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Everything posted by elegantelliotoffen

  1. Rearrange Sarah Palin and you get Sharia Plan!!!!! HEAD FOR THE HILLS!!!!!!!!!!
  2. Have your children inherited your "nerdy internet addict" gene? How can you teach them not to become "socialists" when you have clue what it means?
  3. So taxes=socialism? Says the guy with 14 thousand posts..................
  4. Check out this genius at the latest Palin rally! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6U54xJFEOzk
  5. Can you specifically fill me in on what makes Obama a socialist?
  6. Hahahahahahaha!!!
  7. GWB turned his base out while at the same time splitting independents with John Kerry and stealing 11% of Democrats.
  8. I would just like for you to describe to me specific examples of how "bureaucrats will be planning your life" and where your "lifestyle is determined by someone other than you" if Obama wins. I'm just curious.
  9. Please explain what you mean by this.
  10. But I thought she was a mavericky reformer?????
  11. Your posts were much more coherent when you stuck to simple cut and paste jobs.
  12. Do you seriously believe that if Obama is elected the goverment will assume control of "running all aspects of your life"?
  13. I doubt the FBI or the SS would employ a disabled 72 year old either.
  14. Watch this and maybe you'll realize how stupid you sound. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f1K4whIv4M0
  15. It was an old woman at a McCain town hall who called Obama an Arab and you could tell by the look on McCain's face that he knows that his campaign's rhetoric is getting out of hand. By the way, Obama is almost a 4 to 1 favorite on Intrade as we speak!
  16. This reminds me of 2004 when the left was flipping out over Bush and Cheney and calling them war criminals, demanding their impeachment and other stuff like that which ultimately turned off alot of independants and moderates. Fast forward to 2008 and McCain/Palin rallies are starting to look like lynch mobs!
  17. Not at all, that's laying blame at the doorstep of the Pentagon and Bush.
  18. I love how it takes the righties to be on the verge of a humiliating landslide loss for them to become converts to what everyone else has known for years.
  19. But what about Bill Ayers?
  20. It's an objectionable thing because McCain is trailing Obama by double digits.
  21. Want to know why all the righties are bugging out right now? Obama is ahead in Missouri Obama is ahead in Virginia Obama is ahead in Colorado Obama is ahead in Florida Obama leads in Nevada
  22. If the voters weren't swayed by the six degrees of separation between the Bush family and the Bin Laden's in 2004 why would you think they'd be swayed by "associations" between Obama and people they've never heard of and that they couldn't care less about?
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