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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Paul O'Neill always looked to me like the kind of guy whose hobby was videotaping himself having sex.
  2. I love how you are just making stuff up as you go along. How can we take anything you say seriously again? McClellan got a job after his resignation as senior vice president for corporate and government affairs ofHHB Inc., but that lobbying gig couldn't have paid much right???
  3. This sounds familiar. These are the same excuses that were given about Richard Clark and Paul O'Neill. And what's all this about McClellan needing money and that no one would hire him. It seems like he found himself a pretty good gig after his resination.
  4. I'm not sure if I read you. Are you saying that the nightly cable news viewership is a sample which can then be projected onto the entire population much like a poll?
  5. Apparantly over 70% of the population are liberals, who knew?
  6. 1.He absolutely wasn't fired 2.He "wasn't in the room"? He was a close personal friend of GWB's back from their days in Texas! That's just another GOP talking point.
  7. You still haven't refuted my assertion- How can Fox News embody the "overall view" of America when on average only 2 million of the countries 300 million people watch it nightly? Just because Fox News has largest viewership of the cable news channels doesn't mean it represents America's "overall view".
  8. I knew you never read it. You probably don't even have an opinion on it. You're just busting my balls.
  9. I never referred to any of the content on dailykos, I just used the link so people could view the McClellan video. Dailykos didn't produce the video. Dailykos didn't force McClellan to say that he delivered talking points to Fox News personalities.
  10. You do realize that the USA has a population of over 300 million and approximately 2 million of them (.66 %) watch Fox News every night? That's hardly the "overall view of America".
  11. At least Kerry, unlike Larry Craig and Mark Foley, is partying with CHICKS!
  12. What does dailykos have to do with Scott McClellan stating that as WH Press Secretary he fed Fox News commentators talking points?
  13. Ok, now that's the third time you've used that buzz phrase "third-rate mass marketed history". Can you explain to me (without using google or amazon.com customer reviews) what about the book makes it "third-rate mass marketed history"? "but there's ain't"???????????????
  14. If Kerry wants to hang out with hot young chicks more power to him!
  15. What about Herbert Hoover, he actually might be worse than Bush.
  16. Jimmy Carter is definitely in the bottom 5 but no president has been worse than Bush.
  17. Ok fine, but what problems did you have with the book?
  18. That's a liberal book? What was your problem with it? I though it was pretty interesting except for all the agricultural/horizontal & vertical axis stuff.
  19. I'm merely pointing out how poisonous political discourse has become in this country. You're not the least bit curious as to why this guy had such hatred towards liberals?
  20. Not according to the shooter - "Police say Mr. Adkisson, an unemployed mechanical engineer, left a note listing his own inability to find a job as one reasons for his attack. He also railed against the Unitarian Universalist denomination as being "liberal," including the church's advocacy for gay rights. The FBI is investigating the shooting as a hate crime." I agree! Being a very dark troubled guy doesn't make one insane. Is Stephen King a dark, troubled liberal shooting up churchs?
  21. Remember Virginia Tech? Conservative Oppurtunism Conservative Oppurtunism Conservative Oppurtunism Conservative Oppurtunism And about a million other examples of conservative using one of the worst massacres in U.S. history to push a political agenda.
  22. I think so. Last preseason/ first 3 weeks of the regular season he was all over the field. I like that the guy calling plays in the defensive huddle has obviously got some intelligence.
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