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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. This crime was a crime of hatred not mental illness. He had a very clear rationale for targeting this church citing his own inability to find a job and that his food stamps (how ironic, he was benefiting from a liberal entitlement program) were about to run out as reasons for his attack. He also railed against the Unitarian Universalist denomination as being "liberal," including the church's advocacy for gay and women's rights! How is this different from a Palestinian blowing up Israelis to make a political point? Why is it unreasonable to ask where this hatred of liberals came from? This guy was on hard times and the crap spewed out by Hannity, O'Reilly, and Savage provided a worldview for Adkisson where the fact that he couldn't find a job had nothing to do with the fact he was a low skilled, scruffy looking bigot but was a result of some liberal conspiracy! How come conservatives go nuts when a kid kills someone after playing Grand Theft Auto but refuse to acknowledge that this crime was a result of this guys hatred of liberals??
  2. Good book. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/billsnfl/story/400228.html
  3. Sounds like you and Adkisson have a lot in common! I'm sure that their religion is no more dopey than any of the others.
  4. Insanity wasn't the cause of this crime, hatred was. I'm putting 10 million dollars into escrow this afternoon and if Adkisson successfully uses the insanity defense the money is all yours. How can these media sources corrupt people if no one is watching, listening to, or reading them?
  5. It was Taxi Driver and Jody Foster played the teenage prostitute.
  6. I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with his entire body of work.
  7. A "batshit crazy act" would be something random like Charles Whitman. This church was specifically targeted by Adkisson because of their liberal policies. Was Jody Foster going on the air every night and lambasting Reagan for ruining everything about America?
  8. So he couldn't find a job because of affirmative action? He's not responsible for his inability to hold down a job?
  9. Typical right wing response- I don't like what you're saying so I want you silenced. Why don't you ignore me then?
  10. Did you read the article? The shooting was exactly that- a partisan political statement. Adkisson "stated that he had targeted the church because of its liberal teachings and his belief that all liberals should be killed because they were ruining the country, and that he felt that the Democrats had tied his country's hands in the war on terror and they had ruined every institution in America with the aid of the major media outlets," Investigator Steve Still wrote. Hmmm, I wonder who was filling his head with that?
  11. May I assume you are one of the posters of the opinion that Lynch wasn't drinking that night?
  12. Why are you getting so bent out of shape?
  13. I have no clue who it hurts more.
  14. That actually a huge problem as well. Many coastal communites are spending tons of dough on hauling in sand to rebuild their shorelines.
  15. So you're saying that I created this account over 2 years ago in order to skirt the terms of the TOS? Check my IP address please, this is the only account I've ever had here.
  16. Haha, nice! I'm actually on my webcam now, check me out! http://www.jfsc.tv/index.php
  17. And my secret identity is?
  18. It's not going to make my computer explode will it?
  19. Walk out slowly so I can look at your fine ass...
  20. Where can you move to when you don't have a pot to piss in? What are they supposed to do, move from their 5 thousand dollar house on the Eastside to an apartment in Clarence? With what money??? There's a reason why they are living in the ghetto! It's not because they love it so much.
  21. Your provided links to Op-Eds pieces written by political pundits not scientists. I'm providing SCIENCE! Can you name one scientific body that denies global warming besides the petroleum geologists? I didn't think so. American Association for the Advancement of Science The American Physical Society The Joint Science Academies at the 2008 G8 Summit International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences The National Research Council Federation of American Scientists World Meteorogical Organization American Meteorogical Society International Union of Geological Sciences Geological Society of America American Geophysical Union American Astronomical Society The EPA The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration NASA American Institute of Physics Stephen Hawking (I know he's no Penn Gillette but.....) The CIA and the Pentagon American Chemical Society The Union of Concerned Scientists
  22. Penn Gillette says global warming is bull sh-- and to me his opinion is worth much more than that of every scientific body in the world (with the exception of the petroleum geologists).
  23. You're also assuming that they own a car.
  24. So the only requirements to moving to a new home is either 2 tanks of gas or a bus ticket?
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