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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Has anyone ever followed through with the full season or "until week 10" holdout?
  2. Really? Link please. Check the trendlines state by state Ohio http://www.pollster.com/polls/oh/08-oh-pres-ge-mvo.php Florida http://www.pollster.com/polls/fl/08-fl-pres-ge-mvo.php Virginia http://www.pollster.com/polls/va/08-va-pres-ge-mvo.php North Carolina http://www.pollster.com/polls/nc/08-nc-pres-ge-mvo.php One candidate is clearly rising, one is clearly falling.
  3. We could have used it during the Flutie/Johnson era, it could have solved alot of problems!
  4. Really? http://www.pollster.com/
  5. http://highschool.rivals.com/content.asp?CID=825031 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IJOm-IJcbg0
  6. He certainly isn't rising in Colorado, Virginia, Missouri, Nevada, North Carolina, New Mexico, and Iowa.
  7. He would need to be hopelessly bad for us to scrap him after this season, like a 7TD 30+Int season.
  8. I have Madden 08 for XBOX 360 but I haven't played in a while. It's hard to find a good online game where your opponent doesn't call the exact same play 99% of the time to take advantage of some glitch in the coding.
  9. THE PRINCE OF DARKNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. And a year later he still didn't understand Ralph's beef with the CBA- 30. Ralph Wilson, Bills Here's a question for you: What business owner voluntarily and conspicuously takes his complaints to Capitol Hill, thereby bringing the spotlight on the perceived failings of his partners and forcing the man who represents them (Goodell) to come rushing to a Senator's office like a chastened schoolboy to explain himself? That's right, it's Rabble Rouser Ralphie, who in April '06 met with U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) to rail against the revenue-sharing agreement that was adopted to appease Ralphie. Goodell was then summoned to Washington last January to discuss, according to Schumer's website, "how to keep the Bills in Buffalo, better ways to protect small market teams, and the current NFL blackout rule and its ill effects on fans in Buffalo, Rochester, and across Western New York." Somewhere in heaven, John Lennon was singing, "Hey, Buffalo Bills, what did you kill, Buffalo Bills?" Way to help the brand, Ralph. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2007/writ...rankings/6.html
  11. It's funny you mentioned this, here is Silver's take on it at the time- Wilson, perhaps the league's least progressive owner, whines so much he makes Weaver look like Jimmy Stewart at the end of It's a Wonderful Life. Even after big-market owners like Kraft and Snyder, in a quest for labor peace, embraced a compromise that would transfer some of their revenues into Wilson's coffers, Wilson threw a public tantrum and voted against the proposal. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writ...pen.mike/3.html
  12. Silver isn't making any sense, at one point he criticizes Ralph for using Toronto to create more revenue but then he blasts him for not selling the naming rights to Ralph Wilson Stadium?
  13. 27. Buffalo Bills – Ralph Wilson: A few months shy of his 90th birthday, Wilson should be in a celebratory mood. Largely because of his bitching, moaning and general grumpiness, Wilson was essentially handed the keys to a monster market, in the form of a deal to play eight games in Toronto over the next five years – one which guarantees his franchise $78 million. “We’ll see if the guy stops whining and complaining now,” one owner says. “Toronto, if you put it in the U.S., would be the fourth-largest city. If Jerry Jones staked a claim to Mexico City, or Robert Kraft did it with Montreal, or Paul Allen wanted to play one game a year in Vancouver, we’d never approve it. Ralph was given a special accommodation because we’re sick of hearing him cry about being in a small market.” Back when he co-founded the AFL, Wilson was considered an innovator. Now he comes off as selfish and stodgy and looking for handouts. It’s also telling that, rather than selling the naming rights, he continues to play his non-Toronto home games in Ralph Wilson Stadium. What a team player. http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news;_ylt=ApKD...o&type=lgns
  14. I really haven't seen any difference in the offenses ran by Mike Sheppard, Kevin Gilbride, Tom Clements, or Steve Fairchild.
  15. I just worry about the excessive protein loss.
  16. I heard that as well, needless to say I'm packing my bags for St John Fisher to PLUCK HIS EYES OUT OF HIS SOCKETS AND FEED THEM TO THE CROWS- HE'S A BRAINLESS GOON, I CAN TELL BY HIS INTONATION!!!!!
  17. A joke can't be offensive as long as it's funny, this joke just wasn't funny.
  18. mmmmmmm, I wonder if anybody ever sneaks hot chicks in at night?
  19. Are the players restricted to x amount of calories per day?
  20. Do they have an all you can eat buffet? Is it only stuff like chicken breasts and brown rice or do they have pizza and burgers too? How many times can they go up?
  21. Didn't he say he wanted to cut Obama balls off?
  22. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1216314328...=googlenews_wsj Example: In 1986 the Tucson Citizen reported that McCain had told the following joke: "Did you hear the one about the woman who is attacked on the street by a gorilla, beaten senseless, raped repeatedly and left to die? When she finally regains consciousness and tries to speak, her doctor leans over to hear her sigh contently and to feebly ask, 'Where is that marvelous ape?' " His spokeswoman said at the time he didn't recall telling the joke, something his current spokesman, Brian Rogers, reiterated to Politico.
  23. I think this is actually too good for Bush!
  24. It's good to hear that he's hanging with Whitner
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