazis and Fascists to nation building for a bunch of backwards morons.
  15. You guys should quit smoking.
  16. It seems to me the oil companies are juts looking to acquire drilling rights to as much public land as possible, they have no desire to drill more now when prices a few years from now will be 10$ per gallon.
  17. My only problem is that if he's been resistant to learning how to use the internet then what other new technology/ideas will he be resistant to in the future?
  18. As of right now no he can't, but I'm sure that he could take 20 minutes and learn it.
  19. I never implied that he couldn't, I just think that the fact that he hasn't proves that his he is out of touch and resistant to change and new ideas.
  20. Why aren't the oil companies then drilling on the 68 million acres they already have permits for?
  21. But isn't digital media much more efficient than hard copies? I don't want the President wasting hours leafing through books/journals when it can be pulled up instantly online. By the way there is more to the internet/computers than just wikipedia. So now we need staffers who at the tax payers expense perform a job so easy a 5th grader can do but the leader of the free world can't?
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