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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Unless he knows something that we don't.............
  2. I seem to remember "the likes of YOU" up in arms when Clinton tried to kill OBL in 1998 and accused him of trying to distract the public from the essential issue at hand-whether or not he got a hummer from a fat chick.
  3. So 9/11 happened because the world liked us too much?
  4. It's nonsense because you can't take anything a person who believes that Michelle Obama "hates America" and is "psycho" seriously.
  5. When did the right "bring a formidable woman to the table"?
  6. You're right, Obama recieved zero national attention between his 2004 DNC speech and his election to the Senate. I mean being featured 642 times in major U.S. publications in the 3 month span between his 2004 DNC speech and his election to the US Senate hardly makes one a national figure. I mean these 10 articles clealry indicate that Obama was still just a local Illinois figure in late 2004- The New York Times October 25, 2004 Monday Late Edition - Final Illinois Democrat Wins Kenyan Hearts, in a Landslide BYLINE: By MARC LACEY SECTION: Section A; Column 3; Foreign Desk; Nyang'oma Journal; Pg. 4 LENGTH: 983 words DATELINE: NYANG'OMA, Kenya, Oct. 19 The Philadelphia Inquirer JULY 27, 2004 Tuesday CITY-D EDITION A rising star gets a key role tonight; Barack Obama, the keynote speaker, already has proven he can reach across societal divides and win support. BYLINE: Carl Chancellor INQUIRER NATIONAL STAFF SECTION: NATIONAL; Pg. A10 LENGTH: 783 words DATELINE: SPRINGFIELD, Ill. Daily News (New York) July 29, 2004 Thursday SPORTS FINAL EDITION ELEPHANT BLUES GOP HAS NO ONE LIKE OBAMA BYLINE: BY STANLEY CROUCH SECTION: EDITORIAL; Pg. 47 LENGTH: 468 words The Washington Times August 2, 2004 Monday Who is Barack Obama? BYLINE: By THE WASHINGTON TIMES SECTION: EDITORIALS; Pg. A16 LENGTH: 481 words The Boston Globe July 27, 2004, Tuesday THIRD EDITION IN OBAMA, DEMOCRATS SEE THEIR FUTURE BYLINE: By Susan Milligan Globe staff SECTION: METRO/REGION; Pg. B8 LENGTH: 1471 words The Washington Times July 29, 2004 Thursday Obama emerges as major party player BYLINE: By Brian A. DeBose, THE WASHINGTON TIMES SECTION: PAGE ONE; 2004 DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION; Pg. A01 LENGTH: 910 words USA TODAY July 29, 2004, Thursday, FIRST EDITION Address throws Illinois' Obama into whirlwind of political hope BYLINE: Richard Benedetto SECTION: NEWS; Pg. 6A LENGTH: 523 words DATELINE: BOSTON The Globe and Mail (Canada) July 28, 2004 Wednesday Early Edition Meet the Democrats' face of the future; He has yet to hold office beyond Springfield, Ill., but 42-year-old Barack Obama is being hailed as the man who could become America's first black president, ALAN FREEMAN reports from the Democratic convention BYLINE: ALAN FREEMAN SECTION: INTERNATIONAL NEWS; Pg. A10 LENGTH: 758 words DATELINE: BOSTON The Washington Post August 5, 2004 Thursday Final Edition Barack Obama, Shaking Up The Sound-Bite Culture BYLINE: Tina Brown SECTION: Style; C01 , TINA BROWN LENGTH: 949 words USA TODAY October 14, 2004, Thursday, FINAL EDITION Obama extends reach beyond Illinois race BYLINE: Debbie Howlett SECTION: NEWS; Pg. 14A LENGTH: 1393 words DATELINE: CHICAGO
  7. A person who brands people they disagree with politically as "Psycho" and "Anti-American".
  8. I'm still waiting for you to tell me specifically what actions and words of Michelle Obama make you believe that she's "Psycho" and "hates America".
  9. And people wonder why An American Carol bombed and The 1/2 Hour News Hour tanked.
  10. Check out these knuckle-dragging mouthbreathers at this McCain-Palin event in Ohio!
  11. John McCain, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden have all been national figures for years whose records had already been vetted by the national media. Why shouldn't the media scrutinize Palin who up until late August was unknown to the vast majority of Americans?
  12. Look at how Obama is outspending McCain in Florida, North Carolina, and Virginia while McCain dropped 1.2 million in Michigan with little success. If the dynamics of the race stay the same I doubt that many Republican donors will be willing to throw good money after bad while Dems will be more likely to give to Obama as he appears to be closer to being elected. http://wiscadproject.wisc.edu/wiscads_release_100808.pdf
  13. Did you hear Stern say last week how he wasn't sure if he wanted to vote for Obama but he felt he was forced to now because of Sarah Palin?
  14. This is what's left of McCain's base.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JYFm5kK4f1k
  16. More Fox News wackiness! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0XnADjMjNk
  17. What's with that grunt McCain keeps making?
  18. Do you think it's a gaffe/infamous moment on the same level as Al Gore sighing and invading GWB's space, GHWB checking his watch during the debate, Dukakis's terrible answer about the rape of his wife, or Gerald Ford's Poland gaffe?
  19. McCain is looking older than ever! Anyone else notice his wheezy breathing?
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